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, Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday 12 March 2025 2.00 pm

March 12, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Licensing Sub-Committee met to consider two applications. The first application, for the grant of a new premises licence for Juicy Bagels at 168 Acre Lane, London was granted. The second application, for the variation of a premises licence for La Tereza Tapas Bar and Restaurant at 27-31 Bedford Road, London, was granted with an amendment to the requested hours and an additional condition imposed.

Juicy Bagels, 168 Acre Lane, London SW2 5UL

The sub-committee heard an application for a new premises licence for Juicy Bagels. The applicant, Ms Ishaka Tulloch, was seeking permission to sell alcohol for consumption on and off the premises from 10am to 11pm, Sunday to Thursday, and 10am to 1am, Friday and Saturday. She was also seeking permission to serve late night refreshment on Fridays and Saturdays from 11pm to 1am. The applicant's licensing representative, Mr Daly, stated that the application was modest and that all responsible authorities had been consulted and had agreed to the application subject to a number of conditions. He also noted that four representations had been received from members of the public, but that these representations were speculative and not based on evidence. He cited the case of Thwaites versus Wirral Council in support of his argument that licensing decisions should be based on evidence.

The sub-committee questioned Mr Daly about the dispersal policy for the premises. He explained that the policy would be dynamic and would be tweaked as necessary to address any issues that might arise. He stated that most customers were expected to come in, eat, and leave, so he did not anticipate any major problems with congregation outside the premises.

The applicant, Ms Tulloch, was also questioned by the sub-committee. She stated that she was familiar with the area and was aware of the concerns that had been raised about the application. She said that she was determined to run a well-managed premises and would work with the authorities to prevent any problems.

The sub-committee granted the application, stating that they were satisfied that the imposition of the agreed conditions was appropriate in promoting the licensing objectives.

La Tereza Tapas Bar and Restaurant, 27-31 Bedford Road, London SW4 7SH

The sub-committee considered an application from La Tereza Tapas Bar and Restaurant for the variation of their existing premises licence. The applicant sought to extend their licenced hours to 2am on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. They stated that customers often went to other venues after La Tereza closed at 1am, and that the extended hours would help the business to remain competitive. The Licensing Authority objected to the application on the grounds that the requested hours exceeded those recommended in the Council's Licensing Policy. Environmental health officers also objected, citing the risk of noise and disruption to nearby residents, but they later withdrew their objection after the applicant agreed to install a noise limiter and take other measures to mitigate noise.

The sub-committee questioned the applicant’s representative, Mr Rocha, about their dispersal policy and how they would manage crowds outside the premises. Mr Rocha explained that they would implement a dispersal policy agreed upon by the police and the licensing team. He stated they would also employ door supervisors, have agreements with local mini-cab firms, and limit the number of people smoking outside.

The Licensing Authority’s representative, Mr Richards, explained that their objection related to the requested Thursday hours exceeding the recommended hours for a “Public house, wine bar, or other drinking establishment” in a District Town Centre. They confirmed that they had been working with Mr Rocha to address their concerns, and that he had agreed to a number of conditions, including one making the venue a “safe space” for vulnerable people. Mr Richards also raised concerns about managing patrons in the restaurant’s outside space, which seats 20 to 25 people. Mr Rocha agreed to a condition that all outside tables and chairs be made unusable by 11pm.

The sub-committee granted the application, but only for Friday and Saturday, amending the hours for the sale of alcohol and other licensable activities to 11am to 2am on those days. The sub-committee added a condition to the licence requiring all outside tables and chairs to be rendered unusable by 11pm each day. They also encouraged the premises to join the fortnightly Friday Night Briefing run by This is Clapham. This Is Clapham is a Business Improvement District covering the Clapham Town Centre and Clapham High Street areas. The Friday Night Briefing provides an opportunity for businesses to share information and work together on crime reduction and other issues.