Welcome to the planning on orders committee on the 9th of May.
This is a hybrid meeting with the members and staff joining virtually.
Before we begin, I just like to remind you of the meeting arrangements.
First of all, this is a public meeting which is being recorded and broadcasted live and
members are expected to adhere to the hybrid meetings protocol.
If you're joining virtually, make sure your camera is switched on throughout the meeting
so that we know who is in attendance and available to vote.
Let me know if you have to leave the meeting early or temporarily and let me know when
you have returned.
Raise your hand if you wish to speak during the meeting or raise your virtual hand if
you're on the screen.
When you're invited to speak, make sure that your microphone is switched on before you begin
so that the public, your fellow members and translators can hear you.
Switch off your microphone once you have finished speaking.
Make sure that your phone is switched off and any other devices.
Finally, if any technical issues arise during the meeting, we will consider taking a short
break to solve the issue.
If problems persist, we will consider adjourning the meeting too late to date.
And on that, I'm going to move on to the introductions, starting with committee members,
the rest of the remaining members, and then officer, so I'll start with myself.
Councillors, Councillor, Chair, Councillor— Councillor, Councillor, Councillor, Councillor
Jones, Councillor for Holyhead, Alwan Penance, Watskain, Councillor for Badover Ward, Councillor
David Roberts, Badover, Councillor Ruppin, William's, Ifwe, and the members joining
us virtually, starting with Neville.
Thank you, good afternoon, Councillor, Neville Evans, representing Creguet Ward, Liz, good
afternoon, everyone, Liz Ward representing Turkelin Ward, Jackie, good afternoon, Jackie
Lewis, Talibol Leon Ward, Geraint, good afternoon, Geraint Bad, representing Kevin E. Ward.
We have two elected members, President as well, Allyn, good afternoon, Councillor Allyn
Roberts, Cereal Ward, Gary, good afternoon, Gary Pritchard, Cereal Ward.
Thank you, and the officers, good afternoon, raise lights, Jones, Planning Development
Manager, good afternoon, my name is Robin Jones, and I'm the Legal Officer, Allyn
Roberts, Highways Officer, good afternoon, Sean House, Planning Officer, good afternoon
and Cara Thomas, Planning Assistant and the Pot Foli holder, Nicola Roberts, Pot Foli
holder for Planning. Also present, we have Ann Holmes, Committee Officer, Anne Fian Thomas,
the Broadcasting Officer and the Translator, who is with us always, I haven't forgotten
anyone I don't think, so we'll move on to the agenda. First item is apologies, I have
received two apologies, Councillor John Yvonne Jones and Councillor Jeff Evans, any more
one? No. Item two, declaration of interest, any declarations of interest? Chair, I think
Councillor Chevalide, who's will be joining us, I think he's joining us as we speak. Thank
you, Councillor Robin Williams.
I can't see him on the screen, but we'll carry on anyway.
Any declarations of interest? I can't see any hands up, so we'll move on. Minutes of the
previous meeting, anyone happy to propose that the minutes are correct? Councillor
Robin Williams proposing, is that a seconder? Councillor Robert Llewellyn Jones, seconding?
Can I have a show of hands, please? Thank you. That's unanimous. Number four, site visits,
weren't any last month, but I understand that there are two applications this afternoon
for the site visits. Councillor ALLAN, drop the votes.
You have five minutes, Councillor. The reason I'm asking for a site visit is because there
are concerns locally regarding this application and by the community council. There are a
number of reasons. One, the access, lack of facilities, resources, infrastructure in
the area itself, the loss of agricultural land and a number of reasons, and I feel the fairness
to the person who's put in the application and those who have concerns, it would be beneficial
for us to conduct the site visits. Thank you.
So application for a site visit on 12.1, FPL, 2023, 118, capital Jerusalem, Shanghai.
Apologies. You haven't specified which application. Apologies is the wrong one. Are you talking
about where and farm? Apologies. So we're talking about 12.1, FPL, 2023, 118.
Councillor Robin, I'm proposing a site visit a seconder. Councillor ALLAN, what can second
thing? Can I have a show of hands? Thank you for that. Can you step down? Can I ask Councillor
Gary Pritche to come forward? I'll get you right now. 12.2, FPL 2023, 3, 2, 8, capital
Jerusalem, Shanghai. Thank you, Chair. There are concerns locally because of parking as
a result of this application for capital Jerusalem in the middle of Thangoid. It's a really busy
area already, opposite the local shop, the community council, as well as a number of
people have noted their concerns. I would appreciate if you would consider a site visit
so that you can see for yourselves how busy the area is and, in my opinion, how unsuitable
the site is. Thank you, Chair. Is there a proposal for a site visit? Councillor
Robin Williams proposing. Seconder, Councillor Neville Evans. Can I have a show of hands?
Thank you very much. That's been accepted. We move on to public speaking. Item 5, there
aren't any public speakers here today, unfortunately, because of the site visits. Number 6, applications
that will be deferred, none to be considered. Applications rising, number 7, there is 1,
7.1, FPL 2023, 61, Tal Dros, Lauren Weindweerran, and I'll bring the officer in. Thank you,
Chair. At the meeting on the 6th of December, the committee resolves to refuse the application
countries with the office's recommendation on the basis that the information provided
regarding drainage, wasn't sufficient to allow them to make a decision. In the meantime,
the applicant has prepared and presented an application to the SAP, and as the results
the committee has deferred their decision until the results come in, because this was
the only reason for refusal. The applicant hasn't received the decision from the SAP,
and there is a consultation that is open until the 20th of May. Since the two local
members cannot attend today, they've asked the committee to defer their decision again
so that they can be present to put forward the local concerns. Since the consultation
is open until the 20th of May, and because we are still waiting for the SAP decision,
I believe that this request from the local members is reasonable, and I therefore recommend
deferring the application until the next committee meeting in June. But to be clear,
and to give you plenty of notice, the planning department does not wish to defer beyond June.
In our opinion, enough time has passed for the applicants to gain some approval. This
planning application sits outside the SAP process, and the decision has to be made. Thank you.
Thank you to the officer. I have to agree. It is wise to defer until next month, but then
we will have to consider everything. The planning committee is a week later, and on
a different date, and the two local members cannot be present, so there is valid reasons
for deferring. Any comments or proposals? Can I just make a point? I was going to ask
any way for this to be deferred, because, quite simply, the consultation hasn't finished.
It doesn't finish until the 20th of May. We meet any way on the 5th of June, so it's
just a case of a fortnight. There's no point rushing to a decision today, so I'm more than
happy to propose that, and because the local members can't be present. Thank you, Councillor
Robyn Williams. Councillor Gaille, your hand is up. Thank you, Chair, yes. I just want
to echo the comments from Councillor Robyn Williams and the proposal. I think it's fair
that it's deferred, because the local members cannot be here today. Thank you. So there is
a proposal. It's been seconded. Can I have a show of hands, please? That's been accepted.
Number eight, economic applications around Tony. Number nine, affordable housing applications
need to be considered. Number ten, departure applications. There is 10.1, FPL, 2023, 27.
To your hand, Caravan Pa, cross-nake. Can I turn to the office once again, please? Thank
you, Chair. The reason for reporting to the committee is because it's a departure application,
so this is a full application, to change 18, it's starting Caravan's to 35 touring Caravan's.
It is located in Tihan, Caravan Pa, which has a number of starting Caravan's already,
and planning permission for 35 touring pitches. The site is through the north-west of Tihan
Bay Lock, and is within walking distance of cross-nake, along a public footpath. The main
issues are, firstly, can it be justified in line with local and national policies, because
it is in an AONB, two, the axis of the site is liable for flooding, and thirdly, the impact
on local amenities. So firstly, in terms of planning policies, the reason to specific
planning policy in relation to change of aims from touring to static pitches in the past
in the absence of relevant policies, the planning department has been strict in assessing such
applications, as they resulted in an increase in permanent static caravans in the AONB, contrary
to policy two or three. However, following recent appeals, St David's Park, and Antsner
with Mormest, the planning department has reconsidered its interpretation of the policy, and we now
consider them in the policy two or three criterion, and specifically, number three, that notes
that the proposed development is part of a scheme to improve the range on quality of
tourist accommodation and facilities on the site, and is the proposed development, this
is to offer significant permanent improvements to the design, layouts, and appearance of
the site, and its setting in the surrounding landscape. The site has permission for 35
touring units between the 1st of March and the 4th of January, so that's tournaments
of the year, considering the existing use, and since the application is for replacing
35 touring sign patches with 18 static units and the landscaping scheme, it's considered
an improvement in line with the criteria. In recent appeal decisions, the planning aspect
said, I acknowledge at the proposal to replace static caravans on a year-round basis without
to the permanent and the use of part of the site, however, the degree of change would
not be significant given the existing use and limited views to and from the area of
the site.
Furthermore, the replacement static caravans in the area would be seen in context
of adjacent static caravans to the south. It's the same situation here, where the static
caravans to the east and the proposal will be an improvement in terms of looking layout,
especially due to the landscaping scheme. Due to this, the scheme won't have an impact
on the adjacent area, and it will improve the visual appearance of the site by having fewer
units, and it will integrate with the landscape. So it does comply with the relevant policies.
Next, in terms of flitting, the access road is prone to flitting, and the flood consequence
assessment has been submitted as part of the application. The access is the only means
of access to the applicant's dwelling, holiday units, and established static and touring
caravans site. As the proposal is for the replacement of the existing 35 touring caravans
pitches and citing 18 static caravans, it is not considered that the possible footing
of the hybrid would serve the site will result to danger of life. Natural resources whales
have confirmed that they have no objections. In terms of sustainability, the site is about
half a mile from the centre of a snake, it is all along the public footpath, and there
is a bus stop and train station 50 yards of the access to the site. And lastly, in terms
of the impact on residential properties, the nearest dwelling is 150 metres to the southwest
and because of these distances and the reduction of the number of units on the site, and because
the scheme proposes landscaping enhancement, it is not considered that the proposal will
have any more impact on the adjacent residential property on the existing 35 touring caravans.
So the recommendation is that the application is permitted subject to the conditions in
the report. Thank you to the officer. I am going to turn to the local member council
in the 11th. Do you have any comments? Thank you chair. No comments. Just wanted to tell
her that I support the application. Like the officer has explained, it is an improvement
having static permanence caravans rather than a lot of touring caravans on the site. It is
better for the environment and this is a established caravan package been here for years run by
a local person and it is a really good caravan pack. So I am happy to propose that we support
the application. Thank you, council in the 11th. Any further comments from anyone? Council
Councillor interjecting. When is this caravan pack open? At the moment it opened from the
1st of March until the 4th of January, so 10 months, but it is the static caravans because
they will be available for 12 months, so two additional months. Sorry, I did not understand
I did not hear you. So it will be open for a year? Yes. If this is given permission they
will operate all year round. But the people cannot stay there for the year, can they?
It is for tourism. So they are available for people all year round, but it is unlikely
that they will stay there for a year. But the units will be there permanently for 12 months.
I do not see any barriers in terms of planning, but if they want to live there for a year
they can. Yes, well, if they want to. They are static caravans. The units for tourism
are not, well, lots of people. These caravans are home. There is a condition saying that
people cannot live in them permanently. I have two more hands up, Councillor Garren's
back first of all. Thank you, Chair. Like Councillor Nevelleven said, it is an improvement to what
is there already. So I am happy to second Nevelleven's proposal. Thank you. Councillor
Trevelleuth, who is your hand is up. Okay, we are just going to second the proposal.
I know the area well. So I am happy to second the proposal. Thank you, Chair. There is a
proposal and a second. Any counter proposals? I can't see any hands up. Can I have a show
of hands then on this proposal? Again, that has been passed. Thank you. We will now move
on to number 11, development proposals. This is by Councillors and officers, none to be
considered. And then 12, 12.3, FPL, 2024, 28, Quelchmike playground, Meis Meirig. I will
bring the officer in. Thank you, Chair. So this is being presented to the committee because
it is the site is owned by the County Council. The proposal is for locating two storage containers
to be used as a community hub. The application site is in Quelchmike playground located in
Meis Meirig estate within the development boundary of Guelchmike. Policy ESATU states
that development of new community facilities will be approved, provided that they comply
with specific criteria noted within the policy. It is considered that the proposed development
will comply with the policy. It will provide an essential facility to the community of
Guelchmike located in the existing playground of the appropriate scale and decided in a
sustainable central location for the whole community. Despite being storage containers,
they will have windows and doors and will have timber cladding to improve their visual
appearance and ensure that they integrate into the area. The proposed design and finish
is considered of high quality and is a significant visual improvement and play won't look like
standard shipping containers because the proposal is on an existing playground. This won't have
any more of an impact on nearby residential properties. There was no position. The proposal
offers ecological improvement in line with the requirements and high waste don't have
any concerns because the site is in a sustainable area with enough parking for 35 cars, so the
recommendation is permitted subject to the conditions in the report. Thank you to the
officer again. I'm going to turn to the local member council in ever 11. Do you want to
come in? Yes, thank you once again. I'm very happy to propose this. There's been lots of
hard work in the local community. People have worked hard for this to establish a community
centre for the estates and the whole of Guelchmay and mass medic is quite a large estate. It
will be something that will be welcomed by the community, children and young people and
I think this will be the first off-grid community to have been whales if ever understood collectively.
They will be using solar power and rainwater so they won't be any electricity bills and
I think that this is something that we should welcome and I congratulate the people behind
the scheme and who have worked so hard for this for Guelchmay and the application to
be is dependent on lots of refending being secured. But I'm happy to propose the application.
Thank you, Councillor. I agree with everything that you've said. Is there a seconder? Councillor
Arpin, seconding. Can I have a show of hands on this application, please? Thank you very
much. That's unanimous, bringing us to item 13, other matters. So 13.1, DAG, 2024, number
4, Maria and Candice and again I'll turn to the officer. Thank you. So this has been
presented for information only. An application to determine whether prior approval was a
trial for the direction of an agricultural shed for storage of machinery on land on Maria
and they said was admitted by a relevant officer as defined in the Councillor's constitution.
The planning department has 20 states to determine such applications. The planning department
determined that as there were no concerns raised from the consultees and as the details
of the citing, design and appearance of the building were considered reasonable that
the proposed works were classed as permitted development. And that decision was made on
the 1st of May 2024. Thank you. Thank you to the officer. I want to thank Mr John Jones
and Mr Brace Griffith from the standards committee who have been with us this afternoon. Apologies
I did forget to introduce you at the start. But it's good because we've all behaved
ourselves this afternoon. The only thing else I have to say is to remind you that there
is training a week today. This is the 16th phrase here in the chamber. So please do your
best to join us. And can I ask you kindly please try and join us on the signed visits.
Councillor Robin Williams? Yes, Chair. If the signed visits will be in the 4th night I
will have to apologise because I am on holiday. Thank you for that. There isn't anything else.
So thank you all for joining us this afternoon and allowing bringing a meeting to the to a