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Western Area Planning Committee - Wednesday 5 June 2024 3.00 pm

June 5, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting of the Western Area Planning Committee was held to discuss several key items, including the approval of previous meeting minutes, declarations of interest, planning appeals, and an application to register land as a town or village green. The most significant discussion centered around the application to register Northfield Playing Field in Winsley as a town or village green.

Northfield Playing Field Registration

The main topic of discussion was the application by Winsley Parish Council to register Northfield Playing Field as a town or village green under the Commons Act 2006. The application was supported by 171 pieces of evidence from local residents and opposed by the current landowner, BK Land and Estates Limited, and a local resident, Mr. B. Cooper.

Evidence and Objections

  • Supporters' Evidence: Residents, including children and long-term inhabitants, provided evidence of continuous use of the land for sports and pastimes over the past 20 years. Activities included football, cricket, dog walking, and community events.
  • Landowner's Objections: The landowner argued that the application did not meet the legal criteria, citing issues with the identification of the locality, the use of the land being with permission rather than as of right, and the sufficiency of evidence provided by the supporters.

Legal and Procedural Considerations

  • Legal Test: The committee had to determine if the land had been used by a significant number of local inhabitants for lawful sports and pastimes for at least 20 years, and that this use continued at the time of the application.
  • Public Inquiry: The officers recommended appointing an independent inspector to hold a non-statutory public inquiry due to significant disputes in the evidence presented by both sides.

Committee Decision

After extensive discussion and public participation, the committee decided to register the land as a town or village green. The decision was based on the following reasons:

  • The evidence provided by the supporters was deemed clear and sufficient.
  • The objections raised by the landowner were not considered serious enough to warrant a public inquiry.
  • The committee acknowledged the risk of potential legal challenges but decided that the evidence in favor of registration was compelling.

The motion to register the land was moved by Councillor Carbin and seconded by Councillor Palmer. It was passed with a majority vote, with Councillor Clark and the Chair voting against due to concerns about potential legal challenges.

Other Items

  • Apologies and Substitutions: Councillor Mike Sankey substituted for Councillor Jonathan Seed.
  • Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on May 8th were approved without corrections.
  • Declarations of Interest: No declarations of interest were made by Wiltshire Council members.
  • Chairman's Announcements: Routine announcements were made, including reminders to turn off devices and fire drill procedures.
  • Planning Appeals and Updates: Kenny Green provided updates on three determined appeals related to residential development. The appeal for Elmley's Farm was highlighted, where the inspector granted a temporary personal permission based on the occupier's personal circumstances.

The meeting concluded with the decision to register Northfield Playing Field as a town or village green, marking a significant victory for the local community in Winsley.