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The Executive, Committee Room, Council Offices, Llangefni and virtually via ZOOM, The Executive - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 10.00 am
May 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Isle of Anglesey council meeting covered several important topics, including the approval of the executive's work program and a significant decision regarding the closure of a local school. The meeting also discussed the exclusion of the press and public for a sensitive item on Freeport arrangements.
School Closure Decision
The council discussed the closure of Ysgol Cemaes, a school with fewer than 10 pupils. The decision was based on a statutory process, including a 28-day objection period. Eight objections were received, primarily from pupils and staff. Despite the objections, the council decided to close the school effective August 31, 2024. The pupils will be transferred to Ysgol Llanfechell. The council also extended the catchment area of Ysgol Llanfechell to include the current catchment area of Ysgol Cemaes.
Councillor David Roberts and Councillor Gary Pritchard expressed their gratitude to the community and staff for their respectful handling of the process. Councillor Carwyn Jones shared his experience of a similar situation in 2013 and highlighted the potential for new community initiatives.
Executive's Work Program
Devon presented the forward work program, highlighting several key additions:
- June Meeting: Self-assessment corporate draft, Annual Delivery Document 2024-25, and a report on the socio-economic condition of North Anglesey.
- July Meeting: Final version of the corporate self-assessment after review by the Audit and Governance Committee.
- September Meeting: Local Housing Market Assessment.
- December Meeting: Annual Governance Statement.
The council unanimously approved the work program.
Exclusion of Press and Public
The council decided to exclude the press and public to discuss Freeport arrangements for Anglesey. The legal section advised that public discussion could prejudice financial and commercial interests and affect the council's negotiations with partners and stakeholders. Councillor Gary Pritchard proposed the exclusion, seconded by Councillor Nicola Roberts, and it was unanimously agreed upon.
Administrative Details
- Apologies were received from Councillor Robin Williams, Director of Education Mark Beru, and Monitoring Officer Lynn Ball.
- The minutes of the previous meeting held on March 19 were confirmed and approved.
- No urgent matters were certified by the Chief Executive.
The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format, with some members attending virtually and others in person. The chair reminded all participants to adhere to the hybrid meetings protocol.

- The Executives Forward Work Programme
- Agenda frontsheet 23rd-May-2024 10.00 The Executive agenda
- Minutes - 19.3.24
- School Organisation Objection Report and Final Decision re Ysgol Carreglefn
- Exclusion of the Press and Public
- Public reports pack 23rd-May-2024 10.00 The Executive reports pack
- Decisions 23rd-May-2024 10.00 The Executive other
- Printed minutes 23rd-May-2024 10.00 The Executive minutes