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Extraordinary, Audit Committee - Thursday, 13th March, 2025 6.45 p.m.

March 13, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Audit Committee accepted the external auditor's statutory recommendations on the delayed closing of accounts and the implementation of historic audit recommendations. They did not accept the action plan presented to them about procurement, and will receive a more detailed plan at their next meeting.

Statutory Recommendations Issued by External Auditors

The Committee discussed the statutory recommendations made by the external auditor EY about the 2022-23 accounts. EY issued three recommendations about the accounts, which had been presented for approval four months late.

The first recommendation, that the Council should continue to reassess roles, responsibilities, and resource requirements for financial reporting, was accepted. This followed a detailed discussion of an action plan presented by the Council's finance team. This included the recruitment of extra staff and the provision of training to address the issues that had led to the statutory recommendation. It also included a commitment from the Council to ensure that sufficient and appropriate audit evidence is available, which was the second recommendation made by EY.

Councillor Francis asked the finance team about organisational memory within the finance department. He was concerned by a lack of clarity about which budgets should pay for different things, and wanted to be sure that money was being spent appropriately. Abdul Razak Asim, the Director of Finance, said in response that since we implemented Power BI, corporate directors are able to see that, budget holders are able to see that, and action journals to move them around. Power BI is a data analysis tool. The finance team were confident that the implementation of Power BI, alongside other measures, meant that they were now on top of the issues.

The second statutory recommendation made by EY was that the Council requires to put in place an action plan and arrangements to monitor the timely implementation of internal audit recommendations and management actions arising from internal audit reports which are reported to the Audit Committee. David Joyce, the Council's Corporate Director of Resources, presented a report that described how the Council monitors the implementation of its internal audit recommendations. He explained that the Council's internal audit team had been reviewing the implementation of historic recommendations that resulted in limited or no assurance audit opinions1. He said that the internal auditors had identified 78 recommendations from the 2023-24 financial year that required follow-up, and that they had found that only 7% of these recommendations had been fully implemented. He said that they had also identified 108 recommendations from 2024-25 that needed follow-up, and that 29% of these had been fully implemented. He told the committee that they would receive a report every quarter that showed the implementation rates of recommendations.

Councillor Chowdhury asked officers How long do officers think and believe it will take us to solve these issues arising from last year's accounts? In response, David Joyce said that there was no timescale for when all of the recommendations might be fully implemented, but he said that what should happen over time is these percentages in terms of implementation should increase. He said that his team would provide a quarterly report on this to the Committee.

The third statutory recommendation, about procurement, was discussed in the part of the meeting that was not open to the public.

  1. An audit opinion is the formal statement made by an auditor about an organisation's accounts. A limited or no assurance opinion is a negative outcome, and means that the auditors were unable to reach a clear conclusion about the accounts, or that they found significant issues. 


Profile image for Councillor Mufeedah Bustin
Councillor Mufeedah Bustin  Chair of Audit •  Labour Party •  Island Gardens
Profile image for Councillor Amin Rahman
Councillor Amin Rahman  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
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 (Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Inclusive Development and Housebuilding) •  Aspire •  Weavers
Profile image for Councillor Asma Begum
Councillor Asma Begum  Labour Party •  Bow West
Profile image for Councillor Bodrul Choudhury
Councillor Bodrul Choudhury  Scrutiny Lead for Housing and Regeneration •  Aspire •  Bromley South
Profile image for Councillor Marc Francis
Councillor Marc Francis  Labour Party •  Bow East
Profile image for Councillor Harun Miah
Councillor Harun Miah  Aspire •  Shadwell
Charlotte Webster  Independent Person
Farhana Zia
Profile image for Councillor Asma Islam
Councillor Asma Islam  Chair of Overview and Scrutiny •  Labour Party •  Weavers
Profile image for Councillor Ahmodur Khan
Councillor Ahmodur Khan  Scrutiny Lead for Resources •  Aspire •  Blackwall & Cubitt Town
Profile image for Councillor Amina Ali
Councillor Amina Ali  Labour Party •  Bow East
Profile image for Councillor Ahmodul Kabir
Councillor Ahmodul Kabir  Aspire •  Bethnal Green East