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Strategic Development Committee - Tuesday 18th March 2025 6.00 p.m.
March 18, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting or read trancriptTranscript
Excellent. Thank you. Good evening, everybody, and welcome to members, officers, press and public joining the Strategic Development Committee tonight. The meeting's being live-streamed on YouTube, so welcome to everyone watching on YouTube as well. Some of our officers are also joining this evening's meeting via Zoom. Can everyone present hear me? Excellent. So my name's Susan Masters, and I'm the Deputy Chair of the Strategic Development Committee, and we'll be chairing this evening's meeting as our Chair-Councillor Tripp is unwell, and we all wish her a speedy recovery. For the members in the room, when you're speaking, can you please speak clearly and loudly so that the microphone can pick up what you're saying? For those joining by Zoom, please mute your microphones if you're not speaking. I'll now ask the members of the committee and officers to introduce themselves. Councillor Blossom Young, back to the moment. Councillor Huffman, this is very dull in world. And do we have any members online at the moment? Okay. Okay. Officers, would you like to introduce yourself? Jane? I'm Jane Constance. I'm the Director of Planning and Development. Handing over to James. Hello. I'm James Bolt, Senior Development Manager. Hand over to Liam. Liam McFadden, Principal Planner. And I'll hand over to you, Greg. Hello. I'm Greg Gray, Principal Planner. Do you want to throw to Vincent? And Vincent Ely, Legal Advisor. And anyone else online want to introduce yourselves? Excellent. And I'm Shelley Fulton, Clerk of the Leeds. Fantastic. So I'd like to remind members that when a vote is taken, it will be taken by way of raising your hand in order that we can capture this on screen. So in terms of apologies for tonight's meeting, I have apologies from the Chair, Rachel Tripp, from Councillors Miraj Patel, Alan Griffiths, and Madeleine Sali-Pontin will be joining online. So, unfortunately, although her attendance will be noted, she will not be able to vote. And I'm not aware of any other apologies. No, Chair. Item number two is minutes. So we have the minutes of the meetings held on the 21st of January and the 4th of February 2025 for approval, which are outlined on pages 15 to 30 in your agendas. Is everybody happy? Is there any changes anyone wants to make? So, in that case, can I have an agreement that the minutes are a correct record, seconded by Councillor Verdi? Next item is declarations of interest. Do we have any declarations of interest for any of the items on tonight's agenda? Item four, determining planning applications. Members are asked to note the advice from the Head of Legal Services on determining planning applications. Is that noted? Thank you. So, announcements from the Chair. Item five, request to address the committee. The committee has received the following request to address the committee. Would the speakers please identify themselves when I call out their names? In terms of item six, land at the former Paint Factory and Central Thameside West, North Woolwich Road, Bilbertown, London, E6. Quinn Stubbings? Yes, that's me. Chris Gascoigne? And Nick Simpson? Excellent. Welcome. For item seven, I have James Stiles and Alistair Buckle. And then there's a whole team beneath that. And then item eight, land at 6870 High Street, Stratford, London E15, Bradley Carter, Karl Van, Sean Tickle, Mark Cass, and Lizzie Marchant. Yeah, online. Oh, right. Fantastic. Sorry, Lizzie. No worries. And then responding to questions, I've got down as, just making a note, those two are online. Oliver Beer, online. Matt Pepper from Space Hub, online. Oh, right. Okay. Welcome. Jack Summerhays. Okay. Ben Whitehead. Online. Online. Okay. And Tassia, DePaula, Yamo, Yamo, Mardi, and apologies for the utter mispronunciation. Sorry? Maybe on mic, Sherry. Okay. And then I have no speakers registered for item nine. So the usual practice is to allow up to five minutes in total for both supporters and objectors. Is that agreed? Thank you, Chair. Can we agree the remainder of the order of business as outlined in the agenda? And is anyone here needing to sort of break the fast for Ramadan? No. No. Okay. Although I probably will have a comfort break at some stage in the agenda. So would members, please note the full consideration and planning assessment of matters is covered comprehensively in the committee report. Trust members have had full regard to the committee report, and the officer presentation will be a summary of the key issues only. So into the meeting proper. Can I call on the applicants team for item six to address the committee? And just to repeat, you have five minutes. Thanks. Chair, I've got this presentation for just a moment. Thank you for the opportunity to speak. Thank you for the opportunity to speak. My name is Quinn Stubbings from the applicant, GLP, and I've got some of the project team here with me this evening. We are here to seek your approval for our reserve matters application for what we refer to as our multifunction building, or MFB for short, the MFB forms part of our wider datacenter campus that is currently under construction, and that is currently under construction, and that is currently under construction. at North Woolwich Road, adjacent to West Silvertown DLR station. Members may recall approving our hybrid planning application for the datacenter campus at committee in June last year. Also, hopefully be aware of the importance the government, the GLA, Newham Council are placing on datacenters and their importance to the national and local economy. I had the pleasure yesterday of attending an online discussion to discuss AI, data, innovation, inward investment in the borough, also attended by the mayor. Slide two, please. Right, there we go. So, yes, just as a brief reminder, so the hybrid planning application is for free datacenter buildings, as shown on the left of the screen. Everything in white was granted in detail, and the areas shaded yellow were in outline only. So we had an outline permission for the MFB building, which is zone four on the plan, and then a close up of that on the right hand side. The primary purpose of the MFB is to provide for a range of local employment, training and community uses, as well as activating the site frontage as part of the wider public realm offer. And we can see that on the frontage there. If we move to slide three, please. So this is some images of the datacenter buildings themselves. The image on the left is what was granted in detail. And the images on the right are CGI's of the future buildings to and for it. We are sort of progressing the delivery of the site. The first datacenter building is under construction. And this is a CGI image of the MFB in the middle of the screen with the CGI of the second datacenter building sitting behind it. So, yes, we're on site. We're making good progress, you know, and looking forward to bringing forward our reserve matters for the second and third datacenter buildings in the coming months. Well, the applications have been submitted, and then hopefully they'll be referred to committee in the coming months. Slide four, please. So here's some CGI images of the building itself. We're seeking reserve matters approval for. So it's, as I say, the principle of the building has been approved. So this application relates to the layout scale appearance and the landscaping. And the location of the building has also been approved under the hybrid consent. And so really just like to take the opportunity to thank your officers, particularly Greg Gray and Ben Hull, and the design review panel for for their inputs and, you know, very extensive and collaborative process that we've been through to bring bring this application forward. Slide five, please. Here's just some images showing the sort of internals of the building. We very much, very much sort of prepared this proposal to maintain as much flexibility as possible. We have one more minute. Yep. So you can accommodate a sort of range of different uses in different arrangements and has the capacity to accommodate up to 200 people when in full use. Slide six, please. And there's just a summary of some of the local benefits that will come forward with this particular part of our project and our overall datacenter campus. So, as I say, providing a hub for skills, training, education for local residents, community groups, schools. We also have an obligation within our Section 106 agreement to make 50 percent of the space rent free. So. So, yeah. And I think that's that's it, really. I think that's probably brings us to the end. So, yeah, happy to answer any questions that you may have. Fantastic. And I'm not aware that we have any objectives on this particular application. So in that case, officers, would you like to make your presentation? Thank you, Chair. I'll just share my screen. Hopefully it'll come up. It says I'm being disabled from participating. Can you clear that for me, please? I'll be trying now, don't I? Thank you. Hopefully you can all see that. Yes. What I will do, Chair, is I will, since the applicant has concentrated and given you all the details of the scheme itself, I'll concentrate on the key planning considerations for the application, taking you first to the fact that there was an extensive community consultation, 5,621 letters sent out, including site notices as well. Only one response to that, which were a number of questions which I've summarised on the sheet there. They were really just matters of detail that the respondent wanted to answer questions on, and I have done that for her and I've had no further feedback. And then turning to the key point, Chair, and as you said at the beginning, it's important to bear in mind in considering the reserve matters application that the planning considerations are prescribed by regulations as to what the matters might properly have regard, and I've listed the five ones there, scale, appearance, layout, access, and landscaping, and I'll come to those very briefly. I would also ask the committee to note that the reserve matters application is accompanied by a statement of conformity of the development with the hybrid permission environmental statement, and no conflict is found. So turning briefly, therefore, Chair, to the reserve matters themselves, to dealing first with scale. The size, siting, and scale of the building chords with the parameters planned that was agreed as part of the approved hybrid permission. No heritage assets are affected. I list there some information regarding job creation, 15 full-time equivalent jobs in managing the multifunction building, once it's up and running, and 155 jobs over the construction period. And in case there are any questions with regard to the early delivery of the multifunction building, as Gwynne Stubbin said, this is part of the Section 106 obligation that the building be built and ready for occupation prior to first occupation of the first data centre hall. That's why it's with you now. The appearance of the development is the next consideration. It's considered to be high quality and has been supported both by the DRP and in extensive consultations with the officers, including our strategic design officer. The multifunction building is front facing and open to the North Woodridge Road frontage and as has been explained to you, a wide range of meeting room space available from small rooms of no more than 13 square metres up to 143 square metres with capacity for large and small attendees. The kitchen space is entirely ancillary. There is no open retail element within the site and all use it would be by way of prior notification and booking through the applicant who will maintain the maintenance of the building and will care for it both in terms of its upkeep and from a security point of view as well. Importantly, the multifunction building also stores the district heating network hub from the data centre development for all data centre halls and will be the output point for heated water through the district heating network. So that will complies a good quantum of space access. It's a car-free development, say, for DDA spaces, cycle parking and direct pedestrian and cycle access to the frontage, including, of course, from West Silvertown Station, and then within terms of landscaping, the multifunction building sitting within a wide landscape public realm of which it's an integral part. And as a consequence from that, officers recommend to committee that you agree the reasons for approval and grant the reserve matters application in accordance with the informative and condition listed in the report before you, Chair. Thank you. Thank you, Greg. So before I throw to the committee, I mean, this all sounds very good. I think the only thing that leapt out at me reading my papers was on page 61 concerns about the size of the energy centre. Is that a valid concern to this particular building and has that been addressed? Well, it is of the appropriate size, Chair. It's a key component of the design because the building is part of the hub. So the applicant has provided detailed information to explain why that amount of space is required, because it should not be forgotten, as I say, the hub will provide for the whole of the development, all three of the data halls comprised in the scheme. So it's and it uses it requires no more than space than is absolutely necessary. And I mean, my other questions, it sort of talks about the building being fully fitted out. So I was just wondering what level it will be fitted out to in terms of sort of community uses. What will be in there when our residents or other organisations want to book in? Yes. We'll probably answer that for you, Chair. Sorry, Quinn. Thanks, Greg. So, yes, we have an obligation to not only construct the building, but to fit it out prior to the first occupation of the data hall. It's it's it's a little bit of a balancing act in terms of not being, you know, not not fitting things to the walls as such, because we want to ensure that the space maintains flexibility in terms of the users. So it'll it'll be a sort of what's the architectural term in terms of the fit out? It'd be, you know, obviously all of the there's some kitchen amenities and everything like that. That'll all be provided on day one. But like I say, what we don't want to do is sort of have commit to, for example, theatre style seating within one room so that we can maintain the flexibility. So we've got an obligation to enter into and agree a management plan. So should planning permission be be granted this evening, we've got quite a lot of time in front of us to work with community groups, to understand a bit better in terms of how people would like to use it, who those potential users are. And then we can work together in terms of what that fit out will look like at the end of the day. But but in terms of, you know, carpets, everything like that, that's all the kitchen's all all into the building on day one. And also be digital connectivity as well. So the rooms will, because that's for education. Yeah. So kind of be wired to connect. And then once we know what's needed by, you know, and how things are going to go forward, we will kind of provide that connectivity and liven up the building so that it can be used as it's agreed to be used when the management plan is sorted out. And just to be clear, we've got an obligation under the 106 to actually submit those details to the council in terms of the approach to management and also the engagement strategy with community groups, with your regeneration team and others. So before we occupy it, you'll have full sight of that under the 106. And in terms of the length of stay, is this being thought of more as outside of the education role, more of a kind of exhibition space? Or are you allowing for tenants who might want to be there for quite a long period of time? Potentially. I think the focus is very much on sort of training skills, you know, hosting events in the building itself. So having said that, you know, there's scope for startup businesses to occupy space within the building, which, you know, particularly if there's synergies with data and AI and that infrastructure. So potentially you could have some small startup companies that take a room and stay there for many months and as they expand and grow and become established, perhaps move on. So, you know, in terms of that kind of incubator type space. So lots of opportunities, lots of flexibility. So potentially some people being there for weeks or months and then others maybe using it more on a ad hoc basis of, you know, a few hours. What we'll have to do as part of the management plan is have a sort of booking system as well so people can see what space is available at what time when they want to use it. Okay. And I'd like to welcome Councillor Beckles to the meeting. Unfortunately, you won't be able to participate in this item as you miss the beginning, but welcome. Councillor Young. Yes, I think I had questions along Councillor Masters line, really. And just that, I guess, if you can talk us through that timeframe of when that is likely to come, but also, you know, are you in discussions with training providers or with management operators? At this point, because it's really difficult to design if you don't have a sense of who your end user is. Yeah, no, happy, happy to, happy to take that question, Councillor. So, in terms of kind of timeline. So, where we are at the moment, we're on site looking to deliver our first data centre building. That's quite a, that will take quite some time will probably take, you know, in excess of two years to deliver that building. We have a 106 obligation that requires us to have this building built and fitted out, as described earlier, prior to that first occupation of the data centre building. So, so we're very incentivised to bring this forward as soon as possible. There's a lot of economies of scale of bringing this forward in conjunction with, with, with the first data all as well from a construction perspective as well. So, in terms of when we would anticipate this building being sort of first used as a sort of best guess, I think you're, you're looking at probably early 2027. So, so, so we do have quite a bit of time in front of us. So, to turn our attention to that management plan and the digital connectivity strategy as well that we need to agree with the council. So, in terms of engagement, yes, we can get started discussions with Arneum Works. So, we've had our inception meeting with them. So, that dialogue is, is ongoing. We're also working quite hard in the local community to make sure residents and local community groups are, are fully aware of our progress, our timeline, what we're working to when things are coming forward as well. So, a newsletter was issued a couple of weeks ago and regular newsletters will go out, which will inform residents of not just what's happening in terms of the data centre buildings, but what's happening in terms of this building as well and its delivery. So, so, so we've got quite a nice healthy period of time in front of us. So, it's something that we'll be turning our attention to. I guess my question is, is more in terms of the operation of any kind of management or bookable system. So, long term businesses and how that's managed versus education provision and just a sense of how, what your approach. Yeah. So, I think the important thing to say is, is our business will, will retain the, the whole development. So, there's no intention of sort of building something and selling it off. So, we're, we're invested for the long run. So, so that has, has its advantages in terms of where, you know, we're, we're managing these assets. And then, you know, we're able to enter into those dialogues sort of as, as the provider as such. In terms of bookings and things like that, I say that, that is part of the management plan that we need to have agreed. So, we have to, we have an obligation to set up a system online whereby people will have full visibility and access to what rooms are available, who wants to use them. We've also already developed a really strong relationship with University of East London. So, we're sponsoring some of their courses there, boot camp courses and things like that. So, very much talking to UEL around the opportunity for them to bring students to the site and hosting events within the MFB. And then bringing the operators of the data halls, the hyperscalers into that space as well. So, they get that sort of kind of almost face-to-face interaction with, with the businesses that are occupying the data space. So, is that answer your question? No, no, no, that really helps, actually, which, which is great. And, and can I just also pick up on just the job creation opportunities and appreciate there'll be some flexibility in that, depending on the nature of, and, and. And, and users. But just around any work you're doing around local employment within that space or any kind of commitments around that. Yes, we've got obviously the commitments within the 106 agreement. And like I say, you know, we've started those discussions with our new work. So, we've got the obligations in terms of local labor during the construction period. So, we've got, we've got contractor appointed on the main data center campus and they're actively already sort of engaging and looking to, you know, recruit locally. So, the same, we will adopt the same approach for every element of the project. So, whether it's the data hall or the MFB, whatever it might be. So, so, you know, those commitments are there. Those discussions are started with our new works. We'll work together collaboratively with them to ensure that, you know, local people have every opportunity. And, and, and like I say, using newsletters and other sort of bulletins and things just to make sure people know where the development is, what it is, what those opportunities will be. So, the newsletters do reference, you know, the opportunities for jobs, not only during construction, but during the operational phases as well. Councillor Bertie, do you have any questions? I do. A couple of questions, really. A little bit more about the community use. I know we're looking at a number of years down the road, but obviously, the community is changing in its way, how it is. And obviously, we've got different communities coming to the borough. So, how are you going to make sure that you're engaging with them when it comes to the use of the facilities and, more importantly, community groups? Because obviously, when we look at our borough, it's diverse. So, how is that going to be impacted? And inclusive, because I say inclusive in the sense that when we look at some of our youngsters now, and some of them do have difficulties by autism and other elements as well. So, what I would want to see is obviously a community, community facility for everyone. And how are we going to engage those groups? How early on are we going to look at some of the facilities? Could be JF Kennedy School, for example, which we have. How are we going to try to engage those so they have a real input on what's going to happen? So, that would be interesting. I know it's a couple of years away, yeah. But I think that would be important. And it would be really good that you come back to us sometime in the future and say, look, this is what we've done. So, for us to keep us abreast with what's going on, for me, that's very important now, in the sense that we're going as a borough in the future. Yeah, no, all very, very good points. And, you know, I think we acknowledge we're sort of kind of new to the area. We're investing in Newham. So, we're actively looking to develop those relationships and understand who's who and who those community groups are. We've developed a good relationship with West Silvertown Foundation and Britannia Village on the other side of the road, for example. Already mentioned our working relationship with UEL. Something that we do that's worked really well on other sort of more logistics led projects is that we develop what we call a community liaison forum. So, and it's something that, you know, where we bring representatives from those community groups together on a quarterly basis to kind of share ideas also, you know, to understand what their requirements and their needs are. So, that's something that we're committed to. We're looking to set up a formal community liaison forum that will sit on a quarterly basis in person in the area locally. And then that way we can bring in those kind of key individuals and stakeholders. Is that connected with local councillors around the Canningtown area as well? It can be. It's not an obligation on us. So, it's something that we're, you know, we will do it as, you know, as part of our prerogative. But yeah, so we've done it very effectively elsewhere. And, you know, what we normally do is try and sort of identify a sort of a catchment area or radius around the development and sort of try and catch everyone within that kind of key radius. But we'd be happy to work with the council to help us establish what we think is the kind of, you know, you know, reasonable sort of distance from the development where there's key stakeholders and individuals. To give your officers credit, I think that flexibility is exactly what they've asked us to think about in the design. So, I think it's in your committee report. There's lots of different internal layer options that can deal with small community groups or if somebody wants to take the whole space for a period of time. So, the aim is, it is literally a multifunction building with flexibility built in so that a wide range of community users can use it. Okay, are there any more? Can I just add one other thing? Very quickly, yes. Yeah, just to add, instead of looking at the local area, might be able to look just outside the local area as well? Yeah, sure. Because there are different ways. We'll engage with officers on that and understand what that kind of catchment area looks like, really. Okay, if there are no further questions from the panel, then I will move to Councillor Young. It's a very mere question about biodiversity, which I realise is not an obligation to you under where we were with the legislation. But if you could talk about your approach to that, that would be very helpful to me. So, this is a quite small reserve matters in the aspects of the overall scheme. So, as part of the planning commission that has been granted that was presented to the committee last year on our kind of overall biodiversity net gain strategy and performing well and was granted planning commission. So, this is a very, very small, basically. So, it's got green roof, PV panels. So, yeah, we have, you know, we've tried to maximise the opportunity in terms of what we've got, but as Chris says, it's part of a much bigger campus. But also, you know, I think there are a couple of plans in the committee report, which kind of really highlights the extent of the public realm, the landscaping along the whole site frontage is quite significant. At the moment, it's quite sort of hard concrete with lots of access points into the development itself. So, a number of those existing accesses get removed and we've got a really, really strong landscape sort of front to the site as well. Thank you. Fantastic. I think as we've exhausted the committee questions, it's probably time to move to officers to frame the decision. I have a question from Councillor Poynting online. Sorry, Councillor Poynting, I can't see a hand from you online. Did you have a question? Yes, sorry, I can't find where the hands are online. Oh, okay. So, thank you for that. My apologies for joining late and remotely. I've just come from a heritage centre meeting. So, I was just wondering how close this facility is to the new heritage centre and whether the use of the community space and any digital sharing of skills will be taken in consideration with the new archive heritage centre. In Canningtown. Not something I'm familiar with. Okay. Maybe that's a conversation then for outside of the meeting. And I think we'll be linking in with our new one. Fine. Excellent. Thank you. So, in that case, with the blessing of the committee, I'll move to the Office of Decision. So, the Strategic Development Committee is asked to resolve to agree the reasons for approval and grant the reserve matters application in accordance with the condition and informatives listed in appendix one of the report. Are we agreeable? Excellent. That's carried. So, you're welcome to stay, but you're also free. Thank you very much for attending. Thank you very much. Thank you for your questions. Thank you. So, we'll now move on to Agenda Item 7. So, I don't know whether people for Agenda Item 7 want to come forward. So, this is Silvertown Keys bounded by Royal Victoria Dock, Connaught Bridge and Mill Road, North Woolwich Road, Silvertown, London E6, 1UR. Thank you. Thank you, everyone. Everyone's first-minute. Thank you. Fantastic. So, James and Alistair, you've got five minutes to outline your application points. was yes thank you councillor masters and thank you committee members my name is james and i am the development manager at silvertown and i'm here to present plot 78 today on behalf of the silvertown partnership presenting with me today we have alistair from dp9 who is leading on planning and we also have members of our design team including laura gaskell and graham howarth from the architect howarth thompkins and andrew thornhill from landscape architect freshman thornhill finch all of whom will be available to answer any questions you may have we are all delighted to be here to present the plot 78 uh proposal saying which if approved tonight will deliver 600 new homes in new or which 29 will be affordable it's only been 55 days since the silvertown project was here for its last planning committee when plot 1d2d was granted consent plot 78's closely followed application and subsequent committee today hopefully reinforces that we are prioritizing and accelerating the delivery of homes in newham and royal dops i'd like to now hand over to alistair who will provide a technical summary of the application thank you james and good evening chair and members of the committee and if you could go to the next you can see on the plan the location of the four blocks and associated courtyards which comprise plot 78 and phase 1.9a which is the public realm and landscaping that surrounds plot 78 to the west you can see plot six which is nearing completion and to the north you can see the recently approved plots 1d and 2d plot 78 is a residential lead plot comprising 600 homes 174 of which proposed to be affordable these affordable homes are a combination of london affordable rent and shared ownership along with plots 6 1d and 2d this means that 59 of the first 1 000 and 32 homes planned to be delivered on site will be affordable this reinforces the commitment to early delivery of affordable housing on site and the guinness partnership is confirmed as the provider of all affordable homes in phase one the homes and plot 78 are supported by extensive extensive external amenity space for residents including play space and a ground floor fronting north willis road are two flexible non-residential units which provide high quality activation of north willis road the public realm and landscaping proposals seek to maximize biodiverse urban greening and amenity for residents and the wider royal docks community next slide please in preparing the proposals for plot 78 we've carried out a focused public engagement exercise which include included a public exhibition at the rock box summer splash event and the public consultation exercise found overwhelming support for the delivery of the development and the activation it would bring to north willis road side please thank you we are incredibly proud to present these designs to the committee today particularly the north north northwest facing canal side which you can see which has been successfully designed as both an attractive local canal side residential street with front doors to two-story two-flex homes but also subtly serves as the plot's main servicing artery for the purpose of waste and deliveries to all 600 homes next slide please we would like to thank ben hull and the design review panel for the collaborative and robust design conversations on which together with the public consultation feedback have culminated in this high quality final proposal you see for you today we are delighted with the all-round quality of the residential homes and landscaping proposed as part of this application and we believe this will be an attractive place to live for future residents next slide please another area of pride to highlight within the proposal is the emergence of the entrance to the local centre with high levels of activation across the whole ground floor plain with proposals and perhaps most notably on north village road where we have circa 900 square meters of flexible retail commercial spaces and multiple residential entrances and amenity spaces next slide please thank you despite the relatively short amount of time since our last committee update a significant milestone has very nearly been achieved on plot six with the completion of the external brickwork and we're still on track to welcoming our first silvertown residence by the autumn we continue to deliver in partnership with homes england to deliver significant enabling works site via our infrastructure via our infrastructure loan and work closely with the gla and the guinness partnership with whom the latter will be the registered provider for the 174 affordable homes submitted within the plot 78 programs in closing if you are minded to grant consent to plot 78 this evening it will result in a cumulative total of 1032 homes of which 59 apologies will be affordable demonstrating our commitment to accelerating affordable housing at silvertown that's silvertown a fantastic milestone thank you thank you very much indeed um so again i'm not aware of anyone here to express objections uh so that being the case we move on to the officer's report and i think that's you uh liam yep thank you okay can i just double check you can all see that it's coming through great thank you thank you chair this is item seven silver town keys plot 78 so the applicant has already taken you through this um you'll see where where the application is and as they mentioned plot what plots 1d and 2d in the sort of center there uh came to committee in january so this is a sort of continuation of this wider development so this is an application for reserve matters relating to the scale appearance layout access and landscaping for phases 1.78 which is plot 78 and 1.98 in accordance with the outline permission granted in 2016. it consists of four blocks ranging between 12 and 16 stories and provides 600 residential units so greg already mentioned this but i've just got a small um note here that reserve matters of applications are to assess and approve those matters which were reserved as part of the parent outline permission so it's not an opportunity to go back and reassess the principle of development or renegotiate any obligations attached to that parent permission so a bit of background quickly the outline permission this is known as the opp as mentioned it was granted in august 2016. i won't read out that development description but you can essentially essentially it's just a huge regeneration and redevelopment of the entire site there is a new application which has been submitted um this is a hybrid application it's known as the hpa and that is intended to replace the opp that's currently under assessment separately so just for clarity this application is only to approve the reserve matters specifically related to the opp in terms of consultation we consulted around 7233 neighbors and we received one objection in response uh the objection focused mainly on the daylight and sunlight i received two internal spaces i noticed that some units only achieved minimum standards and the objective felt that this could be improved um we have taken note of this the applicant has also provided a response from their daylight and sunlight assessor um whilst we're doing knowledge it brae guidance is not to be applied mechanically uh it's it's very normal part of uh development when you develop large buildings that not every room in the development will achieve the maximum standards however we are satisfied the overall across the development as a whole the daylight and sunlight levels remain high so the key planning considerations are the compliance with the outline permission transport landscaping and environmental impacts so first in the compliance with the outline permission uh we begin with the quantum of development so the opp is divided into different phases and development zones um the diagram on the screen now shows you the seven development zones each of these zones will have a maximum amount of floor space as will the entire development so this is to prevent um an over concentration of any one use in one particular part of the site and and this is also true of the affordable housing and housing mix moving on to that the affordable provision on this element would be 29 percent uh with a 10-year split of approximately 49 percent london affordable rent and 51 intermediate housing uh nine percent of the units would be family units um so i'll just note here that that number does appear low um but this just goes back to my point that the reserve matters is it's a small piece of the larger puzzle so although some um phases will have lower amounts of family units it's expected that overall the uh schemes as they come forward would achieve what is in the housing strategy so on this level we are satisfied that the uh developments so far are in accordance with the uh quantums of development in terms of scale and layout the outline permission was granted with parameter plans which set up the maximum extents heights and locations of the buildings and the applicant the application complies of all of those plans the units 62 percent of them would be dual aspect and as mentioned the daylight and sunlight levels units would be high across the wider development and including the open space included within that development all of the units would achieve the required minimum space standards and have access to immunity space in the form of balconies or public open space so in terms of the scale and layout we consider it to be acceptable moving on to appearance the outline permission was assessed by drp at the time of that application as part of that approval a design guide document was approved which sets out the expected details materials and other design aspects which will need to be complied with with any further reserved matters as they come forward this application has been assessed by the design team and they consider that it does comply with this design guide and is generally acceptable there are some conditions recommended to secure the final detailing of some of the entrances to buildings and to finalize the landscaping and subject to those conditions the proposal is acceptable in terms of its appearance in terms of access the outline permission had plans which showed the access routes for vehicles and pedestrians this includes the hierarchy of streets and the application is laid out in accordance with this approved layout for police with a type of there uh tracking diagrams and information on pavement widths have also been provided and are considered acceptable one key point on the access to bring to your attention is there would be a temporary access created on the eastern side so just to the east of the uh of the block immediately within the red line boundary um on the left hand drawing that's a temporary access so that will be used um for the intermediate period before the remaining development comes forward the diagram on your right is where the eventual uh street will go so we have a condition which requires that this temporary access is removed when it is no longer needed so it would remove the access onto north village road and then there would be a an assessment of what replaces that and the intent being some kind of hard or soft landscaping is most likely so car parking on the opp was subject to conditions those set out the maximum amounts of car parking and they required construction management plans delivery and servicing plans and other documents for approval by our transport officers the proposal includes 18 blue badge spaces which have been provided and they do conform with that condition likewise 1070 cycle spaces are provided and there is a condition attached to secure the final detail of the cycle parking so the the type of shelter and that kind of thing in in that respect the application acceptable in terms of transport moving on to landscaping so as with floor space there are conditions which dictate the amounts and the areas for the landscaping so in this instance each of the blocks have a central kind of courtyard area and the application would comply of the requirements on the opp suitable provision for play space has also been provided so we are content that the landscaping is acceptable so the opp was subject to an environmental impact assessment and was improved with an environmental statement as part of the current application uh is a requirement of reserve matters to submit a statement of conformity so this document just demonstrates that um what's being proposed is in line with all the measures that were assessed under the environmental statement so we have uh we have assessed that and we are considered that it does comply there's no conflict so to summarize the application would comply the requirements of the opp it would have an acceptable layout access and appearance and it would contribute towards the borough's housing and affordable housing stocks and we therefore recommend it for approval so the committee is asked to note the committee update report and resolve to agree the reasons for approval set out in the report and approve the reserve matters subject to the conditions listed in appendix one of the report thank you thank you liam um i think my first question is about uh landscaping and planting so i've noted on uh page 112 of our agenda uh that full landscaping plan uh will be uh submitted and approved at a later stage so i'm just wondering when that's likely to come through um yeah no i'm happy to have to answer that so we we've submitted in indicative uh landscape drawings which which show the full intent of the landscape design but obviously um there are further details to to work through on that and i think the intention i'm just looking for the condition but the intention is that that would be required um during so prior to occupation um but in reality it would be submitted as part of the uh detailed design process for the landscape design allowing enough time um before it is um required to be delivered as as part of the development okay so we're a while a while off basically um and the other thing is it on uh point 115 page 113 of our agenda um part of the open space um first to 1216 square meters of play space catering to a variety of ages would be included um do you want to say a bit more about that i'm slightly concerned that uh part of it's being located on a a roof terrace yeah if i could bring in andrew um to answer that evening yeah um so there are a variety of uh play spaces um that occupy the the residential courtyards in the months blocks um we've combined actual play um with um sort of multi-generational opportunities as well so um we have a really broad spectrum of um play opportunity that that exists here that's in addition to the public realm that will be part of silo d as well um and the strengths that there will be created to the um east of the development as well uh where we have the access will also become a public open space with play along the way opportunities as well so in combination it provides a really rich offer and and as i say it's sort of focused around natural play principally there are some areas of equipment um we've also taken advantage of the level change that occurred between um part of the courtyard so we have a whole sort of three meter level change with uh slides and climbing apparatus and things as well so it's really quite imaginative in in the way it responds to the architecture okay so we'll probably need to see the full plans to get the full impression on that um do we have any questions from the committee councillor young i think my question is um more for um liam actually and just in terms of the design review panel and i noted uh a number of comments and just just wondered what um the process had been from there and the kind of applicants response to that thanks how so yeah so the design review comments are actually from the original commission in 2016 um i've read us before i worked this i don't know the exact details of those discussions um but the the net result of those was that the design guide that they came up with is essentially a document that any application that comes forward needs to comply with so that is things like the type of materials the general sort of their detailed design um the intent for that being that is consistent across all the phases so we don't end up with the next plot looking completely different um as i say the design officers have reviewed that and they they're quite content um in that respect and then the other side to design is usually the scale the size of it that again has been um already approved as part of the parameter plans as i uh discussed in my presentation okay councillor birding have you got any question uh a question just for my peace of mind obviously when we talk about the mix of the housing is it is that part of the condition we have that that that's not under this evening without reserve matters understand that i'll leave that then okay is there anything else you want to ask about okay uh councillor beckles thanks it's just about the um cycle parking spaces um at the end of uh about one three different does say that it would be part of the separate applications we've made um separate application or what kind of which is applied for or cycling parking spaces secure so the so that the number of cycle parking spaces is is uh fixed in the application this um condition is about the the detail design of the cycle i don't know if you guys want to talk about yeah so all of those um spaces cycle parking spaces are located within the building and they all have secure access doors we've um reviewed the design of those stores with mine officer as well um and also thought with transport officers about how we can make um the spaces attractive to be used kind of making the zones much smaller so that the stores don't appear big and expensive um and off-putting for people to use bicycles and and store them there another question around um landscaping in terms of the upkeep and maintenance of that would that come out of the service charges um imposing residence or would that be part of the just the wider the wider company taking that on in terms of maybe it will be managing to in in 2a whereby on plot there is a landscape and provision that will be managed by the the facilities management team that within the plot and the associated maintenance costs would be would be owned and paid for by the residents within that plot and then there's a wider uh landscape provision in the rest of the master plan that is served by a similar but separate entity or separate process okay um councillor sally ponting i see you've you've got a question online do you do you want to state that um yeah thank you very much chair um could i just check those flats that have below optimum light levels are they dual aspect or are they single aspect yeah so um i might pass that on to um laura to explain from our architects um daylight levels and and the approach that we're designed to be taken to ensure that we are maximizing daylight levels yeah the the layout of the massive um you'll see the four blocks are orientated north south um which means that it opens wide gaps um to the south to allow solar penetration into the central courtyards and to the elevations of the buildings um the we've maximized dual aspect homes and that's 62 percent and there's no north facing single aspect homes across the the development and all of the the family homes the dual aspect as well and we did test the daylight sunlight iteratively throughout the design process and that has been a core part of our design process and we think we've really optimized the the results for this site okay can i just ask a quick uh subsequent section um question please yes go for it thank you so those homes that do have below optimum light levels are the ones in the the central blocks that have east and west facing windows am i correct it's okay chair we might bring in our daylight and sunlight it's often thank you paolo yes so there are two aspects to consider daylight and sunlight so they are set separately but essentially uh the uh uh the daylight has been optimized uh and uh where there are uh rooms that fall below they have been optimized so the habitable portion of the room such as for example in uh living spaces that would be the living room that's brought forward window uh and then all these green spaces are also widely in buckles which provide additional valuable private meeting space but that's obviously also a trade-off for a meeting between you know private open space and daylight so uh in that sense there has been a lot of uh thought that uh time and uh also that that's obviously competing design factors such as also overheating uh which is uh you know a consideration in relation to sound like so all things considered um the layouts for the units that fall below recommendation as is normal in high density regeneration schemes uh are considered to be adequate uh and actually uh you know all the um implementation has gone through the design process are you happy uh with your answers uh councillor sali ponting or do you do you want to come back oh thank you chair i was just trying to ascertain i know that some in many houses we have rooms that do not necessarily have direct sunlight although they have good light um and what i'm trying to ascertain is whether any of the flats are um constantly in shadow no seems to be beyond so i guess i'm shaking heads yeah i'll say if you want to go well i was some say that there are no north facing single aspect units so we've made sure in the design that we're mitigating against that yeah i guess the best way to surmise it would be that there will always be some um apartments within the building that perform better than others but even at the minimum level they perform adequately um and the design team has spent quite a lot of time working on how we can ensure that that is maximized so it's maximum potential for example specifying brick colors that reflect light that allow light to penetrate into the development as much as possible okay thank you for that and is that your your your finding uh liam are we satisfied as uh officers yeah that's what i touched on slightly in my uh presentation the bre guidance which tells us how to assess daylight and sunlight does say you shouldn't apply it mechanically it's not a simple parcel fail there are many factors that we take into account um what the room is used for um one of the big ones i think the uh consultant just touched on was if a room has a balcony um if you imagine if your neighbor upstairs has a balcony as well you probably will get less light to a window however in planning terms we consider that provision of uh private amenity space to kind of outweigh that that impact so yeah we are satisfied that overall um the quality is fine fantastic okay do we have any further questions from the uh councillor young i have two more i'm sorry um uh so i noted on page 109 about the material choices and the link to the heritage assets and obviously millennium mills and silo deeming um really quite striking buildings in uh this part of the borough and wondered if you could speak to that a little more um and then also just the following um paragraph on page 110 around the commercial frontages and recognize that will be secured via conditions but wondered if there were any thoughts on uh the design of those the possible end uses this point i think for the first thank you carl so i think the first question laura if you and um graham could cover and another question related to the industrial influence scheme and the color schemes that have been proposed yeah the the heritage assets have really informed the design response in in terms of trying to create a narrative that creates a setting for particularly the silo d building so we've tried to create a well-defined edge to that building so that when it's seen uh from silo d park it's it's silhouetted against a neutral background it's nothing too shouty and then the other way we've allowed views up from north rich way to to that building as well we've also taken some clues from the sort of composition of silo d and millennium mills so millennium mills is a very neutral quite uh plain surface so our buildings have sort of echoed that to a degree but they've also picked up some of the influence of the silo d building which has a sort of very articulate uh framing so it has bookends with linking pieces and we've literally sort of um taken inspiration from that in the form of the block so we have four linear blocks that form bookends and then between those blocks we have these linking pieces that echo uh that that sort of design motif from the silo d d building so in one way we're sort of paying respect to it but also we're trying to create a neutrality that doesn't challenge it in some ways so we're trying to sort of play a complex complex game but the heritage assets are really just a key dna of the site that we've tried to enhance and and build on really thank you and the the second question was about the commercial commercial frontage yes not well it's right yeah did you guys want to explain yeah i think that the strategy in terms of the shop fronts as well has is another detail that picks up on the um heritage assets and it is designed in a way that responds to uh millennium mills and silo d um um and it kind of is quite attractive and links to the frontage of the masonettes as well so yeah the whole base is um a continuous language reflecting that heritage they have those sort of industrial looking windows with horizontal critical type windows that give that sort of connection at street level well the the base is three stories on woolwich road and it's two stories um to the canal side and we think that's sort of where people see most of the building that tactile edge uh responds to the sort of industrial setting of the the the water side and silo d and then up to the millennium mill so we're trying to sort of bring that character through into the it also permeates into the hard landscape uh the andrew's design in terms of the granite sets the stone bases and the the seating benches that are on the edge of the canal side so we create trying to create a calm uh sort of wharf-like um environment that the buildings respond to okay thank you fantastic um it doesn't look like i have any further questions from the committee so in that case i will go to the decision um can that be shared please yes one second can you see that yes thank you um so um the application would comply for the requirements of the opp would have an acceptable layout accessing appearance and would contribute towards the borough's housing and affordable housing stocks it is therefore recommended for approval so the strategic development committee is asked to note the committee update and resolve to agree the reasons for approval i set out in the report and approve the reserve matters subject to the conditions listed in appendix one of the report uh is that agreed excellent so that that's great so thank you very much for coming so again you're welcome to stay but if not thank you thank you very much we just uh while one team leave and the other team move into position we just have a quick comfort break members of the committee so if you anyone needs to conveniences thank you thank you um so welcome back to this meeting of strategic development uh we're now moving on to agenda item 8 land at 68 70 high street e 15 2ne um so i'm going to hand over to um bradley cole sean mark lizzie thank you and team thank you chair thank you uh committee members for the opportunity to present our our application for 60 70 this evening uh my name is bradley carter and i'm developed director of pickstock group we're a family-owned business with over 40 years of experience in development and constructional projects delivered in london and across the uk um i'm joined by members of our professional team both in person which i'll hand over to next and uh and online to fill out any questions you have over the last few years we've worked closely with both the lwdc and london borough of newham um as well as local stakeholders to produce a skill you see tonight um it wanted to resolve the application will continue to progress and work closely with officers um to see the scheme become a reality um i'll now hold hand over to and our accurate hello paul van polds from sedwards um so a very quick design summary from myself this proposal provides presentation uh could is it okay to have the presentation please um sorry i thought one of my team members yes please if you could okay apologies chair i've paused thank you thanks you've got four minutes left anyway okay it's just a minute and a half oh that's fine then yeah and then i'll hand it i won't have a quantum things this is just a design summary in the order we're doing it this proposal provides a new public landscape and two high quality buildings inspired by the history of the location the tenure-blind approach extends from the building finishes to the design of generous entrance spaces for all residents and landscape player movement the proposal does not privatize the river edge next slide please please but instead safeguards a future bus connection provides a new garden and play spaces connecting the bowback river to stratford high street a net uplift of 36 trees 220 biodiversity net gain and an urban greening factor of north three next slide please uh in terms of arrangement a new community face cafe and performance venue overlooks the garden and play spaces for both local creative industries national program of jazz concerts and exhibitions in addition the public routes are overlooked by 24-hour resident concierge workspace and gym uh and stay on this slide homes above are arranged to ensure that all two bed and larger homes are dual aspect 38 of the affordable homes of three bedrooms for families and the buildings are all designed to current safety standards including two staircases next slide please this proposal reflects a holistic approach to sustainable development in policy terms providing much needed housing community space 650 secure cycle spaces increases the ecological value of the site and is designed to an operational net-zip carbon target and i'll hand over to mark on the call if it's there good evening everybody can you hear me yes hi mark thank you fantastic thank you very much for this opportunity and uh i'm just going to quickly take you through uh our our rationale behind this jazz east just for clarity jazz east is the trading name of london east jazz network cic a community interest company operate operating as east london and essex's premier jazz development agency we already have experience of working new and both with the council as clients and working to support newer music the music education hub already based in westfield we're active members of the uk's jazz trade association where i'm a trustee and i'm chair of the national jazz archive the uk's only archive dedicated the preservation promotion presentation of the art and culture of all forms of jazz currently based in loughton in essex newham is an arts council england priority area and as such we're keen to support this application and welcome the opportunity to operate an arts and culture themed community space at 68 70 stratford high street we see this as an exciting opportunity not just to promote jazz music but to support the community aspects of this important development through music and other performance performance as the jazz hubs operators we're calling it at this stage we would work closely with experienced local social enterprises and entrepreneurs to operate a range of all day community projects including the community cafe a flexible workspace a destination grassroots music okay you have 30 seconds left uh in on your presentation your total presentation oh okay sorry i really didn't realize uh our time our daytime focus is around education and using the space for the national jazz archive running schools programs etc running permanent exhibitions um we'll be looking at uh making sure from the sound perspective that we use technology that is available to numb the sound considerably and jazz is predominantly an acoustic music um and we would be looking at acoustic um jazz rock and folk um and as it's always been the basis for for most popular music it's heritage that will actually help um sort of uh use you'd be using the heritage of the music to break down barriers okay you've had you've you've had your five minutes i'm afraid um next slide um next slide as well if we could just to think okay okay can we be still yes that's one oh that one's fine okay thank you thank you speaker is that is that i mean you've had the same five minutes that everybody else has had tonight i'm really sorry uh so thanks for that um so moving uh do do we have any objectors attending this evening no so so in the in in that case we move to the officer report thank you chair okay can i confirm you're seeing that here we go great thank you thank you chair this is item 8 68 70 high street stratford sorry my screen is frozen i can't change page there we go uh this location of the site on stratford with the bowback river um to the rear of it so the application is a redevelopment of the site to provide two buildings uh 27 story uh 27 floors and 11 floors which comprise of 355 residential units and a cafe which can also be used as a music venue um alongside the ancillary car parking cycle parking and refuge storage as well as landscape and public realm improvements so just to begin with i need to set out the policy context on this this application actually falls within the boundary of the lldc's planning area uh the powers that um allowed the lldc to determine applications has fallen back to newham now so this application is before you as newham counsellors however the lldc local plan is the most up-to-date policies which we would assess this application so when i refer to local plan both in the report and in this um presentation i'm actually referring to the lldc local plan so maybe some slight differences in policy which um hopefully i'll take you through as we go through i'll also draw your attention to the update report uh it has some minor corrections to some of the wording there is an additional condition on the operation times for the music which i'll come on to um there was an additional response for natural england which i'll also come on to and then an important one here is the consultation of the canal rivers trust um they are a statutory consultee unfortunately they were missed off uh we have consulted them yesterday once it was brought to my attention so you'll notice in the resolution at the end of the presentation um we've added a caveat that if they were to raise any new material considerations we would bring it back to uh the committee to um to review however we expect that their comments are normally very minor um the applicant has been working with them at the outset of the design so we're not expecting any major concerns from them i'd also note two additional objections were received from members of the public who can't attend so they have asked that you are showing them so i post pasted them in full in the update report and hopefully you will have had time to review those in terms of consultation responses we sent out 498 letters and we received 14 responses one was neutral and 13 were objecting to summarize the objections they mainly focused around loss of daylight and sunlight concerns over the height loss of views impact on traffic and parking from residence and construction uh potential congestion and marshgate lane and overlooking a loss of privacy and the noise impact of music venue and i'll come on to those in a bit so the key planning considerations here are the principle of development the housing mix and affordable housing design and appearance the impact on amenity quality of accommodation biodiversity transport and travel environmental impact assessment and fire safety so beginning with the principle of development um on the residential side of things there are no policies which object to residential development in this location there was also a permission which was previously granted on the site for redevelopment to residential and that is an extant permission so it is a material consideration but nonetheless we have no policy objections to residential development here for the community cafe the local plan policies support evening and nighttime uses within the wider area um lldc's policies do require that major development contributes towards community uses um and this is a point i'd like to place some emphasis on due to some of the objections the cafe is primarily a community use um with the music events only being uh on some weekends so i think some of the objections were concerned about it being a music venue primarily uh so just to clarify this isn't like the the aber experience over the road this is a cafe that sometimes puts on music and mainly serves a community function so as part of the uh agreements the applicants have agreed to charge only 50 market rate for the cafe um only to be increased in line with indexation uh the intent of that is to support the the community use to make it more viable for um smaller community uses to occur there but as uh as we already know that jazzy has expressed an interest they have been working with the applicant from early stages of the development so uh the intent there as they were saying was to provide a kind of cafe archive and music space so in principle the land use of development is considered acceptable moving on to the housing mix and the affordable housing so 75 of the units would be billed to rent on a habering basis and 25 would be affordable with a 10 year split of 61 social rented and 32 39 sorry intermediate housing so policy normally requires that split to be 60 40 in this case it's 61 39 however the uh the benefit if you like is towards social rented which is actually um a more required tenure so we consider that to be acceptable of the units 50 would be family units so this is one of the points i'll just draw attention to new and policy defines family units as three bed or more however the lldc policies which this is being assessed under define it as two bed or more so in that respect it would uh provide a large amount of family units uh nonetheless we have worked with the applicants we did stress that regardless of lldc's policy three bed units are particularly important to newham particularly in affordable provision and so they have worked with us to maximize the amount of affordable provision in three beds so 30 of the affordable would be three bed units which is very welcome 10 of units would be adaptable or which are accessible in the course of policy so a financial viability assessment has been provided and independently reviewed by bmp parabas who conclude that the proposal represents the maximum amount of affordable housing possible on the site and we're also satisfied that the build to rent element would not compromise that level of affordable housing when compared to a traditional private sales scheme so the housing mix and affordable housing are considered to be acceptable moving on to design and appearance the proposal consists of two taller tower blocks with a large landscape there in the middle the scheme was presented to lldc's quality review panel so this is similar to our own design review panel uh prior to the submission with newham um there was discussion with our design officers of whether we bring it back to drp uh after submission to newham because the qrp no longer exists um the advice from our design officers was that would not be uh good practice because different panels may have different opinions design is obviously a little bit subjective and in this instance we're very happy with the overall design so we didn't feel it was necessary to do that and one of the changes we did make prior to submission at the ground floor was uh initially a large car parking area and we worked with the applicants to change this to a undercroft parking system to allow a lot more soft landscaping and public ground in the middle which we feel has really benefit this benefited the scheme a lot so the proposals are tall however they are in keeping with the prevailing height in the area uh this part of stratford has a lot of tall buildings so we are comfortable that this hike fits within that um and the overall design um has been reviewed by our design officers which as i say they're very happy with the landscaping in particular um the materials and the general design of the of the scheme so on balance we consider that the design is acceptable moving on to impact on residential immunity a daylight and sunlight assessment which was undertaken and it demonstrates the impacts on nearby buildings and open spaces would be acceptable as part of the environmental impact assessment noise and vibration impacts were also assessed and also considered acceptable subject to conditions that were uh imposed as part of that assessment which i'll come on to there is a condition um it's in the update report to limit the times in which the cafe can be used as a music venue just to ensure that the um the events are not in hours which would be disruptive to nearby residences there are also conditions to ensure that adequate sound insulation is provided to the new units that they also are not affected by not just the cafe but general noise from the high street and other things like that now we know the comments on some objections about the uh noise from construction um you can never fully mitigate that um but we do have a standard condition for a construction management plan that would be assessed by our transport colleagues and that would include information such as the types of vehicles what times they used and things like that to hopefully mitigate uh those impacts as much as we can uh we do note the objections noting a loss of a view um however the planning system doesn't protect individual views uh the closest thing would be outlook which we have assessed and considered to be acceptable so on balance we consider the impact on labouring amenity to be acceptable moving on to the quality of the accommodation all of the units would comply with the minimum space standards they would all have balconies and shared amenity space and approximately 50 would be dual aspect the daylight and sunlight assessment also indicates that the internal daylight and sunlight levels are acceptable and as mentioned 10 of units would be wheelchair accessible with the remaining 90 adaptable so we consider the equality of accommodation would be in line with policy and would be acceptable moving on to landscape and biodiversity so the proposal would achieve a ugf score that's an urban greening factor of 0.43 uh that exceeds the 0.40 required by policy and as mentioned the open space has been well designed uh without giving a sense of place it would link the high street to the river behind it uh which will be newly activated which is a very welcome aspect of the design the biodiversity net gain would be 220 percent which obviously far in excess of the 10 that is required um i would just draw your attention again to the update report to the objection from natural england so to explain um the applicants are required to play a sam's payment uh this is the strategic access management and monitoring strategy payment and it works at around 50 pounds per unit and this is applied to all development um within a certain radius of epping forest the idea being that the money goes towards um improving the forest improving access to it and mitigating the impacts of a an increased population that may be using that area um natural england raised an objection they considered that the scale of the development warranted an additional uh mitigation unfortunately they didn't really specify what that would be um we have had discussions with the applicant they volunteered a sum which we secured as part of the legal agreement of twenty thousand pounds towards a sang payment so sang is suitable alternative green spaces um what that means is money towards other green spaces in the borough to improve them in the idea being it would encourage uh new residents to go and use more local parks rather than going to epping forest to kind of mitigate that um we did for that uh that that suggestion of a payment to natural england they have again requested further mitigation but not specified what that may amount to um officers have reviewed that uh we we do acknowledge that objection but one thing we have to consider is the viability of the scheme so um the scheme at the moment is providing the maximum amount of affordable housing any further payments on top of what is being uh considered may impact the affordable housing the general viability of the scheme um and on balance taking into consideration all the above so the the very high levels of biodiversity net gain the uh the high quality public space in the middle we do consider that the voluntary sum of twenty thousand pounds in our view is enough so that objection is noted however on balance we do consider this element of the proposal to be acceptable so transport and travel it would be car free other than blue badge holders which would be seven spaces 660 cycle spaces would be provided and the existing high street access would be removed so this is the vehicular access to the site at present um in favor of the new access on marshgate lane which is where the uh the disabled uh the blue badge holders would access the site into the island of croft has been assessed by transport officers who raise no objection um we also had consultation from tfl um as part of that tfl requested some mitigation uh towards some financial contribution i should say towards improvements on the high street uh we had some discussions with tfl and the applicants we eventually settled on a contribution of 250 000 pounds so i just uh quickly jump back to my previous point about um viability and the biodiversity so this is also be an accounting of the the money being put towards improvements on the high street again if we don't reduce the um affordable housing it would perhaps come out of this and then tfl would perhaps object so uh it's a balancing um aspect of the application i would say and as mentioned the land of for a future bridge is safeguarded as required by policy and so overall we consider the transport aspects and appraisal to be acceptable so this application is subject to an environmental impact assessment so a full environmental statement has been submitted and that included a number of topics including air quality noise and vibration climate change daylight sunlight wind microclimate and archaeology so this is a very detailed document which includes um assessment of the potential impacts on those topics from the development and suggestions on how they may be mitigated against where necessary or minimized uh that has been independently reviewed so environmental statements can only be reviewed by a qualified assessor in this case we use arab on behalf of the of the planning department of newham uh they did request some information during the process which was received they concluded their review and they suggested a number of conditions to ensure that the environmental impacts are properly mitigated against so subject to those conditions we consider the environmental impacts are acceptable moving on to fire state safety in the council policy a fire statement has been submitted has been independently prepared this was a document which contains um potential fire prevention mitigation methods and emergency procedures that may be used in the development this was assessed by the health and safety executive who raised no objections and so on that basis we are content that the fire safety element is acceptable in planning terms so the overall conclusion and the pros will be a high quality design it would contain significant amount of landscaping and public realm improvements it would provide a very welcome community use in in the area which serve local immunity and evening uses it would contribute towards the borough's housing stock and affordable housing it would include include financial contributions towards biodiversity and tfo improvements and subject to the conditions we consider the impacts of development would be managed and mitigated as far as they can therefore we consider the scheme to be acceptable therefore the recommendation the committee is asked to note the contents of the update report and resolve to agree the reasons for approval and sale in the report in the event that no new material considerations are raised by the canal rivers trust we refer this application to the mayor of london for the stage two uh if new material considerations are raised we shall bring this back to uh scd to review subject to mayor of london um advising that is content to allow the council to determine the application itself delegate the authority to the director of planning and development to grant planning commission subject to the completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of town and country planning act based on the heads of terms identified in the appendix two and the conditions listed in appendix one thank you so i've just been asked as well just to reiterate the point uh that uh liam made uh drawing members attention to the late uh too late objections outlined in the officer update report if people have a chance to read those so i think my first question i'm just interested in knowing how close the lock building will be to the new venue um and whether any projections have been done of the impact of concerts sort of taking place within cafe my understanding is that the performance area would be be to the back of the cafe so i would expect spill to be minimized but i'm just wondering from a scientific point of view what work's been done to assess um the level of noise penetration to uh the lock building yeah yeah yeah good thanks just to talk a little bit about the design and layout the proposal the um so the building is predominantly a cafe building community cafe of course yeah the gardens so it would be primarily for food and beverage during the day uh the ideas in the evening that it's open to uh during the week to communities for rehearsals such as choirs uh and other ensembles uh there'll be some weekend um concerts uh and mark set out the sort of um range that they would include uh when we design uh uh a music uh or theater uh facility within another building you design it as a box within a box so it's floating within the building to to make sure that acoustically it's completely sealed uh and that would be the case here um so we have um a design obligation if you like to to not let music penetrate outside to neighbors and i think the lock building is is quite some distance from this but also to the residents within in the building itself it would sound really more impacted than than the neighbors i'd suggest so so that is how it'd be designed and that's how we would take forward and there's there's certain um measurements for how you would would design that envelope to to mitigate noise um escaping yes i just mentioned that there's also two conditions that are relevant to this one is condition 30 which has been proposed which is a sound insulation condition so there'll be further sound insulation provided uh information and data provided so um officers can review that and that would obviously be available to residents as well and obviously the new condition 53 on the hours of use uh obviously provides restrictions on the overall hours of use so there's not going to be noisy hopefully not noisy activities going on uh beyond uh basically 11 o'clock on fridays or Saturdays and then on sundays it's six o'clock you've got some timings for uh the music performances that are included in our extra part of report uh that we've got for this evening's meeting how much later though after the performances are finished would the cafe be open just in terms of recorded music and and the kind of chatter that would be sort of going on or it's the idea but the venue would be closed by 11 30 okay and the other um objection that's been raised is sort of fear of of crime i didn't note a response from uh the police about the planning application i know they usually are um consulted i'm just wondering liam what was there any consultation of the police about any concerns around crime in the area thanks we we'd usually consult the secure by design team uh the police so they give out information on how to design a scheme to minimize um crime or antisocial behavior um i'm just double checking if we had a condition recommended from them um after quickly search through but in general terms in plain terms this will be a very well overlooked space um you know this isn't a pub uh it's not i don't know whether they serve alcohol or not but this won't be a place where people congregate uh for long periods of time it's a nice open space that's overlooked by two large buildings what we generally look for in planning in terms of um avoiding anti-social behavior is the idea of what we call natural surveillance so people aren't going to hang out and do anti-social behavior in an area that's very publicly open um where everyone can see them so in broad sort of planning terms we don't have any major concerns that this would contribute towards crime um probably the opposite at the moment it's a sort of derelict site with no nothing on it so if anything it should improve um but yeah i'll get back to you on the skill by design i'm just checking if there was a condition sorry yeah can i just add to that and i think that mr padden is absolutely right that at the moment the site is a derelict site the canal path is is difficult to walk along because it's a derelict site there's no activity in there it feels difficult even stratford high street doesn't have a huge amount of activity the idea of bringing activity to the ground level having people both coming out of the the residential elements and the cafe will actually add active surveillance to the area it'll feel safer and i was going to quickly sort of bring uh mark cassie and i've been cutting him off and his his prime of um uh description of uh the the the jazz side of this venue um mark i'm guessing that you've had a lot of experience of uh the kind of people who would attend such a a cafe i mean have you seen much instance of crime with uh those particular uh individuals no it's um uh jazz typically attracts the slightly more mature audience i i am quite often the youngest member of the audience there and i'm 63 um so it's uh it isn't designed as a as a hang around venue afterwards like some that you would get in the west end um if there was a demand and if we felt that there was an opportunity that was not to be missed then a licensing application would be put into place which i'm sure would introduce additional security um i'm convinced that uh the the venue once the concert finishes at say 10 30 10 45 everybody would be long gone and locked up at home in bed by 11 30 so uh um the the crime element is we're talking about a jazz and a folk crowd principally um i think for the types of concerts that we're looking at i'm not sure that we're going to attract the uh the the the level of crime that some venues may attract um in bigger more more densely populated areas i think and i think it's good that you mentioned licensing because this uh the control of such a venue would sort of go beyond the remit of this this committee into licensing territory and were there to be any issues i know we've got quite a tough licensing uh team who uh i imagine would sort of clamp down on that um so with that i'm going to throw to the committee to see if there are any questions from yeah i've got a question thank you it's just um i thought this question to you liam because it is officer one and it's about um amendments especially around the three-bedroom housing that we would normally consider but because of the affordable split we're forgoing that um where there is somewhat of a crossover between the ldc's which is no more planning um local plan and our local plan i imagine that you know the ldc's ones takes primacy but was there any scope for us to push for more um family-sized homes on this development in the scheme um thanks counselor yes so strictly speaking the the newham local plan has no no weight in this because it is only the ldc local plan which applies um they don't have the same policies that we do um for the 39 three bed units um we did have discussions early in pre-app with the applicant to uh try and maximize that um for various reasons viability reasons they weren't able to get it as high as we would potentially like um but there's not the policy backing to insist upon it i would say having said that as i mentioned in the report they did uh shuffle things around to make sure that those three beds which were included a large proportion were in the affordable social rented part which is um a primary goal again there's no policy requiring them to do that so uh it is welcomed thanks for that clarity um my other question is around the build to rent um i guess this builder and sector the model that you're using um how long that do your tenants averagely stay have you got like a median figure or an average figure um newman as you know is very transient borough um and i think stratford is becoming even more transient especially with student accommodations just wondering about the i guess the tenure um your expectation may come uh yeah and typically we look at so as part of the um the management policy we need to offer three-year tenancies uh but it tends to be in excess of two years there these are residents that stay uh for longer periods and we're not really intending to be letting these units to graduates or students short term it's all about long-term residents thanks for that and in terms of jobs and skills um there is a section on 100 page 170 which just sets out that um the percentage of jobs that should go to new residents or at least people within our borough um have you engaged with workplace and the other um training facility or training departments within our organization and will there be any further scope to ensure that these jobs aren't just um i guess low level jobs will actually have much more sustainability in terms of apprenticeships or potentially project manager assistant project manager whatever it might be so that new residents can get a good um i guess end use out of the scheme yeah the intention is to is to ensure that we engage with those we haven't yet engaged in case but we will absolutely do that as part of the um stages as we progress through the construction operationally as well another one's around the uh the design um another our organization newham hasn't had um i guess input through our design review panel and just from the quality review panel um and i guess this is one for officers um that crossover are we i guess are we um confident that the design considerations at the ldc as as it was um is compliant and is up to our standards of what we would expect from a design of of a building of this type and size and scale and mass thanks yeah um i will say one thing is the design has changed quite a lot since they went to the qrp uh because we had some pre-app engagement prior to it coming to newham so the qrp comments i've pasted for information in the report perhaps not the most up to date um in terms of if they're up to the standard ultimately we have the final say uh the qrp no longer exists um this is an unusual case because of the crossover um it didn't feel beneficial to bring it to a separate review panel within newham um however we made that judgment based on the fact that the design was high uh the quality was was good um the view from our design officers was that if there had been something we didn't like some uh some issue around the height or design or something like that we would have then taken it to a separate drp and sort of started that process again but in this instance we felt that the design was up to our standards and we didn't need to to do that cool thing and is it just to add to that is that okay that's a good question um so just to note that the the newham design officer attended the lldc um design review panel so he was present at that um the updates that liam uh mentioned were in response to the commentary so the changes that have been made and that you see before you today respond to the lldc commentary uh and we've also ran through those with newham's design officer so so he's been party to that journey as it were throughout okay and just one final question it was around the 20 000 that would be um that came about from natural england uh critique of of the scheme um in terms of our episode so who's the money paid to is it paid to natural england or is it is it paid to newham to provide better facilities within our parks or better green spaces or improve our green spaces and how soon could we spend it if this planning permission was was to be approved i can answer that um basically we've agreed with um natural england that the money that we get for sang's payment can go it will come to newham and then it will go to um implement the uh beckton park master plan because they um they agree that that's a um suitable alternative natural green space so um so that's good so that that will um benefit residents of newham you know it won't go it won't go the money won't go out of the borough i've all while i'm talking there's also a couple of questions from councillor um sally pontin yes i was going to bring her in after i'd sort of uh exhausted my my panel in the room um councillor bid uh councillor beckles that was your last question wasn't it councillor birdie yeah just uh going back to the community gaff in the sense another officer mentioned that they'll be used some weekends do we have any idea how many weekends you're looking at in the sense there to the 20 weekends or because obviously if i could ask mark yeah this is to the opposite yeah thank you for the question councillor i think we're we we would look at um monitoring how many events over the course of the year um literally as we go on when when you're launching a venue there would be a relatively intense every weekend kind of scenario perhaps for the first quarter the first six months if that proved that it wasn't viable um then we could drop that down to once a month once every fortnight that kind of thing it's a it's an operational concern um that that affects the business plan and we build a model around a level of flexibility we would anticipate that it is so successful that it's busy um every week throughout the year um but we we with any new startup we we will we will over overestimate to a point but with a with a level of due diligence in there that allows us to be flexible enough that if we did have to drop it back a bit then there will be a sensible approach to making sure that it still remained viable and and if we found for example that jazz was more popular than than one particular of the type of music we could always increase one and reduce the other uh as long as it made sure that the business remained commercially viable so in a sense that at the time there could be other events or other type of music if the need or the requirement was there from the community being a community calf yes we we we we we're calling it a jazz i'm calling it the jazz hub as a working title but i'm mindful of the fact that it's a it's an arts and cultural venue it may well be that we get a huge demand from young people around spoken word uh or even to a point where there's dance you probably wouldn't get me involved with that but uh um that that there is that level of flexibility in the model that if we if we promote it as an arts and cultural center and it will originally it will start off with with jazz as it as its hub then there's a level of flexible flexibility in that that allows us to bring in and bearing in mind with the 220 languages that are spoken in the borough we need to be mindful of the fact that we could have a different gig every year every weekend yeah can i just talk about the costs uh a little bit obviously you're saying you're going to be marketing the space at 50 of the market rate do you think is this is going to be achievable in a sense if the demand is there that you might have to increase the level of a cost you might have i might have to drop the percentage we would always be interested in dropping the percentage we would always be from a commercial perspective the lower the rent for us the better um we would sit down and negotiate with our landlords what that rent would be and over what period of time um and there may even be an opportunity and this is strictly subject to contract that there may even be an opportunity for a revenue share that saw money coming back into the uh into the the building that meant that we could reinvest um in improvement of facilities it is a community interest company that will be operating it um salaries will be drawn by the staff and and the personnel involved with it but it's um it's there to produce a community asset so we would make sure that it has to be commercially viable and we would make sure that any proceeds that were left over after the necessary expenses went back to improve the the delivery of the product and the service and to make sure that it was absolutely open to the community um hey um madeline i've noted you've put a couple of questions in uh the chat would you like to ask them in person yes please chair if i may excellent go ahead okay thank you um going back to something that liam pointed out during his presentation about the actual buildings not just the usage um liam you said that the buildings are tall but you said they're in comparison to others in the area by others in the area do you mean on stratford high street do you mean in the olympic park uh primarily stratford high streets i did see a question in the chat there council so i would draw your attention to page 230 of your report um there is a kind of indicative drawing which shows the general heights of schemes which exists in the area and have consent um it's not the biggest i apologize for that but you can see these schemas in the middle there um just in front of the kind of yellow squarish block if you like yeah so it's certainly not the shortest in the area um but this was not the tallest and in general in that context of the high street which we probably expect to increase in height as the years go by as well yeah um we're fairly comfortable i'll put it that way okay and um given that there is a number of tall buildings on the high street is the um added density of these buildings it's still acceptable so in terms of density this isn't really a a metric that is used as much anymore uh the old london plan used to use density to determine how uh how tall and how how dense um buildings could be so in general terms we don't really look at density we look at the overall design is design acceptable um and then the over wider public benefits so the the affordable housing provision the general provision of housing towards the borough stock and that kind of thing okay thank you for that liam uh jen may i go on to question two yes go for it thank you um talking now to the developers with regards to the uh historical and archaeological interest within the area have the full present uh preparations been made for pre-construction works and for um actual uh uh ensuring that there is suitable um supervision of the original ground works uh yes uh councillor um obviously as part of the environmental impact assessment uh there was an archaeological assessment submitted with that and there is also a condition for uh which the officers are suggesting which is a written scheme of investigation which means that prior to any demolition or development taking place we have to provide a written scheme of individuals to a a strategy and to to assess any archaeology any archaeology that would be found on the site during the uh during the initial enabling works so we have throughout the process assessed archaeology as an important heritage asset in relation to this site and it will be protected going forward okay thank you um i can't see the documents at the moment who is your consultants uh trium were the environmental consultants they were managing um apologies i haven't got the archaeology report in front of me but trium were the overarching consultant they were managing the process right okay is that your last question thank you very much thank you um there's something i want to pick up that uh struck me while uh madeline was asking her question about the height of the building and that is going to page 161 i'm aware that these comments uh date back to the ld lldc's community review panel way back in 2023 uh but there was a comment made then about uh the proposals not delivering the public benefits required and the quality of outdoor amenity space being undermined by overshadowing uh liam i guess i'm guessing this is a question to you um have these comments been totally ruled out by developments that have taken place since i'm assuming they have but i just thought i'd better check because this all sounded better um yeah to an extent i say they would as i mentioned the the scheme that was presented to the qrp was initially very different it had a car park in the middle so the the kind of outdoor space was pushed to the sides and the rear of the site so now we have that big central space um it's much more well there is you know it's right between the two buildings so it should get a good amount of daylight um in terms of the public benefits again although we're not using the newham policies when we do assess tall buildings in newham um one of the things we look at in terms of public benefits is improvements to the public realm um so if this had been a assess on the newham scheme we would be looking at that that open space uh that community cafe because it's activating the uh the river frontage at the rear all of those are public benefits uh which we consider kind of contribute towards allowing the the taller aspect of the building to be okay sure would it be worth just adding i can't honestly remember the heights of the building at the time but certainly the shape was slightly different um so following that uh review and the design review panel uh there was a lot more environmental modeling uh and it's been addressed use so the building's been quite carefully shaped um in order to to sit in its surroundings the height of the buildings um was agreed with the lldc in relation to a series of um wayfinders going east west from pudding mill uh through to sugar house so tall buildings uh in the emerging master plans will highlight pudding mill station this building will highlight the crossing point of stratford high street because there isn't another one for over 100 meters to the west uh and then it's also um um uh in keeping with the height of the emerging taller buildings at sugar house um the the lower of the two buildings um that height was to be in keeping with the the rest of the sugar house uh the pudding mill uh master plan as that was coming forward uh in their parameter plans and so so both the height and the shape of the buildings and the shape of the buildings is carefully uh reviewed uh ldc through environmental modeling and townscape analysis okay if if the committee will indulge me i've got one more question to mark cass and i'm guessing you you're going to be slightly biased in this but why jazz and newham what what um evidence have you had that uh newham desires a jazz venue over all the other different types of music that come through such a diverse community yeah as forms the basis of most popular music that is has been produced since the the 20s the 30s um if you look at the origins of where jazz came from it's probably one of the most um excuse me historically uh inclusive musics um it's quite diverse it attracts male and females to um uh to listen to watch and participate in it um newham is one of the the youngest boroughs in london so the the attraction of jazz and the modern version of jazz and jazz is such a broad church it goes from anything from what i call doobie doobie do music right the way through to so that the really noisy stuff that some people claim gives them a migraine that kind of stuff so that the full improvisation range right the way through from the from that so i think it it actually allows um everybody to get involved with it the concerts that i've put on uh with newer music have proven uh through the audiences that we get a very very diverse age range cultural cultural range um and a huge interest from the young people that are coming through now from um the the music conservatoires or whatever you want to call them the music schools at guildhall in east london trinity south of uh the river and even over the royal academy um are really really becoming quite attracted to the arts and cultural aspects of the wider cultural focus of of jazz in particular across the not of jazz of the arts across um the olympic park so um we know from practical experience there is an interest in it there's an educational attachment to it as well which will be uh if you look at something for example black history month um jazz is american classical music so if you look at the the heritage of the jazz again from an educational perspective there is demand from there and there will be a fascination to engage uh young people and uh anecdotally the conversations we have with young people um is this one of the sammy's parties looks like one of sammy's parties sorry councillor sally haunting can can you mute please oh sorry i got excited sorry sorry party there not every day you come to a planning thing and get invited to a party um so i i think anecdotally that and if you look at just recently um there's one particular band that's come out very young um ezra collective yeah ezra collective they were the first jazz band to sell out wembley arena they were with the mercury and first first jazz band to um win a brit award uh they're from yeah they all claim that they're from infield they're not all from infield some are actually from these ear parts as well so uh it's it's it's it's a big thing in london and there's a huge crossover of jazz from the other side of the river um and as i said the the arts council have identified it as a priority area and music and the arts and the culture of jazz that comes with it is really important and from our experience out in essex um just at the jazz archive we get a lot of young people coming in to see the museum because they understand that jazz is the basis of so much music even some of that drill music and heavy duty rap and and hip-hop stuff if you listen to the background of that the fundamentals of it there's there's jazz music that is based around so there is demand for it um i think there's not just the demand for jazz but there is also the spillover into the folk music side of things the the ethnic music side of things as well the world music whatever however you want to describe it and as i said before to the councillor there's 220 languages spoken in there um in this in this borough and the opportunity to create improvised music because pretty much that's what jazz is is going to be very very attractive to many many people okay i have no idea why anyone would want to pretend to come from enfield rather than newham but anyway moving on um are there any further questions from the uh councillor beckles there's just a question around um at the back of the site there is the waterfront and your plans to uh i guess reactivate it um would that include street lighting or any sort of um pension park wayfinders um would that be part of that just to make it safe and i'm sure secure by design and everything else um the design is trying to do a few things it's making that um riverside much wider uh it's overlooking it and it's connecting it through to stratford high street which which doesn't have a connection in in that area at the moment other than see going up onto the bridge um so lighting uh play uh seating will all be part of the detailed design and there's a condition okay in to to secure the um the monitoring of that before it's implemented yeah and it's also one of the things we talked to the canal and river trust about was the lighting and this actually again about conditions but there's a very important condition about the management of what's called the aquatic area but it's the eight meters from the from the boback river into our site which actually is all about managing that space the lighting the landscaping all of those aspects okay if i've got no further questions from the uh committee uh i think it's time to move to uh the decision so uh liam can you share the decision of this please yes okay that should be coming through yeah it's slowly coming through excellent so the strategic development committee is asked to note the contents of the updated report and resolve to agree the reasons for approval is set out in this report in the event that no new material considerations are raised by the canals and rivers trust um refer this application to the mayor of london brackets the gla as a stage two referral if new material considerations are raised officers shall bring the application back to strategic development committee and three subject to the mayor of london or delegated authorized officer advising that he's content to allow the council to determine the application itself delegate authority to the director of planning and development to grant planning permission subject to the completion of a legal agreement under section 106 of the town and country planning act 1990 as amended based on the heads of terms identified at appendix two of this report and the conditions listed in appendix one of the report uh are we happy to agree this yes agreed agreed fantastic thank you so much uh for attending and for everybody else's uh attended committee tonight for this item so you again you're absolutely welcome to stay but equally welcome to leave thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you and with that uh we move on to item nine london city airport hartman road silbertown yes now my understanding is that nobody is actually attending for this item so when our guests have left if officers want to talk the committee through the item uh and then we have questions if if not we might want to go straight to the uh recommendation but uh uh everyone's left i'll hand over thank you chair just let me know when that's sharing for you okay just got a couple couple of people still to leave no problem thank you very much thank you thank you thank you thank you excellent officers we're now clear over to you okay thank you chair this is item nine london city airport so i'm sure you're well aware of where the airport is uh so an application came to you in july last year for an outline application uh related to a hotel on the airport site and that was given approval as i say in july last year and here are some of the plans just to show you the outline permission so as part of that proposal there is a head of turn in in the 106 obligations um a standard term i'm sure you're familiar with to provide um a financial contribution towards jobs um towards the our new and work um recruitment process that we use the program uh so that amount that that in this instance was 914 000 pounds that's calculated based on the number of jobs created as part of development and when we don't have access to that information we calculate it based on an estimated build cost so our colleagues in the employment skills team have a database that they use and that calculates how much they should uh apply so the applicants uh we're currently going through signing the 106 of that application at the moment during that process the applicants created the calculation of that amount and they consider that based on the 100 jobs created it should have been lower it should have been 316 000. so excuse me uh that revised figure was reviewed by the skills and employment team and they do agree that amount is correct uh there was information in the planning application at the time unfortunately it was overlooked um both by ourselves and the applicant and so the amount was agreed when it went to committee so because it went to committee with that higher amount uh procedurally we need to bring it back to you which is what we're doing today um to change that amount but we have to do a very short assessment um very simply would our assessment would our recommendation have changed if the lower amount was presented to you back in july so firstly the employment skills team have confirmed that the lower amount is the correct calculation that should have been applied and secondly this contribution is required by local plan it's intended to be proportionate um it's a form of mitigation it's not in itself a reason to approve permission so in a nutshell if this lower amount had been provided we wouldn't have changed our recommendation the scheme still would have been acceptable and so our recommendation would have still been to approve so on that basis we just ask the committee to agree to amend the wording to reflect the new amount and uh that is it on that one thank you fantastic so have members got any questions um there's just one for me it's just about um how it was overlooked i'm just trying to answer where the mistake happened um was it at our end or was it at um the applicant's end in terms of putting forward the numbers thanks it's it's a bit of both actually so it's not unusual for us to um go through these obligations before we get to committee and kind of iron out anything that we think is incorrect or anything like that um normally when it gets to committee you can kind of read those obligations as agreed by both sides in this case the number of 100 jobs was in a document that was overlooked by our team and unfortunately the applicant didn't pick it up either so they agreed to that higher amount initially um it was only when they went to finally sign the agreement that they saw it and realized there was an error so uh it's a little bit of both i would say sounds like a cop-out but i promise it isn't good thing and just in terms of um cost of reviewing it is it's not overly onerous on us is it or no it's very simple um this is purely a procedural issue uh if we had the authority to edit ourselves the word that this needs to go before you can thank you so has anyone else got anything they they want to ask or is everybody happy just to approve uh the correction yeah with the correction mr corn did you say it was good there was picked up yeah okay so is is there a formal decision statement that i have to read out at this stage or or do we just say that we approve i will put the excellent recommendation up um i don't know that it's a bit unusual i don't know if there is a formal uh maybe vincent can chip in but i believe you just have to confirm agreement to the amendment okay so members are therefore recommended to agree an amendment to the wording of the head of terms from local labor via workplace commitment to providing 35 construction phase and 50 end user jobs for a contribution of 914 107 pounds uh plus rpi payable prior to implementation uh dot local labor via workplace including apprenticeships uh point local supply chains uh local supply chains uh commitment to promote the use of supply chain opportunities to local labor via workplace commitment to providing 35 construction phase and 50 end user jobs for a contribution of 316 300 pounds and rpi payable prior to implementation uh and the rest is as was above um so is everyone happy to agree that yeah great fantastic so that concludes uh tonight's business of the committee and just to announce that the date of our next meeting will be the 20th of may 2025 1st of april uh as outlined in in the agenda so i look forward to seeing everybody in may thank you very much for attending thank you chair thank you thank you thank you everybody bye thank you and with that i'm closing the meeting at uh 2020
The Strategic Development Committee resolved to approve all four planning applications before them. These were a Reserved Matters application for a Multi-Function Building (MFB) at the former Paint Factory and Central Thameside West, North Woolwich Road, Silvertown; a Reserved Matters application for 600 homes at Silvertown Quays, North Woolwich Road, Silvertown; a full planning application for 355 homes at 68-70 High Street, Stratford; and the correction of a Section 106 obligation concerning a previously approved hotel at London City Airport.
Land At Former Paint Factory And Central Thameside West
The committee considered a Reserved Matters application for a three-storey Multi-Function Building (MFB), which will be a flexible community, education and training space for local residents.
The building will have six meeting rooms ranging in size from 13sqm to 215sqm, with capacity for 2 to 60 people, a DHN plant room, two kitchens and WCs, and cycle parking. It will also house the District Heating Network (DHN) hub for the three surrounding data halls, collecting waste heat via separate pipes to be used in the MFB and wider community.
The committee noted the requirement in the Section 106 agreement that the MFB will be practically completed and fitted out, ready for occupation, before the data centre halls are occupied.
The committee queried the size of the DHN plant room, and was assured it is appropriately sized to support all three data halls.
Councillor Young asked about the applicant's approach to biodiversity. The applicant confirmed the MFB is part of a much larger scheme that was approved with a strong biodiversity net gain strategy, including green roofs, PV panels and extensive public realm and landscaping.
Silvertown Quays Bounded By Royal Victoria Dock
The committee considered a Reserved Matters application for 600 residential units in four buildings, ranging in height from 12 to 16 storeys. 29% of the homes will be affordable, with a tenure split of 14% London Affordable Rent and 15% Shared Ownership. All affordable units will be provided by The Guinness Partnership.1
Councillor Masters noted that a full landscaping plan would be submitted and approved at a later stage.
Councillor Young noted comments made by the Design Review Panel in relation to the initial outline application, and asked about the applicant’s response to those comments. Officers confirmed that the proposal responds to those comments through a Design Guide document approved as part of the outline permission. This document sets out the expected details, materials and other design aspects to ensure consistent high quality across all phases of development.
Councillor Young also asked about the choice of materials and their links to heritage assets. The applicant confirmed their choices had been informed by the local context and heritage assets. They have sought to enhance the setting of Silo D by using neutral materials that do not compete with the structure’s strong form, allowing views up to it from North Woolwich Road and across to it from Silo D Park. They have also taken inspiration from the composition of Silo D and Millennium Mills, echoing the plain surface of the latter in their buildings and the articulated framing of the former in the arrangement of the blocks. The application will be subject to condition 6 of the outline permission, which requires details of all external materials to be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA.
Councillor Sarley-Pontin noted that some internal spaces would have lower levels of daylight than others and asked if this affected the dual-aspect units. The applicant confirmed there are no north-facing single aspect homes, 62% of the units are dual aspect, and all family homes are dual aspect. They said daylight and sunlight had been tested iteratively throughout the design process and optimised for the site. The applicant’s daylight and sunlight assessor, Paolo, confirmed the results of the assessment take into consideration both daylight and sunlight, which are assessed separately. They said daylight has been optimised, and habitable rooms that fall below recommendations have been optimised where possible, for example bringing the living area in living rooms forward towards the window. They also noted balconies are a valuable private amenity space, but represent a trade-off between that amenity and daylight. All things considered, they said, even the units that fall below recommendations – a normal occurrence in high density regeneration schemes – have adequate daylight, and the overall layout of the units, which has gone through the design process, is also adequate.
Land At 68 - 70 High Street, Stratford
The committee considered an application for the demolition of the existing building at 68-70 High Street, Stratford, and the erection of two new buildings: a 27 storey building comprising 272 Build-to-Rent (BTR) units with communal facilities and a 12 storey building with a 410sqm community cafe/music venue at ground floor level and 83 affordable units.
Officers noted the site falls within the boundary of the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) planning area, and although the LLDC’s powers to determine planning applications have fallen back to Newham, the LLDC Local Plan 2036 remains the most up-to-date policy document for the area.
The community cafe will operate as a music venue on some weekends, with jazz being the primary music genre.
The affordable housing split will be 61% social rented and 39% intermediate housing, and 38% of the affordable units will be 3-bed units, a tenure that is a high priority for Newham Council. The committee heard that a Financial Viability Assessment (FVA) had been submitted and independently reviewed, and concluded the proposal represents the maximum amount of affordable housing that is viable for the site.
The applicant, Mark Cass, Chair of the National Jazz Archive2, argued that the cafe/music venue would enhance the area. He said: “at the moment the site is a derelict site the canal path is is difficult to walk along because it's a derelict site there's no activity in there it feels difficult even Stratford high street doesn't have a huge amount of activity the idea of bringing activity to the ground level having people both coming out of the the residential elements and the cafe will actually add active surveillance to the area it'll feel safer”.
Mr Cass argued that jazz would attract a diverse range of people to the venue. He said: “jazz typically attracts the slightly more mature audience”, and “if you look at the origins of where jazz came from it's probably one of the most um excuse me historically uh inclusive musics um it's quite diverse it attracts male and females to um uh to listen to watch and participate in it”. He also said that the venue could host “spoken word uh or even to a point where there's dance”.
Councillor Beckles asked about maintenance of the landscaping. The applicant confirmed that the landscaping within the plot will be managed by an on-site facilities management team paid for by the residents, and the wider landscaping on the masterplan will be managed via a separate process.
Councillor Sarley-Pontin asked how the buildings would compare to others in the area. Officers confirmed they are not the tallest in the area, but are in-keeping with the prevailing heights along that part of Stratford High Street. They pointed members to a drawing on page 230 of the agenda pack showing the heights of buildings that either exist or have consent in the area.
Councillor Sarley-Pontin also asked if the development would be an acceptable density. Officers said density is no longer a metric that is widely used, and the focus is instead on design acceptability and the overall public benefits that a development brings.
Councillor Young asked about comments made in the LLDC’s Quality Review Panel in 2023 that “the proposals do not deliver the public benefits required and the quality of outdoor amenity space being undermined by overshadowing”. Officers confirmed the scheme has changed significantly since those comments were made. The initial proposals had a large car park in the middle of the site, whereas the current proposals have a significant amount of open space, and the buildings have been reshaped to ensure the open space receives good daylight.
Councillor Beckles asked about plans to reactivate the waterfront. Officers confirmed they would include street lighting and wayfinding, which has been discussed with the Canal and Rivers Trust.
Councillor Birdie asked how often the cafe would operate as a music venue. Mr Cass said it would depend on demand, but they would initially look to have events every weekend for the first few months, dropping this back to monthly or fortnightly if it proved unviable. He said: “if that proved that it wasn't viable um then we could drop that down to once a month once every fortnight that kind of thing it's a it's an operational concern um that that affects the business plan and we build a model around a level of flexibility”. He said they would anticipate the venue to be “busy um every week throughout the year”.
Councillor Birdie asked if the applicant thought the proposed rent for the venue (50% of market rate) would be achievable if demand was high. Mr Cass said: “we would always be interested in dropping the percentage we would always be from a commercial perspective the lower the rent for us the better”, and “there may even be an opportunity and this is strictly subject to contract that there may even be an opportunity for a revenue share that saw money coming back into the uh into the the building that meant that we could reinvest”.
Councillor Young asked if the affordable split of 61% social rent and 39% intermediate housing was a condition. Officers explained that the LLDC Local Plan does not have the same policies as the Newham Local Plan, and there is no policy backing to insist on a 60/40 split. The applicant has shuffled things around to ensure that a large proportion of the 3-bed affordable units are social rented, which although not a policy requirement, is welcomed.
Councillor Young asked about the median or average length of stay for tenants in BTR schemes. The applicant confirmed that they offer 3-year tenancies and the average stay is in excess of two years. They said: “these are residents that stay uh for longer periods and we're not really intending to be letting these units to graduates or students short term it's all about long-term residents”.
Councillor Young asked if the applicant has engaged with Newham Workplace and other training providers to ensure the development will provide apprenticeships and other opportunities for sustainable employment. The applicant confirmed that although they have not yet engaged with them, they will do so in the future.
Councillor Young asked officers about the design review process, given the application has not been seen by the Newham Design Review Panel. Officers confirmed the Newham Design Officer attended the LLDC Quality Review Panel, and the updates to the scheme were made in response to their comments. The Newham Design Officer has also reviewed the amended scheme and is happy with it.
Councillor Young also asked about the £20,000 contribution towards Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) that the applicant is offering following an objection from Natural England3. Officers confirmed that the money will be paid to Newham and will be used to improve Beckton District Park. They said: “it will come to newham and then it will go to um implement the uh beckton park master plan because they um they agree that that's a um suitable alternative natural green space”.
London City Airport
The Committee considered a request from the applicant for a previously approved hotel at London City Airport to reduce their financial contribution towards the Newham Workplace scheme from £914,107 to £316,300. This followed the applicant querying how the initial figure had been calculated.
Officers explained that the contribution is calculated based on the number of jobs created from the development. This information was provided in the Planning Statement and overlooked by both officers and the applicant until the agreement was due to be signed. The Employment and Skills Team have confirmed that the lower figure is correct.
Officers confirmed that even with the lower figure, they would have recommended the scheme for approval. They said: “officers are content that the discrepancy is the result of overlooking information on employment figures and not an attempt to re-negotiate an agreed position contrary to policy. Consultation from the Employment and Skills team has confirmed that the lower amount is the correct amount that should have applied at that stage”. The committee therefore agreed to amend the Section 106 obligation.
The Guinness Partnership is a provider of affordable housing and care across England. ↩
The National Jazz Archive is the UK's only public archive dedicated to the preservation, promotion and presentation of written, printed and visual material on jazz, blues and related music. ↩
Natural England is a non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. They advise the UK Government on the natural environment. ↩