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Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee - Wednesday 5th March 2025 1.00 p.m.

March 5, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee decided to suspend the licence of Maamalas Restaurant in Manor Park for 3 months. They also removed the designated premises supervisor and added five conditions to the licence, after hearing that immigration officers found evidence of illegal working at the restaurant.

Review of Premises Licence for Maamalas Restaurant, 241b High Street North, Manor Park, E12 6SJ

The Home Office made an application to review the licence of Maamalas Restaurant. No representations from the licence holder or interested parties were received by the deadline for the meeting. The committee heard a report from the case officer for Newham Council.

The Home Office Immigration Enforcement team requested the review on the grounds that they believed the licence holder was failing to meet the licensing objective of preventing crime and disorder. This was because, on 10 May 2024, Immigration Enforcement officers visited the restaurant and found one person working there illegally. They had entered the UK illegally and were therefore vulnerable to exploitation. The Home Office argued that the ability to work illegally is a key driver of illegal migration, and that it can lead to the undercutting of legitimate businesses and negatively impact on the wages of lawful workers. They also said that illegal working can be linked to other labour market abuse, such as tax evasion, breach of national minimum wage, and exploitative working conditions.

We are intelligence led and there have to be significant concerns for us to ask for action. We do not routinely refer to each other for you, but we will do so in selected cases.

The committee decided to suspend the licence for three months, remove the designated premises supervisor and add five conditions to the licence. These conditions were to:

  1. Undertake a fire risk assessment under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 20051
  2. Carry out right-to-work checks on all prospective employees before they start work.
  3. Retain copies of documents relating to right to work checks.
  4. Produce right-to-work documents upon request from an immigration officer.
  5. Update the existing condition wording to include reference to immigration officers.

  1. This is the law that governs fire safety in almost all buildings in England and Wales. It requires the person in control of the premises to carry out a fire risk assessment and take appropriate steps to reduce the risk from fire.