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Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 6th June, 2024 7.30 pm

June 6, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee agreed to note the minutes of the previous meeting and to note a report on the new Islington Check-Ins performance management process. They also provisionally agreed their work plan for the year, and asked officers to prepare a draft scrutiny initiation document on the topic of How the council uses its resources to enhance social capital.

Performance Management Working Group

The committee received a report on the new Islington Check-Ins performance management process that had been introduced in April 2023. Checks Ins Update Report to Scrutiny The process had replaced an older system called Quality Conversations.

Under the new arrangements, staff have a monthly check in conversation with their line manager, and are given a performance status rating every four months.

The data shows that 73% of staff agree that their managers deal with inappropriate behaviour effectively. 68% of staff agree that managers deal with poor performance effectively. This was an improvement on 2021 when the previous staff survey was carried out.

There were concerns about the number of amber ratings given to staff from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds and to male staff, particularly in front line roles. Officers explained that this trend had been identified and that steps had been taken to moderate the allocation of ratings and to support staff.

There was also concern about the performance management of agency staff, who are not subject to the formal check-in process. It was noted that agency staff were expected to meet the requirements of their role and that their contracts could be ended if their performance was not satisfactory.

Scrutiny Topic

The committee discussed their scrutiny topic for the year. They agreed to focus on how the council uses its resources to enhance social capital.

...we haven't really had a look at community wealth building across scrutiny in detail... we have immense purchasing power as a local authority... when we procure services are we getting social value... how are we spending the Islington pound to get best value?

Some of the issues the committee felt it would be useful to consider as part of this topic were:

  • Best value in procurement
  • Social value in procurement
  • Apprenticeships
  • Affordable workspaces
  • Inequality
  • Monitoring outcomes of procurement exercises
  • Supporting Islington businesses
  • Insourcing and outsourcing

The committee felt that this topic would allow them to take a detailed look at how and where the council spends its money.

There was some discussion about whether it would be more timely to focus on the council's equalities work, particularly given that there had been a recent change in Executive Member with responsibility for equalities. It was noted that officers felt it was too soon to have a meaningful review of equalities and that the new Executive Member needed time to develop her priorities. The committee agreed to invite the Executive Member to a meeting in the autumn to provide a progress update.

Provisional Work Plan

The committee looked at their draft work plan and made a few suggestions for topics they would like to see included. Draft CRE Work Plan 24-25

The Chair agreed to revise the work plan in light of the discussion and to bring an updated version to the next meeting for final approval.