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Shortlisting for the Post of Director of Homelessness and Housing Options, Appointments Sub Committee - Wednesday, 5th March, 2025 4.00 p.m.
March 5, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The Appointments Sub Committee met to select a shortlist of candidates for the post of Director of Homelessness and Housing Options. After discussing the candidates in a closed session, they agreed on a shortlist to be invited for final interviews.
Shortlisting for the Director of Homelessness and Housing Options
The meeting considered a report by the recruitment consultants, Penna, on the candidates who had undertaken technical interviews. The meeting agreed to a shortlist of candidates to be invited for final interview. The names of the shortlisted candidates were redacted from the public papers. The shortlist was compiled from a longlist that had been considered by the committee at their last meeting on 19 February 2025.
Appointment of the Director of Homelessness and Housing Options
The Director of Homelessness and Housing Options will be appointed by the Cabinet of Tower Hamlets Council based on the recommendations of this committee.

- ASC SL Dir Homelessness and Housing Options
- Appt Sub DHHO Longlist Mins 190225 other
- Agenda frontsheet 05th-Mar-2025 16.00 Appointments Sub Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 05th-Mar-2025 16.00 Appointments Sub Committee reports pack
- DPINote
- Supplement Pack 05th-Mar-2025 16.00 Appointments Sub Committee
- Printed minutes 05th-Mar-2025 16.00 Appointments Sub Committee minutes