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Chippenham and Villages Area Board - Monday 10 June 2024 6.30 pm

June 10, 2024 View on council website
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The Chippenham and Villages Area Board meeting on 10 June 2024 covered a range of topics, including the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, updates on local policing and road safety, a community asset transfer, and various funding allocations.

Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

Councillor Ross Henning was re-elected as Chairman, and Councillor Dr Nick Murry was re-elected as Vice-Chairman for the forthcoming year.

Chairman's Announcements

Highways Matters Q and A

The Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager (SEPM) reminded the Area Board of the Highway Matters meeting held in December 2023. Responses to the majority of questions from that meeting are now available on the Council’s website.

Consultation on the Licensing Policy

The written update on the Draft Licensing Policy 2024-29 Consultation was noted.

Local Nature Recovery Strategy Public Engagement

The written update on the Local Nature Recovery Strategy Public Engagement was noted.

Multiply - National Numeracy Day

The written update on the Multiply - National Numeracy Day was noted.

Partner and Community Updates

Neighbourhood Policing Team

Inspector Pete Foster from Wiltshire Police provided a written update and presentation, detailing the Community Policing Team's activities, crime statistics, and operational priorities. Members discussed the upgrading of the CCTV van and the issue of retail theft. The Chairman thanked Inspector Foster for his contributions.

Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership

Perry Payne from the Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership presented on the group's workstreams, including engineering, education, and enforcement. He addressed questions on topics such as speeding on the A350 and the Drive Plus Assessments for older drivers. The Chairman thanked Perry Payne for his informative presentation.

Age UK Update

The written report from Age UK was noted.

Parish and Town Councils

Councillor Clare Cape and Councillor Nick Murry reported on the successful referendum for the Chippenham Neighbourhood Plan, which received 86% support from residents. The plan will now be part of the development plan for planning decisions in the Chippenham area.

Parish Forum

The Area Board received the notes of the Parish Forum meeting held on 20 March 2024.

Community Asset Transfer

The Area Board approved an application from The Rise Trust for the transfer of control and maintenance of The Oaks, Chippenham, from Wiltshire Council. The building will be used for charity provisions, including a youth service, pre-school, contact centre, mentoring service, and volunteering. Detailed information about the work of The Rise Trust was provided by Lynne Evans and Danielle Blake.

Area Board - End of Year Report

Ros Griffiths, the Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager, presented the End of Year Report, summarising the past year's activities and setting priorities for the coming year. The Area Board agreed to maintain the same priority themes for 2024/25, with actions to address the Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (CAJSNA) to be agreed at the next coordinating meeting.

Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG)

The Area Board received the notes of the LHFIG meeting held on 30 April 2024 and approved several funding allocations. The Chairman will discuss the progress of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding with the appropriate Cabinet members.

Area Board Funding

The Area Board approved several funding applications, including:

  • £500 to Chippenham Corsham and Box Primary Care Network for a health prevention scheme.
  • £550 to Chippenham Day Centre for their activities programme.
  • £1,000 to Wiltshire Council for the Storytelling Pilot Project.
  • £4,000 to Youth Adventure Trust for supporting disadvantaged young people in Chippenham.
  • £5,000 to The Rise Trust Youth for Chippenham RISE youth work.

Future Meeting Dates

The next meeting will be held on 2 September 2024 between 6.30pm and 8.30pm, venue to be confirmed.