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Planning Committee - Monday, 3rd June, 2024 4.00 pm

June 3, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with a summary of the procedures for the multi-locational meeting, including instructions for both physical and remote participants. Apologies for absence were noted for Councillor Jeremy Newton and Councillor Andy Williams, and Councillor John Jolly was welcomed to his first Planning Committee meeting.

Development Management Applications

Application P2023-0260

Amber Johnson from Mersey Design Group presented an application for the demolition and replacement of an existing dwelling with up to nine additional properties in Rossett. The site is outside the local conservation area, and the new access will be positioned directly off Chester Road. Concerns were raised about the impact on trees and the conservation area. The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions.

Councillor Ross Sheppard and Councillor Hugh Jones expressed concerns about the lack of affordable housing, impact on the conservation area, and highway safety. Both suggested a site visit. The committee debated the timing of the site visit, with some members suggesting it would be more beneficial at the reserve matters stage. The application was moved for approval with a site visit to be conducted at the reserve matters stage if necessary.

Application P2023-0756

Cameron Robson presented an application for the erection of a new dwelling in Marford. The new location for the dwelling was considered better ecologically and improved visibility for pedestrians. The community council had reduced their concerns to a single objection of overdevelopment. The application was recommended for approval.

Councillor David Bithell and Councillor Graham Rogers raised concerns about parking and highway safety. A site visit was proposed and seconded. The committee voted in favor of a site visit to be conducted on June 14th.

Application P2023-0662

The application for the development at Wrexham Sports and Social Club was introduced. The site is within settlement limits, and the development would replace the existing access arrangements. The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions and the submission of amended plans to address highway issues.

Councillor Graham Rogers suggested deferring the matter until more information was available. However, it was clarified that the application would not be granted without resolving the highway issues. The committee moved to approve the application with the conditions outlined.

Development of National Significance (DNS) Process

The committee discussed the delegation of authority to prepare and submit a Local Impact Report (LIR) for a potential DNS application for a solar farm at Bersham. Concerns were raised about the tight five-week timescale for submitting the LIR and the need for local member consultation.

Councillor Mark Pritchard and Councillor Anthony Wedlake expressed concerns about the lack of prior consultation with local members and the potential impact on the local area. The committee debated the recommendation and agreed to amend it to include consultation with local members before submitting the LIR.

Development Management Performance Update

Matthew Phillips provided an update on the performance of the Development Management team, highlighting the challenges of staff resourcing and the impact of the new IT system. The committee acknowledged the hard work of the team and discussed the need for a plan to address the staffing issues.

Councillor Hugh Jones and Councillor Mark Pritchard emphasized the importance of supporting the team and finding sustainable solutions. The committee agreed that a plan for improvement should be developed and brought back for further discussion.