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The Stonehenge Area Board meeting on 13 June 2024, held at Durrington Village Hall, covered a range of topics including the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, updates from partners, and various funding decisions. Councillor Robert Yuill was elected as Chairman and Councillor Mark Verbinnen as Vice-Chairman for 2024/25. The Board also approved several grant applications and discussed priorities for the upcoming year.
Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
Councillor Robert Yuill was elected as Chairman for 2024/25, and Councillor Mark Verbinnen was elected as Vice-Chairman.
Updates from Partners
Wiltshire Police
Inspector Ricky Lee provided an update on the new management scheme led by Chief Constable Catherine Roper. He mentioned improvements in the 101-call service and the new police model with more officers on shift. The force is managing challenges related to the Stonehenge Tunnel and the A360 diversion, which is on track for completion by mid-July. Inspector Lee also warned about a scam involving courier fraud.
MOD Boscombe Down
Sgt Jim Smith introduced himself as the new MOD community representative, focusing on engaging with both the MOD and civilian communities.
Town and Parish Councils
Downton Town Council announced a 'Hustings' event on 27 June at 7pm at Durrington Village Hall, where people can ask questions to party candidates.
Area Board End of Year Report
Graeme Morrison, Strategic Engagement & Partnership Manager, presented the Area Board End of Year Report. The report included a summary of Area Board Investments and highlighted the success of the Rural Youth Outreach project in Durrington.
Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Priority Setting
The Board approved the new list of priorities for 2024/25:
- Youth Engagement – Cllr Mark Verbinnen
- Environment – Cllr Kevin Daley
- Improving the health and wellbeing of our community – Cllr Monica Devendran and Cllr Graham Wright
- Community Engagement – Cllrs Graham Wright and Ian Blair-Pilling
Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups
The Board agreed to appoint members as lead representatives to outside bodies and working groups, as detailed in Appendix A.
Positive Activities for Young People
The Board noted the Youth grant budget allocation for 2024/25 as £22,414. The first youth engagement event was held in Durrington, and the next Local Youth Network (LYN) meeting is scheduled for 18 July 2024.
Youth Grants
- Army Welfare Service Community Support Larkhill was awarded £2,495.08 for their youth project.
- Buzz Action Foundation CIO's application for £5,000 was refused to retain funding for a wider selection of applicants throughout the year.
Health & Wellbeing Group
The Board noted the Health & Wellbeing allocation for 2024/25 as £7,700. A concert connected with Silver Salisbury was held at Antrobus House with 80 attendees.
Older & Vulnerable Grants
- Bakehouse Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Group was awarded £499.
- Till Valley Day Centre was awarded £1,905.
- Silver Salisbury Group was awarded £1,000.
- Salisbury Plain Military Wives Choir was awarded £500.
Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG)
The Board approved funding recommendations from the last LHFIG meeting held on 17 April 2024, including £500 for a SID post on Shrewton London Road.
Community Area Grants
The Board noted the Community Area Grant budget allocation for 2024/25 as £24,831.
- Wiltshire South Girlguiding County Headquarters was awarded £2,240.
- Shrewton Cricket Club was awarded £5,000.
- Figgle Fest was awarded £1,584.
- Buzz Action Foundation CIO was awarded £1,894.50.
- Enford Recreation Ground and Village Hall was awarded £1,781.28, with the caveat to secure a second quote for the works.
For more details, you can refer to the printed minutes and the public reports pack.
- OB_Appendix.A_appointments
- OB_Appendix.B_LHFIG ToR
- Stonehenge Area Board Grant Report - 13th June 2024
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 13-Jun-2024 18.30 Stonehenge Area Board agenda
- Election of Chairman 2024-25
- Minutes Public Pack 29022024 Stonehenge Area Board
- Community First - May 2024 update
- Update from BSW Together - April 2024
- Appendix to Community First update - Voice It Hear It Projects summary
- Age UK Update - May 2024
- Draft_Licensing_Policy_2024-29_Consultation
- Local Nature Recovery Strategy Engagement Update
- Multiply - National Numeracy Day
- Police - Amesbury Town May 2024
- OB_Report_2024
- Police - Road Safety Update_Stonehenge_13062024
- Stonehenge End of year report
- Public reports pack Thursday 13-Jun-2024 18.30 Stonehenge Area Board reports pack
- Stonehenge LHFIG - Minutes April 2024
- Printed minutes Thursday 13-Jun-2024 18.30 Stonehenge Area Board minutes