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May 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting focused on the community asset transfer process in Swansea, discussing various aspects and challenges. The main topics included the importance of public consultation, the need for clear guidelines and support for organizations interested in asset transfers, and the experiences of different stakeholders.

  1. Public Consultation and Community Involvement:

    • The need for a minimum level of public consultation was emphasized by multiple participants, including Councillor Joe Hill and Councillor Matthew Bailey. They stressed that community councils and the general public should be involved in decisions about asset transfers.
    • Councillor Hill raised concerns about public utilities being sold off without adequate consultation, highlighting the importance of considering public opinion in such decisions.
  2. Support and Guidance for Asset Transfers:

    • Adrian Lester from Swansea Co-Housing discussed the need for a positive attitude towards community asset transfers and the long-term benefits they can provide. He suggested that the council should be more proactive and open-minded in their approach.
    • Councillor Bailey suggested having a single point of contact within the council for asset transfers and legal queries to streamline the process. He also recommended providing clear guidance and support to help community groups develop feasible business plans.
    • The idea of mentoring from external organizations that have successfully undergone asset transfers was also discussed as a way to support new applicants.
  3. Challenges and Risks:

    • The issue of understanding the long-term financial and operational implications of asset transfers was raised. Councillor Bailey mentioned the difficulty in obtaining detailed costings from the council, which is essential for community groups to plan effectively.
    • Wendy Fitzgerald highlighted the potential negative impact of subsequent council decisions on transferred assets, using the example of Pennard Pond, which faced pollution issues due to council-approved housing developments.
  4. Examples from Other Authorities:

    • The meeting reviewed examples from other councils, including Southampton, Bristol, Gateshead, and Cardiff, to identify best practices and potential improvements for Swansea's policy. These examples highlighted the importance of clear eligibility criteria, risk assessment, and ongoing support for transferred assets.
  5. Future Steps:

    • The next meeting will involve a stakeholder discussion with representatives from various community organizations that have undergone asset transfers. This will provide further insights into the practical challenges and successes of the process.

Overall, the meeting underscored the need for a more structured and supportive approach to community asset transfers in Swansea, with a focus on public consultation, clear guidelines, and ongoing support for community groups.