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Executive - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 7.00 pm

June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Executive of Woking Council met on Thursday 13 June 2024 to discuss a range of significant issues, including the Shearwater regeneration project, the Council's climate change strategy, and the future of Brockhill. Key decisions were made on these topics, alongside updates on strategic parking objectives and neighbourhood funding applications.

Shearwater Regeneration Project

A question from Mr. Bradyn Lay regarding the Shearwater regeneration project was addressed. Mr. Lay inquired about the timeline for selling off remaining properties and improving roads in Shearwater. Councillor Johnson responded, explaining that the Council had appointed consultant surveyors to assist with bringing surplus sites to market, with marketing expected to commence in July. The response also detailed planned highway improvements, including resurfacing parts of Dartmouth Avenue and Bunyard Drive, with completion aimed for the end of 2024.

For more details, you can refer to the published question and reply.

Climate Change Strategy

Councillor Forster introduced an update on the Council's climate change strategy, highlighting the Council's long-standing commitment to tackling climate change. The strategy, known as Woking Net Zero, is set to be refreshed and prioritised based on available resources. The revised strategy will focus on optimizing energy efficiency, decarbonizing energy supplies, and promoting sustainable consumption. The updated strategy will be presented to members in the autumn for consideration and adoption.

The full report on the climate change strategy can be found here.

Woking Environment Action (WE Act) Recommendations

The Executive considered recommendations from Woking Environment Action (WE Act) and agreed to incorporate their feedback into the refreshed climate change strategy. Councillor Forster emphasized the importance of WE Act's role in supporting the Council's environmental initiatives, including the successful Repair Cafe.

Further information on WE Act's recommendations is available here.

Future of Brockhill

Councillor Johnson discussed the future of Brockhill, an extra care housing scheme. Due to significant capital expenditure requirements and the building's inability to meet modern standards, the Council decided to close Brockhill by 30 September 2024. The site will be marketed for redevelopment, with a focus on specialist accommodation. The Council aims to demolish the current building as soon as it is vacated.

Details on the future of Brockhill can be found here.

Strategic Parking Objectives

Councillor Roberts introduced a framework for setting future parking tariffs and permit prices, aiming to simplify the current complex structure. The framework will ensure that pricing is fair, equitable, affordable, and socially responsible. The principles will guide future decisions on parking charges, reflecting changes in town centre usage and national trends.

The full report on strategic parking objectives is available here.

Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) Applications

Two NCIL applications were approved:

  1. Wheatsheaf Playground Refurbishment: £27,000 was allocated for refurbishing the playground in Wheatsheaf Common, addressing safety concerns and ensuring the playground's usability.

More details can be found here.

  1. Surface Improvements to Footpaths in Hook Heath: £24,000 was allocated for improving footpaths in Hook Heath, enhancing safety and accessibility.

Further information is available here.

Risk Management and Business Continuity

The annual report on risk management and business continuity was presented, highlighting key risks such as setting a balanced budget, guarding against fraud and cyber attacks, and managing the Council's assets. The report emphasized the importance of embedding risk principles across the Council.

The full report can be accessed here.

Performance Management Report

The performance management report for Q4 2023-24 was reviewed, noting progress in various areas and identifying challenges, particularly in housing. The report highlighted the Council's efforts to manage complaints and maintain service delivery despite financial constraints.

The performance management report is available here.

Budget Monitoring Q4 and Draft Outturn 2023-24

Councillor Roberts presented the budget monitoring report for Q4 and the draft outturn for 2023-24. The report detailed a projected overspend of £2.7 million in the general fund and an underspend of £15.3 million in capital projects. The housing revenue account showed an overspend of £2.6 million. The report emphasized the need for tighter budget monitoring and improved financial controls.

The budget monitoring report can be found here.

Project Monitoring Report

The project monitoring report provided an update on the Council's project management arrangements, noting fewer projects due to the Council's focus on efficiency and effectiveness. The report highlighted the status of ongoing projects and the Council's efforts to manage them effectively.

The project monitoring report is available here.