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Decision-making meeting, South multi-ward forum - Wednesday 12 March 2025 7.00 pm

March 12, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting of the South multi-ward forum was scheduled to include a discussion of applications for funding from the council's Cleaner Greener Safer, Neighbourhoods Fund and Devolved Highways schemes, as well as approval of the previous meeting's minutes. It also included a report about underspends from the previous year, and how they were to be reallocated.

Cleaner Greener Safer Scheme

The meeting was scheduled to include consideration of a report about the allocation of the Cleaner Greener Safer fund to projects in the South of the borough.

The report notes that the fund is:

fully aligned with the council’s policies around sustainability, regeneration and community engagement

It also describes the history of the scheme, which has been running since 2003, and its intended uses. The report states that funding can be spent on capital improvements, which means:

permanent, physical changes and projects

It also says that funding allocations to projects within the scheme are made by each of the council's multi-ward forums:

based on a per councillor calculation

The report pack included an appendix that contains all of the applications that were made to the scheme, totalling £328,892.

The applications for funding included bids for things like the installation of electric vehicle charging points and the planting of trees on local housing estates.

Neighbourhoods Fund

The meeting was also scheduled to include consideration of a report about the allocation of the Neighbourhoods Fund to projects in the South of the borough.

The report pack contains an appendix that lists all of the applications that were received, including bids from local community groups and charities.

The largest application was from Roadworks Media CIC, which asked for £70,000 to work with:

at-risk, marginalised and vulnerable youth

Other applications to the fund were for amounts as small as £420.

Devolved Highways Programme

The meeting was scheduled to include consideration of a report about the allocation of the Devolved Highways fund to projects in the South of the borough.

The report describes how the fund can be used to pay for:

the full range of minor traffic and highway capital schemes rather than solely like-for-like repair and replacement

It also states that, like the Cleaner Greener Safer fund, it is allocated to wards:

based on the number of councillors

There are two appendices that list all of the applications for funding that were received. These included bids for tree planting, new cycle hangars, and new traffic calming measures, such as speed humps.

One of the applications was from the Ivanhoe Triangle Green Swifties, a local residents' group, who asked for £1,335 to:

build up our new community greening group supporting our local planting and the endangered Swifts who have chosen our area to nest in.

Another was from the Dulwich Village, College Road and Woodyard Lane Residents Association, who requested £5,000 for:

CCTV monitoring for at least six months (preferably 12) of the junction [of Court Lane, Calton Avenue and Dulwich Village]

They argued that the monitoring is needed because:

thousands of pedestrians use the junction every day. It's imperative it is totally safe for pedestrians. We still see cyclists going through red lights, cycling round pedestrians on the pavements and going through the junction at high speed coming from Calton Avenue.

There was also an officer proposal for £25,396 in additional funding to be allocated to the Half Moon Lane scheme in Dulwich Village.

This scheme was awarded funding in the previous year's round of the Devolved Highways programme.


Councillor Andy Simmons
Councillor Charlie Smith
Councillor Margy Newens
Councillor Jon Hartley
Councillor Esme Hicks
Profile image for Councillor Sarah King
Councillor Sarah King  Cabinet Member for Council Homes •  Labour •  Champion Hill
Councillor James McAsh
Councillor Catherine Rose