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Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024 7.00 pm
July 23, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee was scheduled to receive an update on the Supported Internship programme offered to young people with special educational needs in Islington. A verbal update on school organisation was also scheduled. Councillors were also scheduled to discuss the Scrutiny Committee's work programme for 2024-25.
Supported Internships
The committee was scheduled to receive a report on the Supported Internship programme offered to young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 16 to 24 who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan 1. The report claims that 43 Islington students have completed supported internships since 2020, with 37 moving into full-time, part-time or self-employment. It details the benefits of these programmes, saying:
Benefits include: • Financial Independence: Achieving paid employment brings financial independence. • Personal Growth: It helps build confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being. • Social Connections: Interns gain friendships and a social life. • Economic and Community Benefits: Supported internships benefit the economy, employers, families, and society at large.
The report details the roles of schools and job coaches in supporting the programme and discusses how Islington Council can increase the number of supported internships available in the borough. It suggests that:
Work is being supported our Early Career and Talent Team (Human Resources) who are developing a work experience placement programme to provide opportunities for priority groups including care leavers and young people with SEND. This is ground work to help make adjustments necessary, improve disability awareness (training modules have been developed inhouse by Children’s Services) and build awareness and confidence across the workforce.
The report also highlights the range of work that could be made available by the council:
• Customer Service: handling inquiries, helping residents, and providing information. • Administration: Opportunities to learn office skills, data entry, and document management. • Catering: Exposure to food service, kitchen operations, and event planning. • Environmental Services: opportunities in parks, with waste management, maintenance, or cleaning. • Community Engagement: Involvement in community events, outreach, and public relations.
The report concludes that:
The Supported Internship Programme has demonstrated significant positive impacts on the lives of young people with SEND.
and sets out some future plans for the programme.
Scrutiny Initiation Document
The committee was also scheduled to discuss a Scrutiny Initiation Document 2 on the topic of persistent absences from secondary schools. The document sets out the scope of the review the committee is scheduled to undertake on this topic during the 2024-25 municipal year. It explains that:
The overall aim of the review is to understand and evaluate the factors contributing to persistent absence from secondary schools in Islington. Specifically, the Committee aims to identify patterns, root causes, and potential solutions to improve attendance rates. The report recognises that:
evidence in post-16 education and labour market activities, pathways and outcomes research (2022) showed that pupils with SEND are less likely to be in sustained employment 15 years after Key Stage 4 than their peers.
The document sets out how the scrutiny will be undertaken, detailing:
- The evidence it is proposed the committee will hear.
- Details of visits that are scheduled to take place, including visits to schools, youth hubs and other local authorities.
- The background reading that will be provided to the committee members.
- A timetable for the scrutiny, including provisional dates for the publication of the report.
In particular, the document highlights the committee's intention to hear directly from children and young people:
The Young Islington Service will also arrange for Committee Members to interview young people between September and December 2024 to gain their views on why young people do / do not go to school.
The report also highlights the link between persistent absence and other council priorities like the Child Friendly Islington programme, and explains how tackling the issue of attendance can help the council deliver on its commitments in this area.
Verbal update on school organisation
The committee was also scheduled to receive a verbal update on school organisation. No further detail was provided in the meeting pack.

- Agenda frontsheet 23rd-Jul-2024 19.00 Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 23rd-Jul-2024 19.00 Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- Minutes 24022025 Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee other
- Scrutiny Report Supported Internships july 2024 other
- SID 2024-25 Attendance - Final
- Second Despatch 23rd-Jul-2024 19.00 Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
- The Childrens Workforce Final Draft