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Licensing Sub Committee C - Thursday, 25th July, 2024 6.30 pm

July 25, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to discuss an application for a new premises licence from WI Curates at 6-9 Timber Street. The application was listed for discussion because four objections had been received from local residents.

WI Curates - Application for new premises licence

WI Curates had applied for a new premises licence for their premises at 6-9 Timber Street.

The application was listed for consideration at the meeting because four representations objecting to it had been received from local residents.

One resident, whose flat is very near the premises, said:

Since the premises were occupied by businesses owned and/or operated by Oliver and Mike Ashley - I gather via Mash Holdings Limited - the activities at Timber Street Studios have been the source of regular and consistent noise and other related nuisance problems.

Another resident, who said they are the owner of a property overlooking Timber Street, raised concerns about the impact of the large LED screens on the building. They also objected to the application on the grounds it would cause:

...further interference to my right to a quiet life in my home...

The report pack included a list of incidents reported to the council about the address, starting in 2012. These included several noise complaints, and two reports of drug dealing. The most recent recorded incident was on 16th April 2024, when a noise complaint about music was made.

The report pack included a suggestion from the licensing officer that if the licence was to be granted, it should be subject to a number of conditions including requirements for CCTV, staff training, incident reporting and a dispersal policy. The Metropolitan police also suggested a condition requiring a register of door staff to be kept.


Councillor Angelo Weekes
Councillor Joseph Croft
Profile image for Councillor Asima Shaikh
Councillor Asima Shaikh  Deputy Business Manager, Independent and Green Group •  Independent •  Finsbury Park
Jackie Tunstall
Profile image for Councillor Clare Jeapes
Councillor Clare Jeapes  Labour Party •  Canonbury