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Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Tuesday, 18th March, 2025 7.00 pm
March 18, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to receive an update on the performance of the council against its key targets, and to receive an update on the performance of its libraries.
Corporate Performance
This report provided an update on corporate impact for the period ending January 2025. The framework contains around 90 impact metrics, split across the six shared missions in the Mission Waltham Forest plan. The report was scheduled to draw the attention of Councillors to areas of strategic importance and risk. In particular it highlighted temporary accommodation, the number of repairs to Council-owned homes completed on time, and the number of adults aged 65 and over admitted to care homes.
The report pack included an offline version of the metrics for discussion, and a link to a live online dashboard. The report explained that
From June 2024, a new way of measuring corporate performance was introduced across the Council, including a new set of impact metrics with more detailed commentary, a new dashboard, and an improved process for data collection and monitoring.
Two new metrics have been added to the framework to track levels of staff sickness, and to monitor planning for new homes. The new metrics are:
- Cumulative proportion of working days lost to staff sickness (CPR 95)
- Number of new homes with planning permission or resolution to grant planning permission (CPR 96)
The report pack suggested that there might be a link between the number of over 65s admitted to care homes and the council's new strength-based approaches
for supporting people to live independently.
Library Services Update
This report provided the Scrutiny Committee with an update on the Council run Library Service.
Waltham Forest Council currently operates eight libraries across the borough: Chingford Library, Hale End Library, Higham Hill Library, Lea Bridge Library, Leyton Library, Leytonstone Library, Walthamstow Library, and Wood Street Library.
The report was scheduled to focus on the strategic vision for libraries, the new enhanced
community offer being piloted at Walthamstow Library, and an update on the performance of the service.
The report suggested that in January 2024 the Library service moved to the Stronger Communities Directorate, which brought together preventative services from across the council, with an emphasis on early intervention.
The library service is intended to enable a more coordinated approach to supporting community well-being.
The report pack explained that:
The London Borough of Waltham Forest’s vision for library services is to create vibrant, inclusive spaces that foster lifelong learning, enhance community well-being and ensure residents have everything they need to thrive.
The report described Walthamstow Library as a pilot of an enhanced community offer
and provided information about the types of services provided, the number of sessions provided, and the attendance at those sessions. The report described how library staff are working more closely with other teams, including Adult Early Help, Children's Early Help, Public Health and Employment Support, and explained that 75 library staff have received training in relational practice
The report pack explained the aims of the community offer at Walthamstow Library, including the desire to gather feedback on service improvements, and said:
Waltham Forest Council, in partnership with UCL’s Bartlett & STEaPP (Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy), is developing an evaluation framework and co-designing this offer to better serve local residents. The initiative focuses on gathering feedback from library users, informing service improvements, and shaping the future direction of the library’s community services. Facilitated by UCL STEaPP and supported by LBWF, this collaboration seeks to create inclusive, community-driven spaces that respond to the changing needs and aspirations of the community.
The report pack included a range of statistics about library use and engagement, including the number of visits, book and media loans, the number of active members, and attendance at library events. The report pack also included a range of statistics, photos and materials from the new Community Offer at Walthamstow Library.

- Agenda frontsheet 11th-Mar-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee other
- Public reports pack 11th-Mar-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee other
- Minutes Public Pack 21012025 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee other
- 1 - Corporate Dashboard
- 2 - Council Run Libraries Update
- 2a - Appendix 1 - Libraries Performance
- 2b - Community offer Walthamstow Library
- 3 - The Scrutiny Report - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - 11 March other
- 3a - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee - Draft Fwd Plan 24-25 other
- 3b - Scrutiny Coordinating Action Tracker
- 3c - Action Response - November_Knife Crime Qs other
- 3d Cabinet and ED Forward Plan published 28 Feb 2025 other
- 3e - Scrutiny Committee Forward Plans
- Supplemntary Agenda 11th-Mar-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee other
- Appendix B - Report Metrics
- Supplemntary Agenda 18th-Mar-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 18th-Mar-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee reports pack
- Agenda frontsheet 18th-Mar-2025 19.00 Scrutiny Coordinating Committee agenda