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Licensing Panel E - Thursday, 13th March, 2025 10.00 am

March 13, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to discuss the rules for remote meetings and to consider an application for a new premises licence. It is important to note that this is just a summary of what was scheduled to be discussed, based on the meeting documents. It does not tell us anything about what was actually discussed, or whether any decisions were actually made.

Application for a new premises licence for Heaven Supermarket, 2 Milburn Lane

Heaven Supermarket, at 2 Milburn Lane, had applied for a new premises licence to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises from 8am to 11pm Monday to Saturday, and 9am to 11pm on Sunday.

The Metropolitan Police submitted a representation about the application, objecting to the application on the grounds that it was likely to undermine the licensing objective of the prevention of crime and disorder. Following discussions with the applicant, the Police agreed to withdraw their representation on the condition that a number of conditions were added to the licence, should it be granted.

The agreed conditions included a requirement for Heaven Supermarket to call the Police to incidents of violence and disorder, to keep an incident log at the premises, to not sell super-strength beer, lager, or cider with an alcohol content above 5.5% ABV, to not sell miniature bottles of spirits of 20cl or less, to not sell alcohol in open containers or for consumption on the premises, to display a No Proof of Age, No Sale sign, to not store alcohol under the counter, and for all products to be paid for in full at the point of sale.

Six residents also submitted representations objecting to the application. The residents' objections raised concerns about all four licensing objectives: the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm. The residents were particularly concerned that the off-licence would lead to an increase in anti-social behaviour in the area.

One resident, Behrod Arani, initially submitted an anonymous representation. When he was informed by the council that his representation may not be considered valid because it was anonymous, he agreed to have his name attached to it.

The report to the panel noted that the premises was not in a cumulative impact policy area, but that the application did engage the council's hours policy. The terminal hour of 11pm for off-sales on Sunday fell outside of Camden's framework hours of 10pm to 10:30pm. Camden's Statement of Licensing Policy states that these framework hours are not (and should not be regarded as) the “usual” or “normal” working hours for licensable activities in the Borough, but that they instead serve to identify those cases where the Licensing Authority will pay particular regard to the likely effect on the local neighbourhood of carrying out the proposed licensable activities.

The report set out three options for the Panel to consider: a) Grant the application in full with only conditions consistent with the operating schedule. b) Grant the application subject to revised conditions. c) Reject the whole or part of the application.

Guidance on remote meetings held under the Licensing Act 2003 and associated regulations

The Panel were asked to agree the procedure rules for remote meetings.