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Housing and Environment Scrutiny Panel - Tuesday, 18 March 2025 7:30 pm

March 18, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to receive an update on the work of Hounslow Highways on flood resilience in the borough. The meeting was also scheduled to include a discussion of the Scrutiny Panel’s findings from its investigation into flood resilience in Hounslow.

Update on the work of Hounslow Highways

The Scrutiny Panel was scheduled to receive a verbal update from Tim Hurley (Divisional Director at Hounslow Highways) about the work that Hounslow Highways has done in relation to flood resilience.

The Panel was also scheduled to receive a written update from Hounslow Highways, summarising their work on flood resilience. The report states that Hounslow Highways' current flood risk management activities include:

“Gully cleansing on a scheduled basis. This is split into three lists determined by their flood risk. List 1 is cleansed most frequently (annually) and List 3 least frequently. Other gullies are cleansed on an ad-hoc basis and in response to reports of flooding. We also have an inspection program for all highway drainage assets that is carried out on cyclical basis. “

The report goes on to outline that Hounslow Highways has developed sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) schemes as part of their ‘business as usual’, and in partnership with the London Borough of Hounslow. For instance, as part of their current contract with the Council, Hounslow Highways will have built nine SuDS schemes in the borough by March 2025.

Guidance for Scrutiny Recommendations

The Scrutiny Panel was scheduled to receive guidance about how to frame its recommendations. The report reminds Councillors that recommendations should be:

“evidence based, realistic, solution focussed and outcome driven. They should also be in line with the Council’s priorities, add value and be impactful. “

Workshop to Develop Findings and Recommendations

The Scrutiny Panel was scheduled to hold a workshop to discuss its findings and develop recommendations, in light of the evidence gathered during the previous meetings. This would involve a discussion of how the panel’s findings relate to the Terms of Reference that they agreed at their first meeting, in October 2024. These Terms of Reference focussed on the extent to which the London Borough of Hounslow is doing what it needs to do to ensure that the borough is prepared for the growing challenges of flooding.

In particular, at their first meeting, the panel was interested in investigating the following:

  • The extent to which flooding is an issue locally.
  • The effectiveness of the Thames Barrier.
  • The gap between the Council's legal and policy obligations around flood resilience, and the Council’s capacity to meet these obligations.
  • How Hounslow compares to other London boroughs when it comes to flood resilience.

The document pack reminds Councillors that their recommendations should be “SMART” (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).

Members' Survey and Discussion About the Topics for the Work Programme 2025/26

The Scrutiny Panel was scheduled to discuss potential topics for its work programme in 2025/26. Councillors were asked to submit their suggestions in advance of the meeting.