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Strategic Development Committee - Wednesday, 12th March, 2025 6.45 p.m.

March 12, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee approved the planning application for the demolition of the existing building at 100 to 136 Cavell Street and its replacement with a part five, part nine storey building for use as life science space, and they confirmed their earlier decision to grant permission for the demolition and redevelopment of 2-6 Commercial Street, 98,101-105 Whitechapel High Street and the Canon Barnett Primary School.

Redevelopment of 100 to 136 Cavell Street

The proposed development would provide 9,475sq.m of life science floorspace, including both 'wet labs', where chemicals and other biological matter would be tested and analysed, and 'dry' labs, which would be more typical of office workspaces.

The committee heard that the proposal would make a significant contribution to the Council's ambition to create a cluster of life sciences businesses in Whitechapel, which is supported by the Tower Hamlets Local Plan and by the London Plan.

The committee also heard that the existing building was home to the Capital Kids Cricket (CKC) Community Hub, a local charity that provides a range of services including a youth club, exercise classes, and IT training, and that the new development would include provision for the CKC Hub to continue operating from the site.

Councillor Shubo Hussain asked what impact the development would have on the daylight levels at the Silk District, the residential development to the east of the application site. In response, Mr Hussain explained that the impact would be 'major adverse', but that the Silk District was already designed with the expectation that a building of this scale would be built on the 100 to 136 Cavell Street site. He added that the remaining daylight levels at the Silk District would be in line with the daylight levels at other parts of the development.

Councillor Kibriya Choudhury then asked how the community could use the proposed Knowledge Centre. Mr Hussain explained that it would be available for use by the local community free of charge at weekends and on Monday and Friday evenings for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) activities and training, and that the applicant would provide £200,000 to support this work.

Councillor Choudhury then asked if it would be possible to increase the proposed contributions of £300,000 for Sixth Form and University Bursaries, and Mr Buckenham explained that because the contributions had emerged through negotiation with the applicant, the committee could not change them without deferring the application to allow further negotiation.

The committee then heard from Councillor Amin Rahman, who was concerned about the impact that the development would have on the daylight levels at the Silk District, and about the possibility of leakage of dangerous substances from the new development. In response, Mr Hussain explained that the impacts on daylight had been addressed, and that issues like leakage would be managed by a different regulatory regime.

Councillor Iqbal Hussain then expressed his concerns about the concentration of life sciences facilities in the area, and stated that housing should be prioritised over further life sciences developments. He was also concerned about leakage of dangerous substances from the building.

The committee then heard from Councillor Ahmed de Rahman Khan, who stated that the proposal represented a fantastic opportunity for young people, before they heard from Mr Buckenham, who explained that the principle of life sciences on the site was in accordance with Local Plan policy, and that health and safety issues would be dealt with by a separate regulatory regime.

When put to the vote, five councillors voted in favour of the officer recommendation to grant planning permission and four councillors voted against.

Redevelopment of 2-6 Commercial Street, 98,101-105 Whitechapel High Street and Canon Barnett Primary School

The committee were asked to confirm their intention to approve the demolition and redevelopment of the site at 2-6 Commercial Street, 98, 101-105 Whitechapel High Street and Canon Barnett Primary School.

The committee heard that the scheme, which had previously been recommended for refusal, would provide a new 18 storey office building with a community hall and a relocated school playground, and that it was the officers' view that the scheme would constitute inappropriate development in the Whitechapel High Street Conservation Area.

Mr Buckenham explained that there were two significant planning considerations to be aware of if permission were granted. Firstly, because the site is outside of a Tall Building Zone, it could set a precedent that would undermine the consistent and proper application of the development plan. Secondly, it was likely that the site would be removed from the Whitechapel High Street Conservation Area after the scheme was built.

Councillor Shubo Hussain then asked if the applicant would be making a contribution to fund the proposed new school building on the site, and Mr Buckenham explained that they would not.

Councillor Kibriya Choudhury then asked if the proposed £1,223,905 contribution towards end-user-phase employment skills training would be spent on Tower Hamlets residents, and if so, how many jobs would be created by the programme. Mr Buckenham explained that the money would go to the council's growth and economic development team to support the work they do to get people into employment, and that it would be impossible to tell how many people would be supported, or how many jobs would be created as a result of the programme.

Following these questions, the application was unanimously approved.


Profile image for Councillor Jahed Choudhury
Councillor Jahed Choudhury  Chair of Strategic Development •  Independent •  Lansbury
Profile image for Councillor Iqbal Hossain
Councillor Iqbal Hossain  Chair of Development Committee •  Aspire •  Lansbury
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 (Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Social Care) •  Aspire •  Poplar
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 (Cabinet Member for Culture and Recreation) •  Aspire •  Whitechapel
Profile image for Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain
Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain  Labour Party •  Bromley South
Profile image for Councillor Kabir Hussain
Councillor Kabir Hussain  Independent •  Spitalfields & Banglatown
Profile image for Councillor Amin Rahman
Councillor Amin Rahman  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
Profile image for Councillor Rebaka Sultana
Councillor Rebaka Sultana  Chair of General Purposes •  Labour Party •  Bethnal Green East
Profile image for Councillor Leelu Ahmed
Councillor Leelu Ahmed  Labour Party •  Mile End
Paul Buckenham
Gareth Gwynne
Justina Bridgeman
Profile image for Councillor Ahmodur Khan
Councillor Ahmodur Khan  Scrutiny Lead for Resources •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Simon Westmorland
Adam Hussain