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Audit and Risk Management Panel - Wednesday, 19th March, 2025 6.30 pm

March 19, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting noted Forvis Mazar’s 2023/24 Annual Audit Report, which proposed an unqualified audit opinion for the Council. The Panel accepted two recommendations from Forvis Mazars about the Council’s financial sustainability, and the failure to clear the backlog of fire safety actions. The meeting also accepted the draft report on the work of the Audit and Risk Management Panel 2024/25.

Financial Sustainability

The Panel discussed the financial sustainability of the Council, particularly in light of the recommendation from Forvis Mazars, the external auditors, that the council should ensure that savings targets included in its budget are realistic and appropriate arrangements are in place to track their delivery to reduce the need for the council to rely on one-off resource, um, reserves and resources.1 The external auditors made this recommendation after the Council failed to meet a number of its savings targets for the previous year.

Councillor Hyland, Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Social Value argued that the Council had in fact made the savings it needed to and that it's, it's had unfair, really. She also pointed out that the Council had gone for much bigger projects to cut this year, and it was unclear how long we can keep, keep that up. She said that the situation would only improve unless the government restructure local council funding.

Mr Damon Cook, Director of Resources, explained that the process of setting the Council’s budget had changed significantly in the last few years: each year we have built upon the previous year's, um, efforts and refined and improved the way that we do these things. He said that the Council now uses a whole multidisciplinary team, uh, that gets involved in this process, making sure that you've got, um, sort of finance, uh, HR, digital, procurement, um, change and improvement. He explained that the Council now over-programmed for the savings by about 10% and that its planned use of reserves had been markedly reduced. He concluded by saying that financial sustainability across the entire country, uh, across all, you know, all councils across the country, it's very difficult at the moment but that we are doing as much as we possibly can, um, to, to ensure that we are taking decisions, um, which are in the long-term good for the council medium term.

The Panel noted the external auditors' recommendation that the Council should ensure its savings targets are realistic and that appropriate arrangements are in place to track their delivery.

Fire Safety Actions

The meeting then discussed a second recommendation from the external auditors, this one related to the Council’s failure to clear a backlog of fire safety actions. Councillor Hartley asked what lever is now pulled to, to kind of, to, to translate this recommendation into service, any change in service delivery?

Mr Cook explained that the Council had awarded a contract for, uh, sort of fire remedial works and that the process of whittling down, um, that backlog continues. He said that the Council is monitoring the backlog on an ongoing basis.

The Panel accepted the external auditors' recommendation that the Council clear the backlog of fire safety actions and award a contract for remedial works.

Audit Fees

The Panel then discussed the audit fees proposed by Forvis Mazars, which had increased significantly since the previous year.

The Chair pointed out that the scale fee set by the Public Sector Audit Appointments (PSAA) had doubled and argued that the Council should not have to pay additional fees for valuations “unless there was clear fault on our part.”

Mr Suresh Patel of Forvis Mazars explained that the additional fee for valuations related to the fact that because of the lower level of materiality they had to carry out more testing than usual: 83 items within your general fund and 67 within your HRA. He said that this was probably three or four times more than we would do normally. He went on to explain that they were unable to rely on work done by the previous auditors, Grant Thornton, because auditing standards and my own risk management prevent me from relying upon another auditor's previous year's work.

Mr Cook said that he had sympathy for Forvis Mazars because there will always be a year one everywhere, um, for when an auditor comes along but that it was known about so perhaps, um, a, a comment, and, and I have today only just been, um, uh, messaged by the PSA, uh, to ask, to give some feedback. Um, and I will be giving some feedback, um, and it will include what I'm saying at the moment, about including that year one arrangement. It's common across the board. So, it just makes life difficult at the end of the day. If somebody has to come here and say, well, there is some more work because it was year one. Well, it was known about. Um, so, I have sympathy, um, in, in respect of that.

The Panel noted the audit fees and welcomed the assurances from the external auditors that many of the additional fees were related to it being the first year of their engagement.

Report to Full Council

Finally, the meeting considered a draft report on the work of the Audit and Risk Management Panel, which is presented to Full Council each year. The report details how the Panel fulfilled its Terms of Reference during the year and provides a summary of the work it undertook. The Chair asked if there was a mention of our decision to, um, to, to, or recommendation rather to increase the, uh, number of independent members from one to two?

Ms Vivian Zuechi, Head of Financial Governance Insurance and Risk, said that the report did not mention this but that she could note it for next time. The Chair replied I, I, I, if it's possible, I would like that item to be included in the, in the report. That would be very helpful.

The Panel agreed to the draft report and it was submitted to Full Council.

  1. This is a quote from the meeting transcript