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Climate Change and Ecology Policy and Accountability Committee - Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024 7.00 pm

April 23, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The council meeting focused on discussing and addressing various environmental and infrastructure issues, particularly those related to sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDs), green infrastructure, and public realm improvements. The committee reviewed ongoing projects and planned future initiatives to enhance the borough's resilience to climate change and improve ecological conditions.

1. Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: The committee agreed on the minutes from the previous meeting held on February 6, 2024. This decision was straightforward, with no opposing arguments, ensuring that the records of past discussions and resolutions were accurate and acknowledged by all members.

2. Thameswater's Non-Response: The committee expressed disappointment over Thameswater's failure to provide updates for the meeting, as previously promised. This was particularly relevant to discussions on sustainable drainage systems linked with the sewage system. The lack of response from Thameswater was seen as a setback in progressing certain environmental initiatives. The implications are a potential delay in implementing solutions that depend on collaboration with Thameswater.

3. Discussion on Flood Risk and Adaptation Strategies: The committee heard presentations on flood risk management, including the roles of different authorities and strategies for mitigating risks through green infrastructure. There was a consensus on the importance of integrating sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDs) into public spaces and new developments. The decision to continue and expand these initiatives implies a proactive approach to managing environmental challenges, potentially reducing flood risks and enhancing biodiversity.

4. Engagement with Residents and External Funding: There was a notable focus on increasing resident engagement and securing external funding for environmental projects. The committee discussed strategies for involving the community and leveraging funds to maximize the impact of their initiatives. This decision underscores a commitment to collaborative and financially sustainable environmental management.

Interesting Occurrence: A resident highlighted the need for better maintenance of newly implemented green spaces, suggesting that while the initiatives are commendable, ongoing care is crucial to their success and public support. This input from a community member brought attention to the practical aspects of environmental enhancements and the importance of maintenance, which was acknowledged by the committee.

Overall, the meeting underscored the council's commitment to environmental sustainability and community involvement, despite challenges such as external dependencies and maintenance concerns.