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Annual Meeting of the Isle of Anglesey County Council, Isle of Anglesey County Council - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 2.00 pm

May 21, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Isle of Anglesey County Council held its annual meeting, which included the election of the chair and vice-chair, confirmation of committee memberships, and other administrative tasks.

  1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair:

    • Councillor Glenn Haynes was elected as the Chair of the Isle of Anglesey County Council. He expressed gratitude for the support and promised to do his best in the role.
    • Councillor Non-David was elected as the Vice-Chair. She thanked her ward and fellow councillors for their support.
  2. Membership of the Executive:

    • The leader, Councillor Shinna-Smithi, announced the members of the Executive and their portfolio responsibilities:
      • Councillor Binaubiliums (Deputy Leader and Finance)
      • Councillor Gary Pritchett (Children, Youth, and Housing Services)
      • Councillor David Roberts (Education and Welsh Language)
      • Councillor Kerwin Elias Jones (Corporate Business and Consumer Experience)
      • Councillor Allyn Roberts (Adult Services and Community Safety)
      • Councillor David is Tomos (Highways, Waste, and Property)
      • Councillor Nicola Roberts (Planning, Public Protection, and Climate Change)
      • Councillor Nevel Evans (Leisure, Tourism, and Maritime)
  3. Committee Elections:

    • Democratic Services Committee: Councillor Keith Roberts was elected as Chair, and Councillor Theo Owen as Vice-Chair.
    • Corporate Scrutiny Committee: Councillor Diggles-Fouillie was elected as Chair, and Councillor Dovid with Jones as Vice-Chair.
    • Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee: Councillor D'Alandries was elected as Chair, and Councillor William Jones as Vice-Chair.
    • Planning and Orders Committee: Councillor Gerensbab was elected as Chair, and Councillor Luenguegne as Vice-Chair.
    • Licensing Committee: Councillor Luenguegne Taylor was elected as Chair, and Councillor Glynn Haynes as Vice-Chair.
    • Governance and Audit Committee: Dylan Evans was elected as Chair, and Councillor Yell-Ann Williams as Vice-Chair.
  4. Confirmation of Delegation and Committees:

    • The council confirmed the scheme of delegation to officers and reappointed the committee structures as per the council's constitution.
    • The council also confirmed the appointments to outside bodies listed in Appendix 1 of the report.
  5. Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales:

    • The council accepted the determinations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales for 2024 and confirmed that holders of the same posts as 2023/24 would be entitled to receive senior salaries in 2024/25.
  6. Program of Ordinary Meetings:

    • The council confirmed the schedule of meetings for 2024/25, including dates for September 26, December 5, March 6, and a date to be confirmed for May 2025.
  7. Political Balance Arrangements:

    • The council confirmed the political balance arrangements and requested group leaders to advise the head of democracy of any changes to group membership.

The meeting concluded with the election of chairs and vice-chairs for various committees, ensuring the council's administrative structure is in place for the coming year.


Councillor Non Dafydd
Councillor Paul Ellis
Councillor Jeff M Evans
Councillor Neville Evans
Councillor Glyn Haynes
Councillor Carwyn Jones
Councillor Gwilym O Jones
Councillor Jackie Lewis
Councillor Llinos Medi
Councillor Euryn Morris
Councillor Pip O'Neill
Councillor Derek Owen
Profile image for Councillor Gary Pritchard
Councillor Gary Pritchard  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Councillor Dylan Rees
Councillor Alun Roberts
Councillor Dafydd Roberts
Profile image for Councillor Keith Roberts
Councillor Keith Roberts  Llafur Cymru / Welsh Labour
Profile image for Councillor Margaret Murley Roberts
Councillor Margaret Murley Roberts  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Profile image for Councillor Nicola Roberts
Councillor Nicola Roberts  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Profile image for Councillor Ken Taylor
Councillor Ken Taylor  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Profile image for Councillor Alwen Pennant Watkin
Councillor Alwen Pennant Watkin  Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales
Councillor Ieuan Williams
Councillor Sonia Williams
Councillor Liz Wood
Councillor Arfon Wyn