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The Appointments Panel met to consider the longlist of applicants for the role of Development & Regeneration Director at the council. The meeting was held in private, so we do not know who was on the longlist or any other details about what was discussed.
Appointment of Development & Regeneration Director
The Panel was scheduled to determine the longlist of applicants for the role of Development & Regeneration Director at the council.
The purpose of the Development & Regeneration Director role is described as someone who will:
lead and manage excellent services and undertake transformation and change, ensuring services continue to improve and are cost effective.
This includes management of:
- The Property service responsible for over 1,000 property assets.
- The Regeneration service
- The Housing Enabling and Delivery service
- Appraisals, development and delivery for key funding streams.
- Estate renewal
The postholder will report to the Director of Place & Growth and deputise for them when required.