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Eastern Area Planning Committee - Thursday 13 June 2024 3.00 pm

June 13, 2024 View on council website
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The Eastern Area Planning Committee of Wiltshire Council met on Thursday 13 June 2024 to discuss several planning applications and a rights of way modification order. Key decisions included the approval of a change of use for a grass verge to a residential garden in Ludgershall and the forwarding of a rights of way modification order to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (SoSEFRA).

PL/2024/02018: 13 Collis Terrace, Crawlboys Lane, Ludgershall, Andover, SP11 9QZ

The committee considered an application for the change of use of a grass verge to a residential garden, the erection of new boundary walls, and the installation of a new dropped kerb. The Planning Officer, Hayley Clark, recommended refusal, citing concerns about the visual impact and the loss of open green space. However, after a debate, the committee approved the application. The decision was based on the view that the poorly maintained condition of the land meant the proposed development would enhance the site's appearance and was not out of keeping with other boundary treatments in the area. Conditions were attached to the approval, including requirements for the materials of the wall and the maintenance of visibility splays for highway safety.

Ramsbury Paths 5, 6 and 8C and Little Bedwyn Path 20 Diversion and Definitive Map Statement Modification Order 2024

The committee discussed the Ramsbury Paths 5, 6 and 8C and Little Bedwyn Path 20 Diversion and Definitive Map Statement Modification Order 2024, which had received four objections. The Definitive Map Officer, Craig Harlow, explained that the proposed diversion aimed to reduce potential conflicts between footpath users and livestock and improve security at a newly constructed development at Park Farm. Objections included concerns about the increased length and reduced convenience of the new route. After considering the objections and the officer's responses, the committee resolved to forward the order to the SoSEFRA with a recommendation that it be confirmed without modification.

Planning Appeals and Updates

The committee noted the planning appeals update for the period between 12 April and 31 May 2024.

For more details, you can refer to the printed minutes of the meeting.