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Licensing Sub Committee D - Tuesday, 6th August, 2024 6.30 pm
August 6, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to consider an application for a variation to the premises licence for Astro Tapas and Cocktail Bar Ltd at 4 Exmouth Market.
Premises Licence Variation Application - Astro, 4 Exmouth Market, London EC1R 4PX
Astro Tapas and Cocktail Bar Ltd requested permission to remain open and serve alcohol until midnight Sunday to Wednesday, and until 2am Thursday to Saturday.
The premises is located within the Clerkenwell Cumulative Impact Area1 where there is a presumption against granting further licences, but the report from the Director of Community Safety, Security and Resilience noted that:
None of the Responsible Authorities made a representation to the application.
The report also noted that three letters of representation had been received from local residents, but that one had been withdrawn, and that the applicant had written to residents to answer their concerns:
Upon receipt of the representation, the applicant wrote to the residents answering their concerns and inviting them to meet with him to talk about the premises and application.
Cumulative Impact Areas are areas where it is agreed that the high density of licensed premises in a particular area can have a negative impact on the area, usually because of crime and disorder, or public nuisance. You can read more about Islington's Cumulative Impact Policy on their Statement of Licensing Policy page. ↩