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Isle of Anglesey County Council Meeting, Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni and virtually via Zoom, Isle of Anglesey County Council - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 10.30 am

May 21, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
AI Generated


The Isle of Anglesey County Council held a general meeting where they discussed various topics, including the approval of previous meeting minutes, declarations of interest, notable achievements by local residents, the leader's annual report, and several administrative items.

  1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

    • Councillor David Roberts proposed a correction to the minutes regarding a budget gap, changing 14 pound to 14 million. The minutes were approved with this amendment.
  2. Declarations of Interest:

    • No members or officers expressed any interest in the items discussed.
  3. Announcements:

    • Several Anglesey residents were congratulated for their achievements in sports, arts, and community service. Notable mentions included Ellie Jones and Joseph Morgan for representing Wales in athletics, and Gareth Parry for his contributions to girls' rugby in Anglesey and North Wales.
    • Recognition was given to Mr. Noel Thomas from Gwalchmai for his community service and efforts to highlight issues within the Post Office.
    • The Anglesey Youth Choir and Bumaris Youth Band were commended for their performances in national and international competitions.
    • The council also remembered the 80th anniversary of the D-Day campaign, honoring the contributions and sacrifices of Anglesey residents.
  4. Leader’s Annual Report:

    • The leader presented his 7th annual report, highlighting the challenges faced by the council, including budget constraints and the issue of RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) in schools.
    • The report emphasized the council's core values: respect, collaboration, honesty, and promoting the council and the island.
    • Achievements in education, social care, housing, and the economy were discussed. The leader praised the staff for their dedication and contributions.
    • Specific projects mentioned included the Freeport initiative, the third Menai crossing, and the new visitor center in Holyhead.
    • The council's efforts in promoting the Welsh language and being recognized as an age-friendly island were also highlighted.
  5. Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report:

    • Councillor Dylan Rees presented the report, thanking the scrutiny officers and committee members for their support and contributions over the past year.
  6. Assets Management Strategic Plan:

    • The plan was proposed and seconded, outlining a high-level strategy for managing the council's assets. The plan was accepted unanimously.
  7. Local Choice Functions and Performance:

    • The council discussed the need for self-assessment and performance assessment as per the Local Governments and Elections Act 2021.
    • Recommendations included designating corporate self-assessment and panel performance assessment as executive functions, scheduling the first PPA for 2025, and authorizing the Welsh Local Government Association to support the PPA at an estimated cost of £35,000.
    • The recommendations were accepted unanimously.

The meeting concluded with no further items or questions.


Councillor Non Dafydd
Councillor Paul Ellis
Councillor Jeff M Evans
Councillor Neville Evans
Councillor Glyn Haynes
Councillor Llinos Medi
Councillor Carwyn Jones
Councillor Gwilym O Jones
Councillor Jackie Lewis
Councillor Euryn Morris
Councillor Pip O'Neill
Councillor Derek Owen
Profile image for Councillor Gary Pritchard
Councillor Gary Pritchard  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Councillor Dylan Rees
Councillor Alun Roberts
Councillor Dafydd Roberts
Profile image for Councillor Keith Roberts
Councillor Keith Roberts  Llafur Cymru / Welsh Labour
Profile image for Councillor Margaret Murley Roberts
Councillor Margaret Murley Roberts  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Profile image for Councillor Nicola Roberts
Councillor Nicola Roberts  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Profile image for Councillor Ken Taylor
Councillor Ken Taylor  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Profile image for Councillor Alwen Pennant Watkin
Councillor Alwen Pennant Watkin  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Councillor Ieuan Williams
Councillor Sonia Williams
Councillor Liz Wood
Councillor Arfon Wyn