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Planning Committee - Tuesday, 28th May, 2024 2.00 pm

May 28, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with apologies from Councillor Hutchinson and Councillor Kimber, with Councillor Brondell and Councillor Ahmed substituting. The chair and deputy chair were also absent, and a new chair was elected for the meeting. The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed upon, and one planning application was withdrawn. The main discussions revolved around three planning applications.

Planning Application: Land Rear of 1 to 11 The Woodlands, Palace House Road, Hebden Bridge

Summary: The application was for a residential development of two dwellings. The chair disclosed knowing the objector, Simon Gough, but maintained an open mind.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Surface Water Runoff: Residents of The Woodlands raised concerns about surface water runoff and the capacity of the existing sewer system. Photographs were provided to illustrate the issue.
  • Wildlife Concerns: An ecological and biodiversity assessment was conducted, and Yorkshire Waters raised no objections.
  • Objections: 32 letters of objection were received, including one from Councillor Dave Young. The parish council recommended refusal.
  • Highways and Access: Concerns were raised about the access track and construction traffic. The council's highway officer objected on grounds of unsustainable location and substandard access.
  • Previous Application: A similar application was dismissed in 2014 due to drainage concerns, but the inspector did not consider access an issue.

Decision: The application was permitted with conditions, including further drainage details and a construction management plan to mitigate potential flooding and access issues.

Planning Application: New Dwelling House Opposite St Giles Close, Hove Edge, Brighouse

Summary: The application was for a single dwelling with associated access, parking, and landscaping.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Heritage Impact: The site is near the Grade II* listed St Giles House. Historic England supported the principle of development but had concerns about the scale and layout.
  • Landscape and Biodiversity: Significant efforts were made to retain and enhance vegetation, achieving a 124% biodiversity net gain.
  • Access and Highways: Concerns were raised about the access point on a bend, but highways officers deemed it acceptable due to the natural slowing of traffic at the bend.

Decision: The application was permitted with conditions, including further details on surfacing and drainage for the access road.

Planning Application: Change of Use to House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) at 303 Huddersfield Road, Halifax

Summary: The application was for a change of use from a bed and breakfast guest house to a six-bedroom HMO.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Room Sizes and Facilities: Concerns were raised about the adequacy of communal areas and kitchen facilities for the number of occupants. Environmental Health confirmed that the facilities met licensing requirements.
  • Parking: The property has three parking permits, which highways officers deemed sufficient based on low car ownership levels for HMOs.
  • Security: West Yorkshire Police raised concerns about security and recommended self-contained apartments, but these were not addressed in the application.

Decision: The application was permitted with conditions, including compliance with Environmental Health and police recommendations.

Planning Application: Change of Use to House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) at 116 Lister Lane, Halifax

Summary: The application was for a change of use from a dwelling house to an HMO.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Residential Amenities: Officers recommended refusal due to substandard amenities, including a small kitchen and inadequate washing facilities.
  • Objections: 18 objections and a petition with 30 signatures were received, citing concerns about noise, parking, and the impact on the family-oriented setting.
  • Support: Four letters of support were received, highlighting the need for affordable housing options.

Decision: The application was refused based on the recommendation of officers due to substandard residential amenities for potential occupiers.