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Pension Board - Wednesday, 5th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 5, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting covered several important topics, primarily focusing on pension fund management, regulatory updates, and administrative matters.

Pension Fund Management

Investment Reports and Performance: Sian provided an update on the upcoming pensions committee meeting, noting that the committee will receive investment reports. The fund scored highly on the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) with four out of five stars. The committee also discussed the CBRE mandate within the ACCESS pool and the new Blue Bay multi-asset credit fund, which is now live. Additionally, there was an update on index-linked investments and the implementation change for Storebrand Osmosis.

Economic Activity of Public Bodies Bill: Michael Covenant reported that the Economic Activity of Public Bodies Bill did not survive the wash-up process after the general election was called. The future of this bill will depend on the outcome of the election.

Lifetime Allowance: The lifetime allowance has been abolished, and the communications team is updating letters to reflect this change. There is uncertainty about whether a potential Labour government might reintroduce it.

Pension Board Membership: Tim Oliver, an employer representative, stood down in May. A suitable replacement has been identified, and a paper is being prepared for the governance committee.

Regulatory Updates

Letter from the Minister of Local Government: There was a discussion about a letter received from the Minister of Local Government, which implied that the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) might be inefficient. Michael Covenant and Sian discussed the governance arrangements and the potential for consolidation of pension funds to improve efficiency.

Privacy Notice: Neil raised questions about the privacy notice, specifically regarding data sharing with employers and other pension schemes. Sian and Michael agreed to review the privacy notice to ensure it accurately reflects data sharing practices.

Administrative Matters

Employer Engagement and Communications: Sian reported that employer contribution collection is positive, with only minor delays from new employers. The iConnect system is being rolled out, with some delays from larger employers. The communications team continues to update newsletters and the website.

Pension Administration: Paul provided an update on key performance indicators (KPIs), noting improvements in March. The Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) project is nearly complete, with most pensioners' records updated. The member self-service portal is set to pilot in mid-June. The annual benefit statements are being prepared, with most employers now on iConnect.

Budget: Russell reported a substantial underspend of £297,000 for the 2023-24 year, mainly due to changes in staff and cautious spending on investment advice and consultancy.

Internal Audit: Danny presented two audit reports on pension fund cash management and the administration of pension benefits. Both audits received positive assurances, with no high or medium-risk findings.

Risk Register: Sian highlighted an increased risk around regulatory uncertainty due to upcoming consultations and the general election. The board discussed the need to monitor inflation and review the AVC default fund and ill-health insurance.

Work Program: Sian outlined the work program for the next 12 months, including updates to the conflict of interest policy and a review of various contracts. The board will also review the risk register and ill-health insurance.

Exempt Items

The meeting concluded with a move to discuss exempt items, excluding the public and press.