Hi, I'm Councillor Adrian Garden, Councillor for British and Rush Common Ward
And I'm Councillor M&I, Councillor for Knights Hill Ward
And I'll come over to offices for introductions in a moment
Oh, a little bit of feedback there, sorry
So good afternoon everybody and welcome to the meeting of the Licensing Subcommittee
As I mentioned, my name is David Robson
And I have a few announcements to make for the meeting rules
The meeting has been hosted by Lambeth and has been broadcast live
I should have checked that before we started, sorry
Via audio minutes and recordings may be used for quality and training purposes
In the event that any technical issues require the meeting to be adjourned
And it cannot be restarted within a few minutes
Further updates will be posted on the council's X account
Which is at LBL Democracy
There's no scheduled fire alarms here because it just went off an hour ago
But should the alarm be heard again, I'll have to duck out
So yes, don't worry about that
But to ensure that this meeting runs smoothly
Only one individual will be allowed to speak at a time
Please ensure, as I've mentioned previously, that your microphone is muted
Unless you're speaking
Any person speaking must be permitted to finish what they are saying without interruption
And if I request that an individual stop speaking
They should do so immediately
Interruptions may result in you being disconnected from the meeting
Also, just try and make sure that your names are clearly in the name bar
And that there's no distracting backgrounds either when you're speaking
Sorry, Mr Roche, if you could just mute yourself at the time being
Until we finish that, that would be great
In fact, I'll do it
There we go, done
Okay, with that in mind
Members of the public, if they are present
Are welcome to record or tweet the public proceedings of the meeting
And also please be advised that the subcommittee will notify the interested parties of its decision on each application
Within five working days
So that gets the announcements bits out of the way
We move on to declarations of interest
Do any of my colleagues have declarations of interest in either application?
And the minutes of the previous meeting, could we take them as agreed?
Thank you
Okay, over to officers quickly, just for quick introductions
If I can go over to Jacqueline and Kaya
And then Selina
Good afternoon everyone, I'm Jacqueline Pennycook, Democratic Services
Good afternoon, my name is Kaya Small, I'm a Democratic Service Officer
Taking the audio minutes today
Thanks Kaya
Hi, I'm Selina Wiafi and I'm the legal advisor to the subcommittee this afternoon
And then we'll come over to the officers who you'll be hearing from a little bit shortly
But in alphabetical order
Go with you Justin
Good afternoon, my name is Justin Atkinson
I'm the licensing officer for Lambeth Council
Good afternoon, my name is Paul Richards, I'm the licensing manager
Brilliant, thank you
You'll be hearing from more of them shortly as we go through the meeting
So we have two applications in this meeting, one is
The first up we're going to deal with is juicy papers
Sorry, I'm just going to, I'm getting a bit of feedback from you Mr Rocha
So I've just popped you on mute please, so don't unmute yourself just yet
And then the second hearing is going to be La Teresa
Oh, I can see, I think I probably understand
Mr Rocha, the reason why we're getting feedback is because you've got two computers up here
So that's why we're getting the feedback, so if you could pick one, unless the other is really necessary
But we'll be coming to you next anyway
So I think you've got a bit of time to get that sorted
So, juicy bagels first up
And Paul, I believe you're all standing in for Marcia to introduce this one
That's correct Chair
Thank you
And again, good afternoon everyone
So today I'm here to present the case for Juicy Bagels
Which is situated at 168 Acre Lane, London SW25U L
This is an application seeking a new premises licence
The application is for late night refreshment and the sale of alcohol
The application is seeking the following licensable activities
Late night refreshment on the Friday and Saturday
From 2300 hours to 0100 hours
Sorry, I'm going to have to remove that
I'm going to remove that from the meeting
If they can ask you
Because, sorry to interrupt you Justin
But whoever, sorry Mr Rocha
Could you just confirm who's at that other computer please
I'm going to try to switch off here
I'm going to try to disconnect because there's a lot of echo
That's it, thank you
Okay, thank you
Thank you
Paul, continue please
Sorry about that
That's okay
This application is seeking the following activities
Late night refreshment Friday and Saturday
From 2300 hours to 0100 hours
And the sale of alcohol Friday and Saturday from 10am to 0100 hours
Monday to Thursday, 100 hours to 2300 hours
And Sunday, 100 hours to 2300 hours
In attendance for this application is the applicant
Apologies if I mispronounce your name
Is Miss Tulloch
And her licensing representative is Mr Daly
During this consultation, four representations were received
Against the application from members of the public
The applicant subsequently agreed conditions
Which can be found on page 34 to 41 of the report
And also agreed for the commencement time of the sale of alcohol
To commence at 1100 hours
Which is in line with our licensing policy
We sent out notices of hearing
We had one acknowledgement from Susan
Who said she'd be attending
Her representation is on page 46
The application form and plans can be found on page 29 to 38 of the report
The agreed conditions are on 39 to 41
And the representations against the applications are on pages 43 to 46
And there's a picture and location of the map of the premises
Which can be found on page 47
This concludes my introduction
However, if there are any questions, I'm happy to answer
Thank you very much, Paul
Any questions from committee at this stage?
I suppose an only kind of point of order would be
Given that Marcia had been previously handling this and Susan isn't here
I just wonder if she has received the meeting invitation in time
And that if not, maybe forward on to
Chair, I can confirm that the four residents
All parties were sent out the notice of hearing
And we received an email back from Susan
Saying that she will be attending
Okay, but as long as all that's been adhered to
And if they decide not to show up, that's on them
But brilliant, thank you
Okay, so I believe now we go over to Mr. Daly
Sorry, is the applicant here as well?
Sorry, is it Ms. Tullock?
If so, I would just say just to pop your camera on please
During this part of the hearing
And then Mr. Daly, when you're ready, you've got up to five minutes
Thank you, firstly, a couple of things I'd like to point out in relation to this application
Is in relation to the representations, there's no evidence behind what's been submitted
And secondly, one of the most pertinent elements of this application is that
All responsible authorities have been consulted
There was ongoing discussions and all agreed
I think we can come to the representations and such later
I don't think, you know, if you could just introduce the application in your
Up to five minutes, that'd be brilliant
So, this is a modest application
It's within policy hours
Conditions have been agreed with all responsible authorities
In relation to your determination, we would ask you to grant the application
As has been agreed with all the authorities
And that is an element supported within the 182 guidance
Specific sections I'd refer to would be 9.12
Which relates to each responsible authority will be an expert in their respective field
The second
At 9.37 of this 182 guidance, which says as a matter of practice
Licensing authorities should seek to focus the hearing on the steps considered appropriate
To promote the particular licensing objective or objectives
That have given rise to the specific representation and avoid strain into undisputed areas
I appreciate Councillor and Chair that we'll be moving on to the representations at some point
But the difficulty with this application is that where we have agreed those conditions
Especially with the police
They are thorough
There are a number of them
And they will serve to ensure that the licensing objectives aren't undermined
The difficulty with the representations that have been made by local residents
Is they are speculative
Unfortunately there is no evidence to back up
Okay, carry on
Carry on please
Well there isn't any evidence to back it up
If we look at the relevant case law involved in that
It's Thwaites versus Wirral Council
And that was an application for a review of a premises license
Which was based on neighbours complaining about a certain premises
It went to the Magistrates Court which supported the licensing committee's decision
And it went to the Crown Court
When it went to the higher courts
The courts determined that actually any decisions of a licensing subcommittee
Should be based on evidence
And they can't be based on speculative representations
With the representations
While I appreciate there are concerns in the area
The hours have been amended to prevent any sort of late night issues at the premises
The premises itself
Whilst it will serve alcohol
While ceded ancillary to food
It is modest
I think if you have a look at the plans attached to the application
There is only a small seating area
This premises seeks to enhance the community rather than
Cause any issues
The applicant is keen to start trading
There's been some delay since the application was made in November
Which has caused issues with the landlord
They are
Still determined
And if you're minded to grant the application to
Participate in any
Hubwatch schemes
Any local initiatives
Anything to prevent ASB
I think having a premises that's well run
And in an area like this will only
Seek to deter any persons who are mentioned within the representations
That may be causing issues within the area
But ultimately the premises hasn't opened yet
So whilst there may be issues within the area
They can't be attributed to a premises which hasn't begun trading yet
I think at this stage I'm happy to take any questions
Brilliant thank you Mr Daly
Committee I'll throw over to you first
Can I pick off Councillor Gardner?
Okay I'll kick off
Very simple one
Just for the avoidance of doubts
You are saying that our licensing department is happy with all the condition
You have accepted all the conditions that they have put forward
And you've said the police are happy also with what you're presented
Can you confirm that?
You have
Okay that's all
Councillor Nye
Hi yeah I'd just like to ask a bit about your dispersal plans
And how you would be enforcing new licensing
I don't know if that's something you've discussed with the applicant
Or had a lot of thought about
With this application and any application in fact
So part of what I'll always do is
You'll see there's conditions there
Conditions related to training policies etc
So I believe that all the training should be free
There's no additional charge
It's all available on the website
We operate a kind of a train the trainer scheme
So if you were to have a look at the website
I can send you a link later on
There's a free training section
Staff will be issued a sort of a training manual
Which will include all sorts of elements
Safeguard and crime scenes
What we'll do with this premises is include a dispersal policy
I think it's going to have to be a dynamic document
Because given the nature of the premises
It's not going to be the sort of premises
Whereby there will be a huge congregation of people
And then suddenly when we stop serving alcohol
They're all going to go out in the street
The expected trade within this premises
It's just going to be continuous over the day
So in relation to dispersal at the premises
We expect that most patrons will simply come in
Eat and go or leave with a takeaway meal in a bag
If there is any issues around congregation outside the premises
Be they from patrons or non-patrons
We can certainly tweak the dispersal policy
But we don't really have any major concerns at this point
Thank you again
I think I kind of just want to come at that point a little bit
But I think you've kind of answered some of it there Mr Daly
And I think it's really welcome that the agreed conditions have been met
Within the police licensing
So but it was just kind of on that note of
You know loitering
Say if I've been at the Hope and Anchor
And then decide to kind of pop over
And I'm determined to have a bagel
And that could be one of the issues that maybe have been referred to with
Representations again all completely speculated living
We don't know if it's in the pipeline but I just wondered
Yeah with the dispersal policy if that has been thought of
To then be included just to be preventative basically
And to have that kind of in mind
Yeah and we certainly can do
I think looking at the where we've reduced our hours now
We'll probably be closed before the Hope's closed
So it shouldn't hopefully fingers crossed won't be an issue
If you're minded to grant the application
But obviously we can we can work with
The applicant to ensure it's not
Yeah and a question if I may just directly to Miss Tulloch
I mean I just wondered do you like how much well do you know Aker Lane
Are you familiar with the area?
Not that that's specifically a
Yeah no I've grown up in Lambeth
I've grown up in Brixton
My daughter's father used to live on Aker Lane
So I know the area extremely well
Families from not directly from Aker Lane but as I said Lambeth
Interesting thank you
So I'm aware of the worries and that's not something that I want to bring to the area
Or add on or it's my worst nightmare if I'm totally honest
It's not something that I want and it's something that we've been discussing
And talking about it quite thoroughly
And as Mr Daly said any precaution or any training or anything that can help
That not happen that's what I'm here for
Thank you Miss Tulloch
Are there any other questions comments to either Miss Tulloch or directly to Mr Daly
And then
We're not going to deliberation just yet
So I think you'll get a kind of right reply I think Mr Daly
But unless you wanted to comment on some of those points there
It was it was only about that and just the support that I'm happy to give Ashaka
So my background's in
I used to run pubs when I first came over to the country
As you can tell from my accent I'm not a Lambeth resident originally
And I don't live around the area but I've got a background in managing premises
I worked for the Metropolitan Police as a licensing officer in five different boroughs
And also on the central licensing team which deals with policy and planning
So we conducted audits of licensed premises all across London
I've also worked as a local authority licensing officer
So I understand the pain that Mr Richards may feel sometimes
But genuinely I mean we've been in contact with me and Ashaka for a good time
It's not the case that I'm just going to disappear and she gets the license
And then I'm not here to help her
I'm quite happy if she's got any issues you can just drop me a message
Everything's there and keep supporting her through her journey
Thank you for that
So interested parties we would move on to next
However I can't see that they are here
So with that in mind I suppose before we go off to deliberate
Yeah, is that correct?
Yep, unless there was any other kind of comments, questions
From either of yourselves
Right, well hold fire, pop the kettle on
And we'll probably be back at an undisclosed time
Thanks very much everyone, we'll be not too long
Thank you
Hi everybody
Just checking I've got my team here
And both applicant and representation are here
Yes, everyone's here so you can proceed when you're ready
Thank you
Pretty, I was just waiting for you to put your camera on
Lovely, thank you
Okay, so having considered the application and heard from the applicants and agents
Members of the licensing subcommittee have resolved to grant the application with the agreed conditions
Settled with Lambeth licensing
Members are satisfied that the imposition of the agreed conditions are appropriate in promoting the licensing objectives
So with that we say thank you very much to you both
And yeah, all the best and thanks for this afternoon
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Take care, bye bye
Bye bye
Bye bye
Okay, moving on to the second application for the afternoon
I believe, Justin, are you introducing this one?
Good afternoon Chair, that's correct?
Thank you
Brilliant, excellent
Good afternoon
Up to you
Thank you Chair, good afternoon all
My name is Justin Atkinson
Currently employed by Lambeth Council as a licensing officer
And a case officer for this application
I'm here to present to you today a case relating to a very other premises license application
Submitted by La Tereza Clapham Limited
And represented by Jose Manuel Rocha, who is their agent
The application was validated on the 15th of December 2024
The end of consultation occurred on the 12th of January 2025
During the statute 28 day consultation period
Two representations were received in response to the application
The first was from the licensed authority
And the second was from the public protection environmental health team
Both in their capacity as responsible authorities
These representations made in the corners with the licensing act 2003
Which included the prevention of public nuisance
And the prevention of common disorder
Are the two of the four licensing objectives that were of concern
The licensing authority's representation raised concerns about the proposed operating hours
Which exceeded the recommended times outlined in the council's licensing policy
The policy indicates that extending hours beyond the recommended times
Could potentially conflict with its aim to promote a balanced approach to late night activities
While mitigating negative impacts on the community
The public protection environmental health officers' representations further emphasized concerns
About public nuisance citing the risk of increased noise and disruptions by nearby residents
Particularly during non-social hours
Following on from the end of consultation further discussions took place amongst responsible authorities
In doing so public protection environmental health
Formally withdrew the representation on the 6th of March 2025
And this was shared amongst all interested parties on the 7th of March 2025
In attendance here today as a represents a representative for this application on behalf of the
Tereza Clapping Limited is Jose Manuel Rocha
And the remaining representation received against this application on behalf of the license authority
The officer representing the responsible license authority who is in attendance today is Paul Richards
In this application
They are seeking to amend and vary the current
Lifestyle activities which are live music, recording music, performance and dance, late night refreshments and sale by retail of alcohol
The variation is seeking to increase the hours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday by one hour from 1am till 2am
The full report can be found under items B page 49 to 102 in the public report pack
The summary report can be found on page 49 to 53
The application can be found on page 57 to 76
Representations against the application can be found on pages 77 to 80
And during the consultation conditions were agreed amongst RAs and can be found on pages 81 to 85
Subsequently these conditions were updated and as mentioned previously was
Submitted to all interested parties on the 7th of March 2025
The current premises license can be found on pages 87 to 100
And the map of the premises can be found on pages 101
This is the end of my introduction if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask
Thanks Justin anything from either Emma or Adrian at this stage?
So I just want to confirm I know we you mentioned Justin there's the licensee in attendance today
Because we didn't have confirmation and I saw someone sat next to Mr Rocher so I just wanted to have that clarified
So I did ask Mr Rocher if the licensee was attending um and he did uh and I said if he was attending please can you send me his contact details and I think
Jose Manuel recently his own contact details so
Manuel could you just confirm is this the licensee and
Mr Lewis is next to me Mr Lewis
Thank you
I can also confirm that the licensee and DPS is the new licensee and DPS since November 2024
and has no affiliation to the previous license that had lapsed
Thank you Justin okay um without no further ado for comments uh Mr Rocher um come up to yourself
uh to introduce the application you've got up to five minutes
Thank you very much the counsellors and everybody in the panel
um so we the the terraza uh is uh it's been here in Clapham for a few years now is um
is a restaurant the spanish restaurant with entertainment
um and the reason we apply for us we apply for this variation uh because we would like to keep the
hours as we had before and activities now they they lost the license last year during the
I think in October do the technical errors because they pay somebody to do the license transfer because
from one company to another and and that that transfer wasn't done properly they submit the wrong
paperwork so because of that they lost the license we had to start everything again so we applied for a
new license I think in October November
uh was granted and no at the time no objections from neighbors and from the authorities uh and we
applied for one o'clock in the morning um sale of alcohol and relevant entertainment now because
that some customers they get used to they used to to stay until longer especially Fridays and Saturday
this is why we apply for a variation to keep the same hours we as before on the previous license and
nothing nothing else um when we submit this premise license variation we didn't have any
representation from the neighbors but we had meetings and discussions with the mr justin and mr the
environmental health officer the noise officer he visit the premises he recommend us to create a lobby
on the entrance outside and he also we changed the position of the speakers he recommend that we
implement the noise limiter what we did and it's going to be installed tomorrow so we have already
physical the the the sound limited so we this is a restaurant with entertainment we are not at this
corner nightclub so people come here to eat and then they have fun they have dancing we apply for
thursday fridays and saturdays to be honest the best day for us is has been always is saturdays and
saturdays so we don't mind to keep it friday and saturday and remove the thursday and see if the
committee would like to is keen to grant the license but fridays and saturday special saturday that hour
from one o'clock in the morning until two make a big difference for the business because what's
happening now is people uh the when they finish the clap of my street we are parallel to the clap of my
street they move and they go to another place to to have fun and have some drinks and we lose that
that trade and to be honest as you know as restaurants suffer a lot at the moment for many many reasons i
don't need to mention because everybody is aware of that uh we need to keep the business running we need
to keep the jobs we need to keep the street with customers and people enjoying the times and otherwise
we end up uh with empty shops empty streets unemployment and this creates a lot of pressure
to everybody as you know uh but uh so that is what i need to say uh i think the conditions we
suggested said he also the proposed we accept so he's kept a couple of things extra that was uh
previous within dev on the license and um so it's i don't for now i don't have nothing to say
any questions please let me know thank you thank you mr roger i'm sure there'll definitely be a few
questions but it was a really firm and uh introduction so thanks very much for that um i'll refer to the
panel of um who wants to kick off shall i cancel and i shall i come to you on the first with this one
sure my question is the same as it was to the last um applicant actually how um are you going to
organize your dispersal policy please so we're gonna we're gonna implement a dispersal policy
um that is to be agreed by the police and the license team uh i think i sent i don't know i'm not
sure if i already sent to mr justin the the draft of the policy i think maybe he can confirm
um that we did already for some some customers and the dispersal policy so we implement some some
measures to to protect the noise and the noise people as an example they they'll they'll be is
they leave the premise in small groups there's always somebody always outside asking customers to
respect the neighbors and we have agreements with local minicabs and we have like i don't have here
in writing but in in writing but it's the kind of things that usually we submit to the police
and the the licensee officer and they approve or they can have a few more informations if they want
that will be the dispersal policy apart from the signers of course they have outside inside asking
customers to um to to respect their neighbors we have a limit for numbers of people smoking outside
and that is what is important for us in terms of the dispersal policy okay thank you
um any other questions i've got a few but i think i i'll offer it to the panel first before i dive in
um councillor garden you're on mute i'm afraid you're on mute councillor garden i know that i know
that i'm sorry i'm no longer on mute you're not um there were 19 uh noise complaints uh between 2022
and 24 can you tell me if there were any of those took place after november last year i.e when you took
over the so as you and i don't complain for you in november no no no the all these complaints is related
with the previous company and the previous management um nothing to do since we have a new license to be
honest that was that was the point of the question thank you for that answer good uh second one is um
by accepting conditions 30 31 32 33 and 34 you've satisfied licensing on all the things they've asked for
including a safe space uh the only objection is that you've intimated yourself is the thursday
is beyond the recommended uh times you're wanting to change from 12 till two you intimated that you
might sacrifice that a bit would you be saying 12 would you change the 12 to one or even to 12.
- yes on on a thursday we will keep the same as we we have at the moment um and we'll keep the
variation for fridays and saturdays because to be honest we don't want to create a pressure when there
is no need it we really want to apply for the days we really need it and we decide to
which is right yeah excellent i think you've taken the wind out of my sails
uh for the moment no further questions thank you thank you um so i suppose i'd just like to hear a
little bit more on the business model like i know you've just alert alert to mr roger in the sense that
you know clapham's a busy area and uh it's it's when we've seen in the conditions that there's no
vertical drinking and so i just kind of want to hear a little bit more about then the variation in
terms of the live music uh you know you mentioned i think dancing as well or something so i just would
like to get walk walk me through as if i'm there okay uh i'm gonna try to do my best um usually what's
happening here in this type of restaurant um when this is a spanish restaurant and we have a dj on
weekends not like we have only we don't have live music so this is one of the things we spoke with
a license team and mr justin and the environment hockey said so we we don't have this live music
but people we have a dj we have a cd player and what's happening with this type of restaurants is
a tapas bar restaurant when people come to this place especially weekends they they remind a little
bit holidays you know so they want to dinner enjoy birthday party and they see if they could listening
they could dancing a little bit they'll be fantastic because it's two in one um and uh of
course uh because we is we are not like a barrel a typical bar of pub where people can drink without
it now we want to sell our food we have a fantastic food we have fantastic players fantastic tapas calamari
muscles but at the end we have sangria people like to to dance listening a little bit music because
for the point of view of customer they like to stay in the same place they don't like to move around
because uh is they don't they don't want problems they they know it's here is a safe place this is a
fantastic area and uh it's a lot of local people coming here and this is kind of setup of business
we we want to keep it and we we will be satisfied we'll be fantastic if we could have extension until
fridays and saturdays for two o'clock because one extra hour but but that is the the model i don't know
see if you know they see if you know the business but some local counselors they they are local and
they know for one reason or another maybe when they come here for a dinner party uh but yeah that
that is the idea of the the the the how how this work in terms of restaurant is restaurant with music
and give a little bit of boost to people when they getting upset because of the weather when they
came here they for a moment for a couple of hours they think yeah they are in ibiza or in spain or
costa del maro i'm from portugal so i miss the sun i miss the sea and uh and when i come to these
places at least for one hour or two i'm happy then come back again the next day there is another there's
another day thank you mr roca so um i mean yeah no declaration of interest but you mentioned about
knowing the air i know very well so i'm obviously clapham resident i'm uh although this is in clapham
east i'm other side of the tracks but somewhere i know very well indeed and i know how busy
clapham high street gets uh on a friday and saturday night so there was two points i kind of wanted to
raise because of how busy it gets i don't know if yeah your colleague your uh uh colleague there is
aware of uh something that happens in in clapham every friday evening which is called the friday
night briefing that's run by this is clapham and that's trying to get the businesses working together
to be sharing intelligence or even working with her about the prevention of some of the licensing
objectives i just wanted to kind of flag that if you knew about that and if so would they be
interested in at least that sending a representative from that to be at that meeting every friday
that will be interesting to us to join in we like that because we want to know exactly um it's
important for for the area and for the residents and for the business that everybody knows what is the
problems in the area uh with a few years ago was was very powerful the pub watch but the pub watch
because pubs have been closing down unfortunately um the pub watch lost the power and then start to
change for uh crime reduction partnerships or um local associations that after covid also slow down
a bit because ideally license in all the country from newcastle to brighton to newkey and this incredible
all so i think now we see again the interest in certain areas to get this boost again and create this
associations what i think is very important for people to join or the manager or the
and to join them so we are more than happy to participate because given your location of the
high street it's obviously very different somewhere else but as you said it's all kind of linked up as
people maneuver but um and then the other concern that kind of linking in from that
is i'm not sure i kind of heard um from the dispersal policy um or kind of going through the
conditions of crowd control and how are you going to manage your you know that crowd outside we we're
going to employ door supervisors uh so here a lot of people they do uh booking doesn't it say though
that you would do a risk assessment about that would you not like to firm up that condition that you
would have yes we don't mind to to to add that condition but we always this restaurant is people
normally they book for uh to coming here and eat because on on the weekend could be busy and people
knows that uh that's if they don't have a table and people when they come here they don't eat in 15
minutes they stay uh and to avoid disappointments we incentivate people do the booking and then
we with the booking we know exactly so that we don't expect people queuing outside waiting to be
in and to to come out to come in um and that is one of the things that um it's a difference between
the disco disco is go or a nightclub and we're waiting for the for the doorman to look at us and
see if recognize us that does it probably it's it's like you said louise it's a lot of families
coming to um people who knows each other so we have a little bit of this problem uh avoid that
problem but so there's no outdoor smoking area uh there is outdoor smoking area for eight people
that is what we agree on the conditions yeah okay but sorry but was that i think you just kind of
referred to but i don't know we quickly passed it that you said you would be privy to have si a staff
on yes yes rather than the risk okay yeah okay well i think that was it for me pretty much i think
unless there was any other kind of question from colleagues councillor garden it's only what you've
just been saying um condition 32 talks about a dispersal policy shall be drawn up in agreement with
the police licensing team and licensing service so licensing has got to be happy with the uh
dispersal policy you draw up um and information to be included but not limited to a minimum of excess
i approved door supervisors welfare intoxication i mean i think everything you're alluding to
licensing can ensure are in the agreed dispersal policy within what's already there
you need yeah yeah yes yes you know it's good okay that's it yeah nothing further yeah so if you
were looking to mr roger to confirm not me yeah no i was looking at mr roger to see if he nodded and
it looked as if he nodded yes okay lovely um councillor nye one final question for me which is just
obviously there's a relationship between the people who held the license and the new license
um what uh involvement did the applicant have in running the business was could you just talk through
what the this the the with the new license the the new company so one of the the person who was
managed a place was on the front was a gentleman called manolo it was a spanish guy he left the
company they closed the company and louis was another partner uh and that partner is now is he owns the
company and uh he's a new manager so it's uh the the previous one he left already so i think he's in
spain in vigo or coruña or something enjoy the weather yeah i think it was just clarification
though what his relationship was in that business so you mentioned he was a partner in it but yes yeah
yeah yeah yeah okay um okay um i think that's all from the committee in terms of questions i think
now we turn to our interested parties and we come over to mr richards on behalf of the licensing authority
um thank you chair um i think it was it was my representation or the licensing representation
was um explained in detail by my colleague justin in the in the opening presentation um and as you can
see um we have been in negotiation with mr russia who i would say it's been very complimentary in
getting this application through um agreeing the conditions etc and also taking on the final condition
condition 34 um agreeing for the premises to be used as a safe space which is something the licensing
authority and lambeth are championing on um and we are probably uk's leading on safeguarding within the
nighttime economy now again i say thank you mr russia um just looking over our notes and our conversations just
one aspect one aspect and probably ox uh inquire about is is the outside space because of our
representation our representation had concerns about um public nuisance noise and unfortunately or
fortunately our colleagues within the noise team has withdrawn their application as they feel satisfied
which basically we sort of weakens my representation on that because they are the primary authority but
probably could you explain to the panel or give you explain to the panel the outside area there are
seats how you gonna how you gonna manage that um you spoke about number of smokers outside yeah is that
going to be within that forecourt or that sort of uh decking area uh we have we have a a few settings
outside uh this outside is slightly covered um of course if it's raining a lot or this cold weather people
are not keen to go outside to stay longer unless we have sitting but we what we agree with uh mr maxwell the
from the noise team uh dho is to create a second a first or a second door where we gonna limit the the
volume of sound that would come out from the from the the facilities uh and give a little bit more
privacy for people who sit outside but yeah the the we have how many people sitting outside and
the the yes 20 25 uh 25 people but usually to be honest the people outside the experience we have
we have good weather allow us on the night maybe one month a year and that's it that allow people to
stay sitting down outside but usually because we we prefer people go inside to eat and save us
uh a waiter save us wages and we run the place but with this in terms noise steam in terms of noise
there's this lobby that we're going to create but going to help a lot in terms of the the noise go from
inside to outside no okay thank you that yeah because i saw that um the internal doors it's more
the managing the patrons outside uh the summer months as you said you've got 20 20 seats outside
it's just yeah we don't the people are not allowed to stand up and drink so they need to sit down and
eat to have a meal so when it's full is full so it's nothing we can do now but um see if it's uh
it's it's more in the summer but you know i don't know if there is any condition in terms of times
we don't think that we're gonna serve people outside and keep people outside unless for smoking
after certain midnight or something so to avoid i think that's kind of what we're trying to get a
hint from you from mr roger is i think we need to have some assurances on the timing on that really
how you're gonna so is there something that you could suggest so yeah i can suggest what midnight
is okay for outside midnight and we can see if we put midnight as a limit because i think we didn't
discuss probably 11 p.m i think 11 okay we'll be fine for 11 o'clock yeah we'll be fine for us it's
not a problem that's okay the people go yeah but it's more for people go outside smoking then stay
outside it's very rare people sitting outside to eat and drink no it's uh see if this was the
the weather allowed us that will be a different but at the moment 11 o'clock will be fine
it's been quite nice recently but maybe not now you know not just outside but okay was that justin did
you want to continue i mean paul did you want to continue no i mean thank you uh mr russia i mean
that was what i was sort of alluding to is looking at a condition for the outside space um you know as
i say if obviously as explained to you our representation was submitted because you are exceeding the guidance of
the policy i understand and and we have to submit our objection to it because it would undermine if
we if we don't but i say as the noise team has have withdrawn um because they feel assured that the
public nuisance and the anti-social behavior is is addressed in what measures you're going to be put in
um i say the only aspect i've got is the policy and that's to the panel to decide but thank you for
your negotiations in this application thank you were there any questions or comments at paul at this stage
nope right well i mean uh mr russia you can address the committee again i did have another question i want
to come back in uh but i think i'll kind of um which is a bit of clarification really so justin i mean
we did hear that the we know we've got the no vertical drinking condition however there was a
mention of dancing and i'm just trying to have this clarification of how's that going to be enforced
is like about people being then being and is there going to be like a dance floor area or something so
i'm just trying to get it clear in my head to make sure we haven't missed something off here
so yeah can i can i can i say something yeah um so the people who uh we have
what we do is people are sitting and there is no people coming in only for dancing so people are
drinking so people need to be inside the restaurant it's and then they can join near the bar is the
people dancing here near the bar we have plenty of space where people can dancing uh we have an area
where we put the dj uh without affect people so we don't need to remove tables and all the tables for
people dancing that that where they're going to keep the drinks now the drinks see if they eat it
they have the drink they have the meal then they join in not everybody but not everybody want to dance
but uh maybe some people in a group of six maybe two or three want to dance three or maybe not so we have a
small area that where people can dance but um we don't have people coming inside only for dancing
so if they want to dancing they they go to another place this one don't attract the it was just that
clarification of so no tables no tables are removed no seatings removed it's all it's just yeah we move
because there's plenty of spaces we have now we move a little bit the tables
uh yeah and then create the area for people to dance and that's it okay thank you for that um
to ml adrian do you have any questions at this stage i'd better have just a bit of clarification
did you end up saying friday saturday still two thursday 12. uh it's uh thursday will be the same
as it is at the moment so it's only friday and saturday that we would like to extend yeah well
that that was 12 yeah because friday and saturday had been one but thursday had been 12. so okay it's
12 thursday friday saturday two yeah i'm now looking at paul to nod or just okay gotcha thank you okay
um but mr russia if you want to say something before we go so i would say a big thank you to
mr justin and the office and mr paul bill for the professionalism they have dealing with this
application i know i know they are under pressure there's a lot of work to do and they're very
patient with us and they're very very positive and and that is what i'd like to say thank you
thank you very much for that okay team well hold tight and we will be back in due course thank you
thank you thanks
hello everyone this is jacqueline pennycook from democratic services just to let you know that
the committee are going to join the meeting in about a minute or two shouldn't be too long now
thank you
thank you for waiting for me gang i say gang committee officers and the applicant
um jackson if you can confirm that everybody's present correct everybody's present chair thank
you okay so the decision is members members of this subcommittee have considered the variation
application and have determined to grant the application with the amended hours of licensable
activities from 2300 to 200 hours on the friday and saturday and with the 34 agreed conditions
settled with lambeth licensing a further condition will be added onto the license all outside tables
and chairs should be rendered unusable by 2300 each day members would like to thank the applicant and mr
rocher for attending today and we would also encourage the premises to join the friday night
briefing which is led by this is clapham which is our local bid which runs at 7 pm every friday at the
methodist church also known as the hub and that's that thank you just before just before we draw the
meeting to justin that's unusual yes sorry so it's actually every other friday but i can forward the
information to um yes but i thought no i thought it was every friday now or something like that
apologies yes gosh i thought oh my god you can't change your mind now um all right well thank you
everyone and just before i draw the meeting to a close i just want to uh have a noted here for the
minutes just to say well of course i want to thank uh one of our exiting committee members
councillor garden who is now going to become the mayor of lambeth thank you for being an outstanding
member of the committee over the year and i think we'll miss your input uh but i hope you'll be back
with us in a year's time i also uh want to have my utmost thanks uh noted down for mr richards who's
leaving us at the end of the month brothers um it's been absolutely delightful to work with you uh paul
and i'm sure all the team will agree with me i'm sad to see you going but um i hope there'll be a
path way back for you at some point but thank you for what you did for life for working with the
businesses and all what you did for lambeth so thank you very much no thank you very much for your
kind words councillor and um yes thank you and those claps i will miss lambeth i've i've played i think
i've had a very exciting role in the nearly three years that i've been here so um and i've met many a
people i've sat on many a committees and and been grilled by many a councillors on some of my
applications but no thank you very much for your time and your good words and again to mr russia as
an applicant um you know it's a pleasure thank you conversing thank you everybody enjoy the rest of you
afternoon evening and uh see you next time thank you