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This meeting was to consider the adoption of the most recent version of Wandsworth Borough Council's constitution1. The document included for discussion was the complete constitution, as amended up to March 2025.
Adoption of the constitution
This version of the constitution was originally adopted in September 2001, and most recently updated in July 2016 to take account of the Shared Staffing Arrangement with Richmond-upon-Thames London Borough Council. This arrangement means that the vast majority of staff are jointly employed by both Wandsworth and Richmond Councils and that most services are managed by senior staff working across both councils
. There is, however, a sovereignty guarantee
in place, which ensures that decisions about services in each borough are made by the councillors for that borough.
The report pack explains that a constitution is necessary to comply with the Local Government Act 2000. It is divided into 16 articles that set out the basic rules governing the council's business
as well as more detailed procedures and codes of practice
like the scheme of delegation to officers.
The report pack summarises the rights of citizens, which include the right to vote, to contact their councillor, to obtain information and to complain about services they receive. The pack highlights the right of citizens to access information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which is enshrined in article 3 of the constitution. The constitution also enshrines citizens' right to make deputations to the council and some of its committees. In particular the document explains:
Committees and sub-committees may agree to receive deputations from members of the public to enable them to address the committee/sub-committee about a matter on the agenda for their meeting.
The report pack explains that the Executive is the part of the council which is responsible for most of the day to day decisions. The Executive is composed of the Leader and up to nine Cabinet Members who are appointed by the Leader. The report pack then describes the five overview and scrutiny committees, the six regulatory and other committees2 and the standards committee. The standards committee is responsible for promoting high standards of conduct, and its members include three independent people.
The document states that there is also a Joint Staffing Committee and a Joint Pensions Committee to deal with matters related to staff. These committees are composed of councillors from both Wandsworth and Richmond councils. The report pack describes the role of the council's officers, and says that a code of conduct governs the relationship between officers and councillors. It also explains that the Chief Executive and Executive Directors have been given delegated authority by the Council to carry out certain functions.
- Agenda frontsheet 11th-Mar-2025 Council Constitution agenda
- Public reports pack 11th-Mar-2025 Council Constitution reports pack
- PART 2 - Article 7 - The Executive
- PART 2 - Article 8 - Regulatory and other Committees
- PART 1 - Summary and Explanation
- PART 2 - Article 0 - Articles of the Constitution
- PART 2 - Article 1 - The Constitution
- CE and all Executive Directors - as at 18 4 18 other
- PH - SoM - CE - Version 2
- PHCEsGroupVersion2
- PH -SoM - CE Group - Community Safety Annex - Legislation
- Executive Director of Adult Social Services and Public Health - May 2019 other
- Executive Director of Childrens Services - 29 3 18 other
- PART 4 Schedule Ac Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules
- PART 4 Schedule Ad - Access to Infomation Procedure Rules
- PART 4 - Schedule A d - Appendix - Access to Information
- Part 4 - Standing orders of Licesning Committee and Procedure Rules for Sub-Comms
- PART 4 - Schedule A b - Executive Procedure Rules
- PART 4 - Schedule C - Financial Regulations
- PART 4 - Schedule A e - Officer Employment Procedure Rules
- PART 4 Schedule B - Budget and Policy Framework Rules
- Part 4 Schedule D - Procurement Regulations
- PART 2 - Article 2 - Members of the Council
- PART 2 - Article 3 - Citizens and the Council including petitions
- PART 4 - Schedule E - Legal proceedings
- PART 2 - Article 4 - The Full Council
- PART 2 - Article 5 - Role and functions of the Mayor other
- PART 2 Article 6 - OS Committees
- Part 5 - Appendix A - Code of Conduct for Members
- PART 2 - Article 9 - The Standards Committee
- PART 2 - Article 10 - Area and Consutative Forums other
- PART 2 - Article 11 - Joint Arrangements
- PART 2 - Article 12 - Officers other
- PART 2 Article 13 - Decision Making other
- PART 2 - Article 14 - Finance contracts and legal matters other
- PART 2 - Article 15 - Review and revision of the Constitution other
- PART 2 - Article 16 - Suspension interpretation and publication of the Constitution other
- PART 2 - Schedule 1 - Description of Executive arrangements
- PART 2 - Schedule 2 - Register of Executive Members
- PART 3 - Responsibility for functions
- PART 3 - Appendix A - The full Council
- PART 3 Appendix B The Overview and Scrutiny Committees TOR
- Part 3 - Appendix B - Annex Membership of OSC Committees
- PART 3 - Appendix C - The Executive
- AppendixFDelegationtoOfficersSchemeofDelegations
- PART 3 - Appendix D - Regulatory and other committees - October 2021 other
- PART 3 - Appendix E - The Standards Committee
- PART 3 - Appendix E - Annex - Standards complaints process and Hearings Sub-Committee
- Part 3 - Appendix D and E - Annex Committee Appointments
- Executive Director of Environment and Community Services - 04 - 19 other
- Environment and Community Services- RSP Annex - Legislation
- Part 5 - Appendix A - Annex A Member Officer Protocol
- Executive Director of Housing and Regeneration
- Executive Director of Finance - as at 12 4 23 other
- Part 5 - Appendix A - Annex B - Social Media Protocol
- PART 3 - Appendix G - Delegations to other bodies
- PART 3 - Appendix G - ANNEX - Joint Pensions Committee Procedure Rules
- Appendix B - Code of Conduct for Employees
- PART 4 - Rules of Procedure
- PART4 Schedule Aa Standing Orders of the Council March 2018 other
- PART 5 Appendix C Code of Corporate Governance WBC
- PART 6 Members Allowance Scheme 2024-25
- PART 7 - Management Structure - Overall Departmental Structure