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Overview & Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 4th June 2024 7.00 pm

June 4, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with a welcome from Councillor Roger Baldwin, who introduced the new members of the ONS committee and other key officers. The meeting was webcast, and apologies for absence were noted. The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed, and there were no matters arising or public questions. The main focus was on the Council's corporate priorities for the coming year, presented by the leader of the Council.

Council's Corporate Priorities

The leader of the Council outlined the priorities for the coming year, emphasizing the need to address planning, housing, place improvement, waste management, economic development, and sound finance. He highlighted the importance of maintaining control over planning, improving housing estates, and enhancing the local area through the place fund. The leader also mentioned the upcoming transition to an arm's length waste company and the development of a new sports centre in Epping. He stressed the need for sound financial management and the importance of partnership working.


The leader emphasized the importance of maintaining control over planning to avoid issues faced by neighboring councils like Uttlesford. He mentioned the PAS report on planning services and the need for a new planning system by early autumn.


The Council has made significant progress in housing, with a focus on improving estates and addressing issues like parking on grass verges. The leader acknowledged the good work done by officers and Councillor Holly Whitbread. He mentioned specific areas like Oakwood Hill and the Culver's in Matching Green.

Place Improvement

The leader discussed the importance of improving the local area, mentioning the place fund and the need for partnership working. He highlighted the role of the Council in maintaining highways and local heritage, such as finger posts.

Waste Management

The Council has struggled with its waste contract post-pandemic but has made significant improvements. The leader announced the transition to an arm's length waste company as the contract with Biffa ends.

Economic Development

The leader mentioned the importance of economic development and the Council's success in securing a contract with Google. He highlighted the development of a master plan for North Weald and the need to make the best use of the Council's asset base.

Sound Finance

The leader stressed the importance of sound financial management, mentioning the need to rebuild reserves and make structural changes. He acknowledged the challenging budget process and the importance of maintaining good reserves.

Digital and Technological Changes

The leader discussed the impact of digital and technological changes, including the use of AI and the need for the Council to adapt to a hybrid working environment. He emphasized the importance of engaging with the public and improving customer services.

Public Engagement

The leader acknowledged the need for better public engagement and customer services. He mentioned plans to be more open and accessible to the public in the coming year.

Questions and Comments

Councillor Lyon raised concerns about pride of place, fly-tipping, litter, and parking on grass verges. He also mentioned the need for improved transport infrastructure for walking and cycling. The leader responded by highlighting the place fund and the importance of partnership working.

Councillor Murray emphasized the importance of scrutiny and constructive questioning. He agreed with the leader on several points, including planning, place improvement, partnership working, and the waste contract. He also raised concerns about food poverty and transport links.

Councillor Lucas and other members raised questions about electric vehicle charging stations, the walking infrastructure plan, and community transport. The leader and officers provided responses and committed to follow up on specific issues.

Budget Monitoring and Financial Performance

Chris Hargreaves presented the quarter four provisional outturn position for 2023-2024, highlighting a surplus of £918,000. He discussed significant variances, including a shortfall in planning applications income and overspends in customer services and repairs and maintenance. The HRA also recorded a surplus, and there was some slippage in the capital programs.

Work Programme and Forward Plan

The committee discussed the work programme for the coming year, including the need to scrutinize TfL and sustainable transport issues. Members emphasized the importance of involving local knowledge in the review of polling districts and the need for better attendance from cabinet members at future meetings.

The meeting concluded with a note on the exclusion of the public and press, but no such action was taken. The meeting was closed at 8:45 PM.