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Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 10.00 am
June 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee of Flintshire County Council met on Wednesday, 12 June 2024, to discuss various issues, including communal heating charges, community resilience, and the housing strategy. Key decisions were made on communal heating charges and the approval of the housing strategy action plan.
Communal Heating Charges 2024/25
The committee reviewed the proposed communal heating charges for the financial year 2024/25. The Chief Officer (Housing and Communities) presented the report, outlining the need for an increase due to rising energy costs. The proposed charges were debated, with some councillors expressing concerns about the impact on low-income residents.
Councillor David Evans argued that the increase was necessary to cover costs and maintain the service, stating, We must ensure the sustainability of our communal heating systems, even if it means a slight increase in charges.
Conversely, Councillor Linda Thew raised concerns about affordability, suggesting that the council explore additional support measures for vulnerable residents.
The committee resolved to approve the proposed charges, with a commitment to review the impact on residents and explore potential support measures.
Together We Can: Community Resilience and Self-Reliance
The Housing & Prevention Service Manager introduced the Together We Can
report, which focuses on enhancing community resilience and self-reliance. The report highlighted various initiatives aimed at empowering communities, including local support networks and volunteer programs.
Councillor Rosetta Dolphin praised the initiative, stating, Building resilient communities is crucial for long-term sustainability and well-being.
The committee discussed the importance of community engagement and the need for ongoing support from the council.
The report was noted, and the committee expressed support for the continued development of community resilience programs.
Housing Strategy
The Chief Officer (Housing and Communities) presented the Housing Strategy and the accompanying Housing Strategy Action Plan Progress Report. The strategy outlines the council's plans to address housing needs, improve housing quality, and support vulnerable residents.
The committee discussed the progress made on the action plan, with Councillor Kevin Rush highlighting the importance of meeting the Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS). The Chief Officer noted that significant progress had been made but acknowledged ongoing challenges, particularly in securing funding for necessary improvements.
The committee resolved to approve the housing strategy and action plan, with a commitment to regular updates on progress and challenges.
Void Management
The Service Manager (Housing Assets) provided an update on void management, detailing the current status of void properties and efforts to reduce the backlog. The report highlighted the number of properties returned to use and the challenges faced in managing voids.
Councillor David Evans expressed concerns about the high number of void properties, urging the council to expedite the process. The Service Manager outlined plans to bring additional contractors on board and improve internal processes to address the backlog.
The update was noted, and the committee supported the ongoing efforts to manage void properties more effectively.
Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking
The committee reviewed the Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking, noting the addition of the Together We Can
report to the agenda. The Facilitator highlighted the progress made on outstanding actions, including the completion of actions related to the Common Housing Register (Single Access Route to Housing – SARTH).
The committee resolved to note the forward work programme and the progress made on action tracking.
For more details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet and the Public reports pack.
- Agenda frontsheet 12th-Jun-2024 10.00 Community Housing Overview Scrutiny Committee agenda
- CH OSC Minutes - 06.03.2024
- CH OSC Minutes - 07.02.2024
- CH OSC Minutes - 22.04.2024
- Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking CH E
- Appendix 1 Draft Forward Work Programme
- Appendix 2 Action Tracking for the Community Housing Assets OSC
- Communal Heating Charges 202425
- Together we can Community resilience and self-reliance
- Housing Strategy
- Appendix 1 - Housing Strategy Action Plan Progress Report 31st March 2023
- Appendix 2 - Risk Matrix
- Void Management
- Public reports pack 12th-Jun-2024 10.00 Community Housing Overview Scrutiny Committee reports pack