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Council - Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024 5.00 pm
April 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
Right good evening everybody can we start the meeting. I declare the meeting of the City Council open this hybrid meeting is being conducted on a Multi-locational basis in accordance with the local government and elections Wales act and the arrangements of multi-location meetings agreed by the Council which will operate alongside the Council standing orders to ensure that we continue to take Democratic decisions in open and transparent manner For those attending the meeting in the Council chambers, please note that today's meeting is being filmed for live and subsequent broadcast by ways of the Council's internet site The images and sound recorders may also be used for training purpose within the Council as You'll see from the agenda papers generally the public sitting areas are not filmed However, by entering the meeting room and using the public sitting area You are consenting to be in film and to the possibility use of those images and sound recorders for the webcasting and for training purposes As well as being broadcast live a recording first will be available on the Council website within 24 hours of After the meeting for those members in the council to please use their microphones to contribute to the meeting and please remember not to get too Close to the microphones and also to switch off of the microphones when you have finished For those attending remotely Can I request that you all switch off your cameras and mute your microphones when you are not speaking to ensure that there's no unnecessary background noise and to help with the audio and visual quality of the broadcast the Council standing orders and code of contact will apply at all times during this hybrid meeting in the same way as ordinary meetings and Members should conduct themselves accordingly For the benefit of everyone watching on the live stream when I invite members to cast a vote remotely on a particular item They would do so electronically using the voting system in the chat box. We have had some issues with the With the voting in the online at the moment, so do you want to explain exactly what we're gonna do? It might come on later on, but at the moment, it's not Thank you presiding member. Yeah, we're having a technical issue with the online voting So for the benefit of those members who are joining us remotely this evening In terms of the voting when the presiding member asks for votes in favor of emotion if those joining remotely could raise their hand on teams And similarly when the presiding member asked for votes against if those who wish to vote against the motion could raise their hands at that Point and that will that will be instead of the usual. Yes, no buttons Okay, thank you for that however I will announce the number of votes cast for or against an any abstention before I declare the result Those members present in the council will vote in the usual way by a show of hands wealth translation of the procedures can be provided upon request Move on now to write someone Can I can I have received but sorry? I have received apologies from opposite from the following counselors council Evans Clark Peterson's Callaway and Council of forces I don't think there's anybody else On on that note. I just like to wish Council Evans all the best in his recovery as well from behalf of the council Are there any decorations of interest at this stage? Right the minutes of the minutes from the 29th of February 2024 I'll be for us are there any points of accuracy? Thanks beside a member just just one minor wording really on page 15 underneath the comments of counselors Yeah, it's just a point of slight accuracy really on the wording on page 15 and Comments of counselors on the substantive motion to do with the budget It says counselor Clark commended counselor. How was on the alternative budget? I? Just wonder whether maybe that I mean coastal clock is new to speak from staff I wonder whether that should be referred to as coastal clock amended council hours on producing a Substantive budget. It sounds like council o'clock is commending the budget not the fact that he'd reduce one. Does that make sense? Thanks Right with that That's all agreed then I Move the meeting as a true record. Is there a seconder. Sure. Sorry. Um, I was here last Right, okay Okay, that's that's been noted as well Okay Right with that now I move the minutes as a true record is there a seconder I Think it comes around us We will now proceed to the to the vote with all counselors, please cast their vote now starting with all those in favor And again apology chair, I wasn't here last I was in hospital and it slipped my mind You've given me a headache already Right, okay, sorry. Can we just have the hands up again for the votes in favor song? Yeah, any against Those who voted in favor on teams could lower their hands, please Okay With that then before I The approval of the minutes is duly carried Sorry, I've got council of y-head and council of autumn with hands up are they votes against? No, my vote was for If you have a look in it like it's six times another four three That option got a bit chaotic. I still think I've got a round raise. So yeah, I hope it's full All right, yeah, okay, thank you very much We move on now to appointments Counselors ever have is to introduce his item in Councillor Clark's absence All the appointments have been set through to the correct channels and they're all in there ready to be second I Am can I invite Councillor each to second the report? I'll be to second that was I remember are there any comments on the report? We will now proceed to vote when all counselors, please cast their votes now start with all those in favor You Are there any votes against I don't think there are but it's one or two hands missing from there But I don't think it's gonna make a difference with the oh comes to haunt was come on now There's no extensions There's no changes in case I was I was for that What do you say there? I'm sorry, I'm assuming the other two hands the legacy hands from the four votes as well Therefore I therefore I therefore there's a number of votes for what is it to you? Do you put the books then? Yes, you none of us folks them for none against I think there's no abstentions Like we move on to item for item for leader The leader present this is done to report please on members said schedule of remuneration Thank you because I didn't member the first report before us today sets out the member scheme of allowances for 2024 25 As set out in the annual report of the independent remuneration committee The council is required to adopt and publish a scheme of allowances for members for the current year based on the salaries Prescribed by the independent remuneration panel for Wales known as the IRP The IRP is the statutory body set up by Welsh government to determine the appropriate level of remuneration paid to elected members in Wales The IRP published its annual report in February of this year and the council is required to formally adopt those recommendations and approve the allowances for 24 25 There is no discretion Regarding the amount of the salaries as they are fixed by the IRP The IRP has determined that the basic annual salaries Reelected members for 24 25 should be re-based at 18,666 pounds to take account of inflationary increases and to ensure that remuneration is linked to average salary levels Senior salaries are also increased and reset in line with relevant comparators The increase in basic salaries will take effect from the 1st of April 2024 and backdated payments will be made to members Any changes to additional remuneration for senior salaries will be payable from the date of appointment of the postholders at the council AGM on the 21st of May 2024 I ask the council approve the revised scheme of allowances for 2024 25 and agree for it to be published under the council's constitution Thank you because I didn't remember. Thank you leader. Is there a seconder? Happy to do it second up. So I remember Okay, are there any comments on the report? Right, can we move on now to proceed to the vote with all Councillors, please cast their vote now starting with all those in favor I Those against All those abstentions For abstentions 34 none against and for abstentions Move on to the leader again now That was a legacy hand by the way So I was voting for the report I should put it down Councillor adder so you could Yeah, I've counted you vote councillor add on Okay, thanks Okay, right. We move on now to item five pay and reward statement the leaders represent the report, please Thank you, presiding member The annual pay and reward report is presented to council today for us to review and approve as part of our annual cycle to allow for its Education our pay and reward policy for the workforce is an annual report which requires adoption by council The policy sets out the internal mechanisms for remunerating council officers and provides an update on any changes since the last adoption in 2023 Any changes that were made during the last 12 months have been supported by the correct democratic or officer processes We're necessary and are noted in the covering report of note in the report today Presiding member is the previous in your decision to align our apprentice program rates of pay to that of the foundation living wage rates This critical change is in line with our aspiration to be a living wage city This change has also enabled us to successfully recruit an additional 20 apprentices over the last quarter Offering and employing entry level roles such as apprentices is so important for the authority in its ongoing Recruitment and retention strategies and an important intervention as part of our new people plan for our workforce So to conclude preside in member today We're asked to review and agree the updated pay and reward policy in order to meet the statutory requirement for a pay policy Statement to be approved and published by council on an annual basis Thank you leader is there seconder Happy to second Okay, do the right to speak later on if there's any comments on the report are there any comments on the report? No, I suggest then we move to the vote We know we proceed to the vote with all the counselors. Please cast their vote now standing with all those in favor Get unanimous Therefore the number of votes is unanimous as I said and therefore the pain rewards statement is duly noted and approved Item six leader strategic equalities plan Thank you preside in member and our next item is the council strategic equality plan for 2024 2028, which is our fourth plan preside in member now as colleagues are aware enter the equality at 2010 Local authorities in Wales are required to develop and publish Strategic equality plans that set up the objectives. They want to achieve over a four-year period This plan sets out our strategic vision priorities for next four years and contains equality objectives that will support us in meeting the public sector equality duty The council's equality objectives were developed in partnership with key internal and external stakeholders and were subject to extensive community engagement The involvement of grassroots communities ensures that whilst our plan delivers a strategic vision for equality in Newport It also ensures tangible outcomes for our communities The strategic equality plan was reviewed by the councils over fewer inscrutiny management committee at their meeting in March and Also at our April cabinet The last four years have presented significant challenges to our staff and communities across Newport Including unprecedented difficulties caused by the global pandemic international conflict and the cost of living crisis These events have also Disproportionately impacted specific groups and further highlighted the inequalities that exist within communities As a listening council We must learn from the emerging challenges our communities face and continue to strive to deliver equitable public services for our residents Our strategic equality plan presents an opportunity to build on our achievements as an employer and service provider To look to the future and identify priorities to advance equality for everyone who lives or works in Newport The equality objectives within this strategic equality plan build on the work delivered in previous plans and identify clear outcomes We are working towards and the actions we will take to deliver equitable public services Our equality objectives strike a good balance between internally focused objectives based on self-reflection Such as our commitment to improving representation at all levels of the organization and externally focused objectives aimed at improving equality and key areas of our society Including our ongoing commitment to improve community cohesion across the city Members will also be aware of the recent unanimous Council motion to adopt care experienced as a protected characteristic I am really proud to say that this has been embedded within the delivery of this plan I'm confident this plan represents a positive step forward for Newport City Council And will support us to deliver our vision of a more equal Newport where everyone is treated fairly and the needs of residents from all backgrounds are considered I'm presiding member. I'd like to thank members of my cabinet Including Councillor Demetri Petrouney the cabinet member for organizational transformation and Councillor Lora Lacey in her role as LGBTQ plus champion for their contributions to this area of work So, thank you colleagues. Thank you, please. I didn't member Thank you leader is there a second there Give me can you meet me? Thank you, please. I remember I second The report and I just want to add a few more comes if I may I just want to thank our staff two two or three particular staff who Not only do it as a job, but drive this as their passion and drive it throughout the council and without them This document would be the quality it is in front of us. I want to thank all our champions as well Lord Councillor Lacey Councillor John House on Welsh language Councillor Hoorham for anti-poverty and the many others who do an amazing job and Councillor Harvey as well I'm attending the seg meetings and contributing to that meeting which is robust Challenging and holds us to account to drive A quality across this council across the city so this council can be the beacon to all those who feel Disenfranchised that we will set the standard a high standard for all those across the sea Thank you Councillor Petrouney, isn't there anybody else wants to speak on the report? Councillor Coxe There was just one particular point I wanted to make about this that The lead there has already pointed out that Whenever we look at any report on social trends or services or provision Inequality constantly is an issue that completely runs through all these issues and I think what is Even more tragic is that in recent years with the cost of living crisis with COVID 14 years austerity It's quite a shame actually on on this country I mean on the whole of the UK that in many areas equality is not improving. It's such a getting worse and I I welcome this report I Was one of the members who looked at the in the scrutiny committee and I thought it really was an Excellent and very very thorough piece of work. So I very much do Do welcome it, but I think the main point I wanted to make is that Equality this report is different I think in many ways to a lot of other reports we look at because a lot of the reports tend towards particularly areas of the council service but this one runs through absolutely everything we do and I Believe it's especially in that respect and it should Be constantly in the mind of all of us in all that we do in working the council I work in the wards work on governing bodies in schools the concern for equality should run Completely through that So it is very very different. I think then met many other of the documents we look at It's not something that we go to once a year to carry out some kind of review It's something we should all be living by and that's that is all that's going to change things And finally just on that point I was it was recommended from the scrutiny committee that with respect to this report It's quite technical in many respects and the first section of it It goes quite systematically through a whole series of Welsh government requirements and legal requirements, etc and the scrutiny committee did ask for a User-friendly version if you like this where the issues and what we need to do to make a difference jump out That is as we open the thing up and I do hope that's going to happen And I hope we all get a copy and we all use it and we make sure that everybody to do with the council Use it as well. Thank you. Thank you. Council coughs. Council reeks Thank you, I do remember Just want to say you welcome the report and certainly support the report I just want to pick up on the the digital inclusion access on and which is point two of the objectives It's been something I've I've raised the wind of times before I'll continue to do so in that as a council here We have to ensure that all groups, especially the more elderly are fully catered for as we move forward We need to make sure that as more and more services move online everyone can access the services that they need. Thank you Thank you come to the reach No other speaker leader. Do you want to make any comments? No, okay, right? We'll move on to the to the vote then Will all counselors please cast their votes now starting with all those in favor Right this unanimous again and None against and no abstentions therefore the strategic qualities plan is duly noted and approved We move on now to item 7 the amendment to the Constitution scheme of delegated for assets The chair of Democratic Services comes a moment to present this report, please Thank you, Presided member part of the Democratic Services Committee's work program is to review the council's Constitution I would like to present to council this item considered by the committee at their meeting on the 18th of March which reviews the scheme of delegation for assets which is part three of the Constitution the committee reviewed the arrangements for Delegated decisions noted that the value of certain asset transactions have been in place for some time and Are no longer aligned with current asset values or how to step with other delegated decisions contained with the Constitution and Practice at other local authorities the proposed amendment to the scheme of delegation supported by the committee are outlined in detail in the report These are in summary to acquire purchase and dispose of interest in land and property at a value up to 100,000 pound to enter into amend or surrender leases of land and property up to 100,000 pound to deal with licenses permissions way leaves easements and other legal interests in land or property the committee noted that the relevant cabinet members and Board members will be consulted whether there's a direct or wider impact on the community or residents arising from any proposed decision We also noted that these Delegations do not override any duty to ensure compliance with the council's rules Relate into capital or other financial controls and policies the recommendation on behalf of the Democratic Services Committee I ask that council approve and adopt the proposed amendments to the paragraph 10.9 or part 3.3 of the officer scheme of delegation Within the council's Constitution has recommended by the committee. Thank you Thank you. Come to the market. Is there a seconder I'm happy to second preside the member and fully supportive of the change as Councillor Moggford suggested that it's bringing us in line with other authorities Councillor Moggford mentioned that when the scheme would now it would go up to 100,000 But it should be noted that it was clearly previously was just 1000. So it's massively bringing this up into line No change to the consultation with cabinet members, ward members And just a big thank you to Democratic Services and the officers who have worked on this to bring this to this point. Thank you Does anybody else want to speak on that? Councillor Thank you, Mr. Exciting member. Just just one point. I wanted to raise and it really was although you said there was no Changing ward members being consulted it does say in the report that they would only be consulted if there was considered to be a wider Implications for the ward. So who makes that decision about those wider implications for the ward? It's in the proposal part if you look in in the report I'm just a little bit concerned that this is another thing where Decisions are being taken away from ward members and be impacted by officers And we really should remember that officers advise members decide Thank you, Councillor Councillor Moggford does anybody else want to speak on there? Councillor you're here Thank you Brazilian officer. I'm in agreement with Councillor Foehweather this point was labored at the committee that full consultations would Continue for any disposal of assets or repurposing of assets within award for the ward members And I would like clarification on that Please miss presenting officer Councillor Moggford could you enlighten us on that please Not at this time, right, okay? Can you help please a couple of points on that. I mean first just to say it was the ward members never took decisions on on property Transaction so they they never had that decision map making power Cabinet Cabinet members did and still will do in a lot of cases the the the aim of this which was discussed at democratic services Committee is to take minor decisions Into the hands of officers so that members are free to concentrate on on larger more strategic property transactions With regard to who determines whether a consultation is appropriate suggested in most cases that that will be fairly obvious the reality is that where a Where an officer is unsure the realities they will consult with award member and they will consult with a cabinet member because They they will inevitably need some clarification from from elected members as to whether it is likely to be contentious in in the community The other thing to add is that this in pre in preparing this report This was benchmarked against a selection of other councils in Wales And the the the aim of this is to bring new port in line with with the majority of other councils in how they how they approach these things So I don't know if I'll assist council and Mogford in terms of the the approach that's been adopted in respect to this You can't come back on that, sorry Why the impact upon the ward officers? Will not know on many occasions whether there is a direct or wider implication Local members will and I think it's important that we are still consulted on Everything that goes through with regards our wars whether it's a thousand pounds or whether it's a hundred thousand pounds That that's my view. I know I can't change here. I would just say to members You know things that way can sneak through and you can find yourselves in difficulties Because you haven't been consulted. It's been kept from you. That's all I'm saying. Okay. I Get you I get you Councillor Thank You Presiding member is there any way because I seem to be cross-party Support you around this chamber Anyways, this could be this part of it could be taken back We look that and come again suggest remove a little part from it and bring it back It's open to members to do that if somebody wants to propose a motion to that effect I mean the other thing that I would say is I mean this covers things like way leaves And and very very minor things which you know may may already be existing It might it might cover a minor a minor amendment to a license or the grant of a grazing license for example, so therefore You know where there is any where there is anything that will have a direct impact on a community The the officer is obliged to consult on it and if they don't consult where there is a direct impact And then that's that's not a lawful decision under the Constitution. So that that safeguard is there It's it's for members to decide though if you want to put forward a motion to do what you've suggested Councillor Rowley Okay, can I test the water then and I move an amendment that we take that certain part of it back Just to examine it and then it comes back to us as soon as possible We don't want to stifle progress in any way, but we don't want to hinder the Democracy that members have or on behalf of their constituents Councillor comes to Thomas first then Thank you, just to I think perhaps people could confirm if we just heard that Sit Council senior legal officer who was a monitoring officer in that meeting has just said that officers would consult where there was a possibility that there would be Sensitive issues which the ward would need to consider more fully they would go back to the Councillors for those wards of for the cabinet member, so I'm not quite sure whether Councillor fair with it for fair Leader Thank you Poseidon member, I think we risk and mining and the decision that's been made by the Democratic Services Committee where this item was discussed at length I Think that's fair I think we need to monitor it in and I think if it's needed to be looked at in the future And I think it can come back then to scrutiny for a for a look at it So I think if I think that's a fair way round it It's monitor it and if people are unhappy then it can go back to scrutiny them for another decision at a later stage Okay, can I just clarify then Councillor route were you seeking to put forward an amendment? Yes, well, it wasn't second it for this withdrawal, so I'm quite happy I mean, I'm not happy. I'm content and yes We all we can bring it back if that's the way that's that you all think We're just concerned Well, I think that's a way out to consider it then see how it oh it pans out over the next and then we can always bring it Back then for a look if we're not happy about it It helps a lot for you have spoken once, but you didn't want to speak come on. Sorry You've got up and they said no you didn't want to speak Go I'm 11 you back now. Thank you I think the Democratic Service is taking a broader recommendation. Not a decision. It's for the Council to decide I'm in agreement that that this can be reviewed We there is a precedent for reviewing decisions, so In the form of the time if we need to do it, then that's fine by me, okay Right, okay, so we move then there's no one else the wants to speak should we move them to the to the vote then please We'll all those form please vote Yeah Yeah any against one against but they're only against online Please if you if you voting against online, can you make yourself known? There's only two there. I can't see we can't put the hands up. You see three hands up. Are they? Council the white head council of Perman council of towns and yeah, we're four four. Yes, we're four. Yeah, we're on we're on again, so if you Apologies Council of towns and you were for I beg your pardon. Yes, I am Well against then okay. Thank you. Thank you very much indeed right item eight questions to delete. Sorry announcements by the leader Thank you preside a member I'd like to start with side a member by reflecting on the International Women's Day activities that took place across the city We were delighted to host our own event in the place in Newport and there were a number of events that went on across the city including the wonderful day full of events that took place at the Riverfront Theater on the Saturday, but what we're really proud of is a group of young women who represented the city and their country at a recent International Women's Day event and eight young women from the city's youth clubs Travel to Scotland to join others from the four home nations It followed the success of last year's festival in Blackpool Organized by the United Youth Alliance when you put youth club members Represented us and Wales The group are accompanied by four staff with a guest of Dunfreece and Galloway Council for the weekend as Well as attending a garlic dinner the young people attended a conference with keynote speakers and took part in workshops It's an extremely prestigious event and it reflects really well upon our young people and our youth clubs that they were invited to participate again It was an amazing opportunity for these young women and I'd like to thank them and our fantastic youth workers for being such great ambassadors for Newport It's also important to note with thanks the generosity of Dunfreece and Galloway Council The only cost for the council for Newport City Council was the cost of providing the coach our youth and play service play a valuable role in the lives of young people in the city by finding opportunities such as this To help them have broader experiences as well as providing free activities for all ages throughout the year And of course my personal thanks to Councillor Harvey for the role that she plays within that Now preside a member I'm absolutely delighted to announce that the council is working in partnership with cadu And I'm get the company to maximize the potential of kaleons Roman heritage This part of the city is widely recognized for its rich culture and historic assets Including the National Roman Legion Museum the fortress baths and of course the amphitheater It's a tourist destination and very popular for school trips Together the three organizations are developing a vision for kaleon and Exploring options to deliver an improved experience across all of the Roman sites for both communities and visitors People living and working in Kaleon will be invited to join Roman Kaleon working in partnership and help represent local fuse We're all committed to ensuring that the opportunities offered by our Roman heritage benefit residents and businesses as well as our visitors and It's extremely important for siding member that local people and other stakeholders are a part of this process As we endeavor to help more people discover the history landmarks and treasures of Kaleon moving on for siding member, I'd like to mention and highlight our work around business decarbonization and The council as you'll be aware recently launched the net zero new port decarbonization program Which provides free energy saving advice and grant funding to help local organizations reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions? this free advice and Is available and it's also accompanied with match-funded grants of up to 30,000 pounds This is available to local businesses and community groups with buildings in the Newport area And I do hope colleagues that you'll all spread the word about this particular scheme in your wards It can help organizations to establish baseline carbon emissions Implementing mission reduction plans and actively funds projects aligned with sustainability objectives It is designed to help stimulate growth in Newport's low carbon economy and support the city's journey to net zero by 2050 By investing in local businesses and community groups people and skills the program offers free technical advice to explore low carbon project ideas and opportunities and a free plan Identifying opportunities to reduce carbon emissions through energy saving and renewable energy measures Grants are available up to 50% of the total eligible project costs up to a maximum grant of 30,000 pounds And at the end of March the council held an energy saving event in the riverfront theater, which was hugely successful, and I did attend that event presiding member And it was really impressive to see all the range of activities and the advice that was on offer there and Visitors were able to find out more about the program as well as get general tips on how to save energy many and the planet And finally presiding member many Congratulations to Newport City FC who reached Who reached and won the final of this year's FAW dragons that Signs amateur trophy trophy on Saturday. They defeated our Northeast leaders 5-4 in an exciting match in new town then the steel man Have had a great season and they're in contention for promotion, and I'm sure you'll join me colleagues in wishing them good luck And this weekend Rodney Parade will host the showpiece occasions of the Welsh domestic football season The final of the men's JD Welsh Cup the third oldest kept competition in the world Takes place on Sunday with holders and Welsh champions the new Saints taken on Conest key nomads on the 5th of May Cardiff City will meet Rexum in the final of the women's butte energy Welsh Cup and Finally colleagues, and I know that you're all really excited about this and many of you will be there The city center will be buzzing next Sunday when runners of all abilities will be taking part in the ABP Newport marathon Cheered on by hundreds of spectators, and I'm sure you'll all agree it promises to be another great day. Thank you for siding member Thank you leader we move on to questions now of the leader and the first one is Councillor reeks Thank you, please. I remember As the makeup of the city center has changed and the number of shops have declined it appears about a effect on the number of public toilets available for general use One resident recently found themselves locked out of friars walk toilets as they wrote of order They were unable to use the market facilities as even to occur customers only although There were no outlets open and the toilets were actually closed and managed only after some time and searching to locate facilities in the library And the Welsh government placed a duty on local authorities to provide a local toilet strategy that had to be reviewed within a year of the last Council elections and Currently when accessing this strategy via the website it shows it's dated as 2020 So can the leader advise why this has not been reviewed if it has why the website hasn't been updated and Whether the provision of more available toilets will feature in the city center placement game plan, but it's finally released Thank you Thank you. Come to the reek leader Thank you preside a member and thank you, Councillor reeks for your question you rightly highlight I think the changes there that we've seen across our city centers and our town centers actually across the whole of Wales So we have seen a shift haven't we? from retail into some more leisure-based activities some hospitality activities and of course We've seen the reintroduction of more residential accommodation into our towns and city centers This will of course have an impact on other facilities that are available And I recognize what you say with regard to the availability of public toilets across the city you are quite right local authorities are required to have a local toilet strategy and I'm glad you mentioned there the placemaking plan because the placemaking plan consultation will provide a great Opportunity for those residents who see where there are gaps where they identify things that are missing from our city center that they'd like to see there It will provide those residents with an opportunity to actually put forward their ideas and their suggestions with regard to this And I welcome this and I'm sure that you do too And I'm sure that you look forward to the opportunity to contribute to that yourself as I know that other colleagues in the chamber We'll be looking forward to that as well Now as you know In undertaking a review of any of our strategies there will be a full opportunity to for these To go forward to our scrutiny committees where I would expect them to be scrutinized by a cross-party groups of Elected members and I would welcome any suggestions that elected members might put forward on these particular issues. Thank you Thank You Rita come tomorrow's Precise a member. I do believe it's my turn tonight Sorry, I think it's my turn tonight. I think you're right. I do believe you're right Sit down, please. Yeah, I got you next I did on my list year Yeah, okay. Carry on. Thanks last time. Yeah, thank you. I'll Appreciate it. Yeah, but let's let's move it now. Councillor whitehead, please Thank you for saying a member and thank you. Councillor Morif Leader I often canvas residents on questions. They think would be I should put to the leader when it comes to the questions to leader And I do I'm also a person that likes to add off rumors, etc. Etc No new damage any can be There has been some talk regarding Been collections to go in for for weekly. Can you either confirm or deny this? Rumor to put it about so let's be Thank you come to the white head Leader Thank you Councillor whitehead for your question and actually thank you to the residents of Betis for raising that as an issue and Clearly it's an issue that matters to them and we know that the whole topic of refuse collection Is something that residents and communities are very interested in? With regard to the cycle of refuse collection I think there is Discussion isn't there across the public domain and we've seen a number of local authorities in Wales actually consider moving to four weeks And we know that some of them have done so I Can confirm at this point in time that we don't we've not having those discussions in Newport with regard to four weekly delivery Sorry collection. So I hope you'll be able to provide your residents with some assurance on that and Actually in terms of providing assurance to residents. What I'd really like you to think about when doing so is I'm actually telling them how well we're doing in terms of Recycling in Newport because Newport doesn't need to move to a four likely a four weekly refuse collection Cycle because we are well on track for meeting our recycling targets And you know these are really rigorous Recycling targets that are set by Welsh government And I'm really pleased to say that Newport is well on track for doing that And I'd like to say huge Thank you on behalf of the authority to all of our households who've worked really hard to do this and work really hard to ensure that They recycle and they manage their refuse Correctly and of course, Councillor Whitehead it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the outstanding efforts that our businesses are making Since the legislation changed in April this year. So, thank you to everybody who's making a huge effort around that to confirm Councillor Whitehead that we're not considering moving to a four weekly collection here in Newport We don't have a need for it because we are on target to meet those really rigorous and robust targets set by Welsh government and once again a huge Thank you to our officers for enabling that to happen Cabinet member for leading the way with that and of course our residents for participating in that recycling themselves So, thank you all very much Thank you, leader. Councillor Morris Thank you, mr. Presiding member Can the leader working with the appropriate cabinet member can we look at the way that we recycle particularly with? Terrorist houses. We've got a large proportion of terrace houses in Liz Worry as have many other areas some of these people on Bindi can have six boxes to get through their houses now I noticed as a drive-through Roger Stone and best a look to Roger Stone Some of the houses that they have little boxes one on top of the other They would be so much easier in our terraced houses to get through the house and get out the front It is not a good look with the greatest of respect when you drive through these areas and you see all these buck All these bins boxes and bags outside the houses for the sake of our city Can we have another look to try to make things a little bit easier and more customer focused for the people that live in terraced houses? Thank you, leader Thank you, Councillor Morris leader Thank you Presiding member, and thank you very much for that question Councillor Morris and for me that's a very timely question because it was our our collection in my my area today and Do you know what's really heartening about that? It is actually seeing how much people recycle these days. It is great, and you're absolutely right We do need to think about how this looks, but we've trialed This previously in Newport. We have trialed it previously And I'm sure the relevant information will be available from our scrutiny reports to provide members with the outcomes of that But the reality is in terms of providing alternative systems they can cost up to 10 times as much as The current system that we've got so we currently got a system, which is efficient. It is effective It helps certainly helps us meet our targets, and is the envy of other local authorities. We hosted we've hosted Cardiff City City Councillors. We've hosted Swansea City Councillors. We've liaised with Cafilly County Borough Council Because actually some of the work that goes on here in Newport is the envy of our other local authority areas so whilst I recognise what you say and and You know many residents we're out there collecting back in our boxes and our bags and trying to keep them tidy I do recognise what you say, but we are running an incredibly efficient and effective system at this time and Also, it's really important to note that any alternatives could cost up to 10 times as much and you will be aware of course of the pressures that we're experiencing financially at the moment and I think One of the great results of the work that's been done over time And I really like to thank the head of service and the director for this as well as the cabinet member is is to bring that on target of course And I think this is quite an important point to note. This isn't something that we will just Fail to refer back to we will of course review this as we review all of our policies And I'm sure that if scrutiny would like to put forward any alternatives. They will be considered by the cabinet members. So thank you Thank you leader comes to Spencer Thank you for sorry to member leader Councillors recently had a very interesting informed the update on the partnership We're in at the regional level with regards to economic well being and growth Can the leader update the chamber on the progress of the regional strategic partnership? I got my teeth in mind Through the grand public service board which focuses up on community well-being and explain them new boards Recently launched local delivery plan along with this Thank you Thank you, Poseidon member, thank you, Councillor Spencer We did have a really interesting presentation didn't we recently on the Economic duties as a region and the regional work that's going on and I am pleased to To make members aware that we have now since that Presentation we have had our last meeting as card of capital region and we are now the fully formed Southeast Wales corporate joint committee, which of course you'll be aware. We have that economic duty the partnership working Poseidon member is key to everything that we do really whether we do that Our economic duty through the regional partnership board or indeed through the public service board And as you know, we made a decision to come together as five local authorities in grant with our partners To work as one with our public service board and fulfill our duties and the the well-being of future generations Legislation in terms of putting together a well-being plan now We've mentioned this previously and it is important to note that across the whole of the region our public sector and third sector partners We've got a commitment to becoming a marmot region and focus in our work and our activities on addressing Inequalities because we know how that impacts on people's lives and we've already heard that previously today Through the comments Councillor Cox has made on our own policy each of the five local authorities Poseidon member is required to develop Their own local delivery plan and we've done this in Newport through consultation with our stakeholders So we've carried out significant consultation and we've also worked with our partners on this You will recall and members will receive into their inboxes regular updates on the one Newport partnership And these are our key partners because we recognize we can't do this alone So the new local delivery plan aligns to and the Well-being plan that's been developed by the Gwent public service board and it aligns around three key themes The key themes are economy and culture communities and environment now This will help us actually deliver on the overall objectives to make a fair and more equitable and inclusive Gwent for all and to make Gwent climate ready which of course is another significant Issue for us around economy and culture we focus in on education and skills And we focus in on fair work to help people out of poverty and certainly to help fulfill our ambitions to become a living wage city We're working together with our partners on we've established this commitment to Develop community wealth building projects And we've committed to the revitalization of the city center through the placemaking plan as we've referenced previously And I'm sure that members will look forward to making a contribution to that. It's also underpinned by our commitment to develop a sports strategy To develop a cultural strategy and to put together a diverse events program Which not only reflects the diversity of our city, but also attracts visitors to our city as well And it's a great opportunity. I think for everybody To get engaged in those activities Now across our communities Which is another thing? We've got a commitment to increase in volunteer opportunities to empower and develop resilient communities and develop an integrated approach to addressing poverty and inequality We're committed to promoting and supporting new ports integrated well-being networks and tackling significant issues such as homelessness through collaboration and strategic approaches And of course of part as part of this we've got that commitment to overseeing the implementation of the pill master plan Which colleagues have been involved in has been involved in the development of and we've regularly reported back We're also promoting sustainable and affordable food provision through that And I it's a shame. Councillor 40 can't be here today when I mentioned this because there are some fantastic community schemes running across the city not just in terms of Making food supplies available to people but also in terms of the production of food as well And it would be remiss of me not to mention the work on safer Newport as part of the communities program Could you start winding up loudly the please the 15 minutes? The third the third aspect then of the plan is the environment and With the overarching aim presiding member of tackling the climate and nature emergency that we know that we face and protecting I'm preserving our fantastic environment for the well-being of future generations. Thank you Thank you leader there are no questions
The council meeting involved discussions and decisions on various civic matters, including amendments to the Constitution regarding asset delegation, updates on strategic equality plans, and local toilet strategies. The meeting was marked by a hybrid format, with members participating both in-person and remotely.
Amendment to the Constitution Scheme of Delegation for Assets:
- Decision: The council approved amendments to increase the threshold for delegated decisions on asset transactions to £100,000.
- Arguments: Proponents argued it would streamline minor asset transactions, aligning with practices in other councils. Critics, including some ward members, expressed concerns about reduced oversight and potential exclusion from decision-making processes.
- Implications: The decision could expedite asset-related decisions but may lead to issues if ward members feel bypassed, potentially impacting local governance transparency.
Strategic Equalities Plan:
- Decision: The council adopted a new Strategic Equality Plan for 2024-2028.
- Arguments: Supporters highlighted the plan's comprehensive approach to addressing inequalities and its alignment with statutory requirements. There was a strong emphasis on community engagement and the inclusion of care-experienced individuals as a protected group.
- Implications: The plan aims to enhance equality across various community sectors, potentially improving access to services and fostering greater inclusivity.
Local Toilet Strategy:
- Decision: Discussion highlighted the need for an updated local toilet strategy, though no formal decision was made.
- Arguments: Concerns were raised about the adequacy of public toilet facilities, especially given changes in the city center's dynamics.
- Implications: An updated strategy could improve public amenities, affecting residents' and visitors' comfort and accessibility in the city center.
Interesting Occurrence:
- The meeting's hybrid format led to some confusion during votes, with issues in electronic voting prompting manual hand raises for remote participants. This highlighted the challenges of managing hybrid meetings effectively.
- Alex Pimm
- Allan Morris
- Allan Screen
- Andrew Sterry
- Bev Davies
- Bev Perkins
- Carmel Townsend
- Chris Reeks
- Claire Baker-Westhead
- David Fouweather
- David Mayer
- Deb Davies
- Debbie Harvey
- Debbie Jenkins
- Dimitri Batrouni
- Emma Stowell-Corten
- Farzina Hussain
- Gavin Horton
- James Clarke
- James Peterson
- Jane Mudd
- Janet Cleverly
- Jason Hughes
- Jason Jordan
- John Harris
- John Jones
- John Reynolds
- Kate Thomas
- Kevin Whitehead
- Laura Lacey
- Lauren James
- Malcolm Linton
- Mark Howells
- Mark Spencer
- Martyn Kellaway
- Matthew Evans MBE
- Matthew Pimm
- Miqdad Al-Nuaimi
- Pat Drewett
- Paul Bright
- Paul Cockeram
- Phil Hourahine
- Ray Mogford
- Rhian Howells
- Saeed Adan
- Stephen Cocks
- Stephen Marshall
- Tim Harvey
- Trevor Watkins
- William Routley
- Yvonne Forsey
- Agenda frontsheet 23rd-Apr-2024 17.00 Council agenda
- 03 Council Appointments Report
- Minutes 29022024 Council
- 05 Members Schedule of Renumeration
- 05i IRP annual-report-2024-to-2025
- 06 Cover Report Pay and Reward Policy
- 06i Pay and Reward Policy April 2024
- 07 Council Report SEP 2024 -28
- 07i SEP 2024 - 28
- 08 Council Report - Scheme of Delegation v1.2
- Public reports pack 23rd-Apr-2024 17.00 Council reports pack
- Printed minutes 23rd-Apr-2024 17.00 Council minutes