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Shortlisting for the Post of Director of Housing Neighbourhoods and Customer Services, Appointments Sub Committee - Tuesday, 4th March, 2025 4.00 p.m.
March 4, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The Appointments Sub-Committee met to decide which candidates to shortlist for interview for the role of Director of Housing Neighbourhoods and Customer Services. The meeting decided which candidates should be invited for interview, but the names of the candidates were not made public.
Shortlisting For The Post Of Director of Housing Neighbourhoods And Customer Services
The committee met to choose which candidates to shortlist for interview for the role of Director of Housing Neighbourhoods and Customer Services.
This is a new role at the council, created following a decision to no longer have an interim Director of Housing Management.
The requirement for innovation and expertise to manage some of the most diverse housing stock in the UK whilst meeting the Regulator of Social Housing Standards expectations is of significant strategic importance. As a result, the interim Director of Housing Management role has been removed. Instead, this role (Director of Housing Neighbourhoods and Customer Services) and the Director of Housing Property & Asset Management roles will report directly to the Corporate Director role to reflect the size of the corporate opportunity.
This meeting follows a previous meeting of the committee on the 19th of February where an initial longlist of candidates was assessed. Following that meeting, technical interviews were held with some candidates.
The Committee considered the report setting out candidates for consideration for the Post of Director of Housing Neighborhoods and Customer Services. After discussion, Members agreed a number to submit for interview for the post.
This meeting discussed the outcome of those technical interviews and decided on a shortlist of candidates to be invited for interview.
Following discussion, the Committee agreed to forward a number of applicants to technical assessment and further consideration at a shortlisting meeting.
The meeting took place in private, so the shortlisted candidates' identities were not made public.

- Public reports pack 04th-Mar-2025 16.00 Appointments Sub Committee reports pack
- DPINote
- Appt Sub DHNS Longlist Mins 190225 other
- ASCSL Dir of Housing Neighbour and Cust Serv
- Agenda frontsheet 04th-Mar-2025 16.00 Appointments Sub Committee agenda
- Printed minutes 04th-Mar-2025 16.00 Appointments Sub Committee minutes