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Interviews for the post of Director of Public Realm, Appointments Sub Committee - Thursday, 20th March, 2025 10.00 a.m.
March 20, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to include interviews for the post of Director of Public Realm at Tower Hamlets Council.
Interviews for the post of Director of Public Realm
The Appointments Sub-Committee was scheduled to interview candidates for the role of Director of Public Realm.
The job description for the role states that the director will
Provide strategic direction, corporate leadership and advice on all matters relating to the Public Realm and delivery.
The Director of Public Realm is responsible for
- Street Cleansing
- Waste Operations and Recycling
- Environmental Enforcement and Education
- Traffic and Transportation
- Highways and Engineering
- Parking
- Fleet and Transport Services
- Tower Hamlets Enforcement
- Environmental Health
- Trading Standards
- Business Continuity
- Markets and Street Trading
- Horticulture
The meeting report pack notes that an interim arrangement has been put in place, to cover the role, since 23 January 2024.
The report pack also explains that the six members of the committee are required to be
Three Members selected by the Leader of the Aspire Group, at least one of whom must either be the Mayor or a member of the Executive and Two Councillors selected by the Leader of the largest Opposition Group and One ungrouped Councillor appointed by the Monitoring Officer (if one nomination received) or the Human Resources Committee (if more than one nomination received).
The meeting report pack states that
The position was advertised extensively via the council’s website, the recruitment consultants website Penna Exec Search, the MJ and social media, including LinkedIn.
The meeting report pack contains a report from Penna, which was used to decide which candidates to shortlist for interview.
The shortlisted candidates were interviewed at a meeting of the Appointments Sub Committee on 4 March 20252.
The meeting was held to appoint a permanent Director of Public Realm to replace an interim director. An interim director is a temporary appointment, usually made to provide stability or cover during a period of change. ↩
You can read the minutes from this meeting on the council's website: ↩