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Hanworth Area Forum - Monday, 10 March 2025 7:30 pm

March 10, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to include a presentation on a local health strategy for the Hanworth area, and a chance for residents to raise local issues in an open forum. The meeting was also scheduled to feature a presentation from Staines Rugby Club.

The report pack for the meeting also included the minutes of the previous meeting of the forum held on December 4th 2024, and an action plan update, which provided updates on issues raised by residents in previous meetings.

Health Strategy Introduction

The meeting was scheduled to include a presentation of a health strategy for Hanworth. The strategy included a summary of some key statistics about the area compared to the borough as a whole.

One of the most interesting statistics in the report was that:

The Average distance to nearest park, public garden or playing field [in Hanworth] is 252m compared to Hounslow at 297m

The report also included some statistics on the top 5 most prevalent health conditions in each age group. For example, the most prevalent health condition for adults aged 18-64 in Hanworth is smoking.

The meeting was also scheduled to hear about the National Child Measurement programme data for the area. In particular the forum was scheduled to hear that 30% of children in Year 6 at school are overweight, and 25% are obese.

Action Plan Update

The action plan update included updates on matters arising from the previous meeting, and updates on the progress of the forum's action plan.

Lime Bike Update

The action plan update included an update on the progress of the ongoing review of the operation of Lime Bikes in Hanworth.

Area 3 of the e-bike scheme is currently underway, which will consider data from Lime and feedback from residents. This will be shared with Ward Members for comment in the coming weeks once complete.

Pavement Parking Update

The forum was scheduled to receive an update on the installation of bollards on a pavement in Raleigh Way that had previously been used for parking.

Muller Roundabout

The forum was scheduled to receive an update on the campaign to install a pedestrian crossing and reduce the speed limit on the A316 slip roads at Muller Roundabout.

TfL are currently assessing options for safety improvements but they have limited funding for road safety and this needs to cover the whole of London.

Portlane Brook

The forum was also scheduled to hear an update on the volume of water flowing in Portlane Brook.

The Environment Agency believe they have identified the reasons for both the Feltham Hill Brook and the Portlane Brook experiencing low flows. This appears predominantly related to the urbanisation of the area around both watercourses.

Bear and Swan Precinct update

The forum was also scheduled to be updated on the progress of plans to improve the appearance of the shops at Bear Road and Swan Road.

Speeding and Traffic Calming

Finally, the forum was scheduled to discuss speeding and traffic calming measures in the area.