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Place Scrutiny Board - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 6.00 pm

June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Place Scrutiny Board of Calderdale Council held a meeting on Thursday, 13 June 2024, where they discussed a detailed review into housing within Calderdale, the terms of reference for a review of pollution in the River Calder, and the work programme for the upcoming year.

Housing Review in Calderdale

The board reviewed the findings of a detailed report on housing within Calderdale, presented by Councillor Helen Brundell. The review highlighted the national housing crisis and its impact on Calderdale, noting poor housing conditions, eviction threats, and homelessness. The review praised the hard work of the housing team and recommended continuing current efforts, fighting for funding, and improving support and guidance for renters. Councillor Brundell emphasized the importance of regular updates on homelessness figures to ensure ongoing scrutiny.

Councillor Brundell also addressed questions about specific recommendations, including the feasibility of banks considering rent payments for mortgage applications and the potential for stronger measures on biodiversity net gain in housing developments. Heidi Waters, Strategic Lead for Housing and Climate Change, explained the challenges of balancing housing needs with sustainability and the limitations imposed by the local plan and planning requirements.

For more details, you can refer to the detailed review into housing within Calderdale.

Pollution in the River Calder

The board discussed the terms of reference for a detailed review of pollution in the River Calder. Councillor Sue Holdsworth proposed expanding the review to include all stretches of the river, its tributaries, and the Calder and Hebble Navigation Canal. The board agreed that a comprehensive review was necessary to understand the full extent of pollution and its sources, including sewage spills and other pollutants.

The review will involve various stakeholders, including Yorkshire Water and environmental volunteers from Calder Future. The expanded scope means the review will likely extend beyond autumn 2024.

For more information, you can view the terms of reference for the pollution review.

Work Programme 2024-25

The board discussed the work programme for 2024-25, noting several gaps that need to be filled. Councillor Holdsworth will meet with relevant directors to identify additional items for the programme. Suggestions included a report on weed control and uneven pavements, as well as a focus on the Get Me Home Safely initiative for the night-time economy and issues related to violence against women and girls.

The board also expressed a preference for meeting remotely via Teams, citing convenience and environmental benefits. This feedback will be relayed to the head of Legal and Democratic Services for consideration.

For the full work programme, you can refer to the Place Work Programme 2024-25.

The meeting concluded with a vote to approve the expanded terms of reference for the pollution review and the work programme for the upcoming year.