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Council - Tuesday 21 May 2024 10.30 am

May 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Wiltshire Council meeting covered several significant topics, including the election of a new chairman, the discussion of solar farm developments, and community governance reviews. The meeting also included updates on constitutional changes and emergency management plans.

  1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman: Councillor James Shepherd, the outgoing chairman, thanked the council and nominated Bridget Wayman as the new chairman. Councillor Christopher Newbury was elected as the vice chairman.

  2. Solar Farms and Battery Storage: The council debated a motion by Councillors Phil Alford and Nick Botterill regarding the cumulative impact of solar farms and battery storage facilities. The motion aimed to address the concentration of these developments in Wiltshire and called for a more strategic distribution across the UK. Public speakers, including representatives from local communities and environmental groups, expressed concerns about the impact on agricultural land and rural landscapes. The motion was passed with an amendment to include battery storage and associated infrastructure.

  3. Community Governance Review: Councillor Ashley O'Neill presented recommendations for boundary changes affecting several parishes, including Mere, Seend, Trowbridge, North Bradley, Salisbury, Brinkworth, and others. The changes aimed to improve local governance and reflect community identities. The recommendations were approved.

  4. Constitutional Updates: Councillor O'Neill also introduced updates to the council's constitution, covering corporate parenting, access to information, cabinet procedures, and overview and scrutiny procedures. These updates aimed to reflect legislative changes and improve clarity. The updates were approved.

  5. Integrated Emergency Management Guide: Councillor Richard Clewer introduced the updated emergency management guide, which outlines the council's response to various emergencies, from storms to major incidents like the Novichok poisoning. The guide includes action cards for officers to ensure a coordinated response. The guide was approved.

  6. Parish Name Change: The council approved a request from Cliff Pypard Parish Council to change its name to Cliff Pypard and Bushton, following a survey that showed overwhelming support for the change.

  7. Announcements and Questions: The council noted that there had been no executive decisions taken under special urgency provisions in the last year. Councillor Nick Botterill confirmed that he would contact the Secretary of State regarding the cumulative impact of solar farms. Councillor Nick Murray raised concerns about the council holding on to funds meant for Ukrainian refugees, and Councillor Clewer agreed to look into the matter.

The meeting concluded with a reminder for members of the Marlborough, Pewsey, and Tidworth area boards to hold their annual meeting.


Profile image for Cllr Ricky Rogers
Cllr Ricky Rogers  Labour Group Leader •  Labour
Profile image for Cllr Elizabeth Threlfall
Cllr Elizabeth Threlfall  Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care Transformation •  Conservative
Profile image for Cllr Tim Trimble
Cllr Tim Trimble  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Cllr Kathryn MacDermid
Cllr Kathryn MacDermid  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Cllr Sam Pearce-Kearney
Cllr Sam Pearce-Kearney  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Cllr Dr Mark McClelland
Cllr Dr Mark McClelland  Conservative