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Cabinet - Wednesday, 12th March, 2025 2.00 pm

March 12, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting approved the Annual report on the Housing Capital Investment Programme for Council Homes, the Royal Greenwich Schools Strategy 2025-2029, the Greenwich Supports Strategy, the New Beresford Square Market Licensing Regime and Rules, and the DG Cities Annual Report. It also agreed the closure of Gallions Mount Primary School, noted the conversion of De Lucy Primary School to an academy, and noted the findings of the LGA peer review on health and adult services.

Annual Report on the Housing Capital Investment Programme

The annual report on the Housing Capital Investment Programme was introduced by Jamie Carswell, the Director for Housing and Safer Communities. The report summarised the capital works undertaken in the 2023-24 financial year.

The year that it reports on 23-24 was the largest capital program that the council's had in its housing for many years, where that investment was targeted to make our council homes safer and drier and greener.

Mr Carswell went on to describe some of the outcomes delivered in the year: 9,000 electrical safety tests were undertaken, 260 homes received new windows, and other works on roofs and rewiring were undertaken. He then explained that the works to improve the energy efficiency of homes had delivered carbon reductions equivalent to planting 10,000 trees. Mr Carswell also noted that the programme had reduced the number of homes that did not meet the Decent Homes Standard1.

Royal Greenwich Schools Strategy

The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People introduced the Royal Greenwich Schools Strategy 2025-2029. The Strategy sets out four key priorities:

  • School resilience
  • A New Learning Partnership
  • SEND provision
  • Supporting children and young people and their families.

The cabinet member described the Greenwich Learning Partnership as a major piece of work that's going to be helping oversee this.

Greenwich Supports Strategy

Councillor Jackie Smith, the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Economy, Business, Skills and Greenwich Supports introduced the Greenwich Supports Strategy. The strategy is a report that we've seen before and the decisions in the report will allow officers to get on with it as soon as possible.

New Beresford Square Market Licensing Regime and Rules

The New Beresford Square Market Licensing Regime and Rules was introduced by Councillor Rachel Taggart-Ryan, the Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Enforcement. She explained that market traders had been involved in the discussions about the revised rules. When the works are finished and the market traders are back, we will implement it then. Beresford Square is currently being redeveloped as part of the Future High Streets Fund project.

DG Cities Annual Plan

The meeting approved the DG Cities Annual Plan. DG Cities is a company, wholly owned by Greenwich Council, that undertakes urban innovation projects.

Determination on the statutory notice to close Gallions Mount Primary School

The cabinet agreed the closure of Gallions Mount Primary School. A member of the public, Charles Burt, who is a teacher at the school, was permitted to address the meeting. He started by outlining the impact of the proposed closure on the community.

I really wanted to start by briefly talking about and expanding on the impact that this potential closure has had on the school community. That isn't just the children themselves and the staff. It's the parents. It's everyone in that grouping. And it's been quite emotional for everyone involved, especially as we've sort of to other places and, you know, hopefully all is going to be great. But I just really wanted to bring that up, that it's not just numbers. It is, you know, kids are involved.

Mr Burt questioned why Gallions Mount had been chosen for closure. He argued that communication from the council during the consultation process had been poor, and that enhanced redundancy terms should be offered to the school's staff.

Florence Kroll, the Director for Children's Services responded, arguing that the decision had been taken with great reluctance. She explained that a combination of declining pupil numbers and an increasing budget deficit meant that the school was no longer financially viable.

And thank you for coming along. And we really do appreciate all the representations the school have made, the parents have made, and do take this matter very, very seriously. And it's not a decision made lightly at all to even start the process. Um, there's been a continuous decline in pupil numbers over the last few years and an increasing budget deficit. And that is the consideration that we have to make to ensure that the school is viable, financially viable, and pupil numbers.

Ms Kroll explained that a number of suggestions for keeping the school open had been considered, but that they had all been rejected. She apologised for the school community's initial lack of clarity about arrangements for the current year 5 cohort. She explained that an offer had been made for pupils in year 5 to move together to South Rise Primary School. Ms Kroll explained that a staff consultation about redundancies was underway. She stated that the future use of the site would be for educational purposes, but that no decision had yet been made.

Conversion to academy status by De Lucy Primary School

The Cabinet noted the conversion to academy status by De Lucy Primary School. The cabinet agreed to repurpose part of the school site for the delivery of designated special provision for children with Moderate Learning Difficulties. It also agreed to delegate the negotiation of leases for the remaining parts of the site.

Feedback from the LGA peer review on health and adult services

The Cabinet noted the findings and recommendations from the Local Government Association peer review of adult social care in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Councillor Mariam Lolavar, the Cabinet Member for Health, Adult Social Care and Borough of Sanctuary praised the report, highlighting some of the achievements of the directorate.

The peer review highlights really great work in the department, including and it gave us a lot to celebrate. So I feel like it's an opportunity I wanted to take and to kind of, I guess, shine a light on the great work that the staff are doing. And so we acknowledge the really powerful use of residents voice at the center of our work. Great use of co-production and focusing on people's strengths and about how we put them in the center of their care and focusing on what they can do.

Ms Lolavar mentioned the valuable contribution of Live Well Greenwich and the unique and celebrated offer of care within our prison service. The report had also highlighted the staff as one of our biggest assets. Councillor Denise Hyland, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources, and Social Value praised the directorate's work with prisoners. The work has really been incredible because, you know, there are lots of conditions that are being and challenges in that environment, but we still maintain really good quality care.

  1. The Decent Homes Standard sets out the minimum standard that social housing should meet. For example, it ensures that homes are in a reasonable state of repair, have reasonably modern facilities and services and provide a reasonable degree of thermal comfort. 


Councillor Averil Lekau
Councillor Sandra Bauer
Councillor Denise Hyland
Councillor Adel Khaireh
Councillor Mariam Lolavar
Councillor Majid Rahman
Councillor Pat Slattery
Councillor Jackie Smith
Profile image for Councillor Rachel Taggart-Ryan
Councillor Rachel Taggart-Ryan  Cabinet Member Community Safety and Enforcement •  Labour and Co-operative •  Middle Park and Horn Park
Chief Executive
Director of Resources
Interim Director of Legal and Democratic Services
Director of Communities and Environment and Central
Director of Housing and Safer Communities
Director of Children's Services
Director of Health and Adult Services