Licensing Sub Committee B - Thursday, 5th September, 2024 6.30 pm

September 5, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was about considering two applications for new and varied premises licenses, one from Techspace and one from the Myddleton Arms. The Sub-Committee was scheduled to receive presentations from both applicants, as well as from the Licensing Officer and any objectors that wished to attend. There were multiple representations from residents concerned about both applications.

Techspace, Technique Building, 140 Goswell Road

Techspace had applied for a new premises licence for the sale of alcohol and showing of films for consumption on and off the premises. The application listed opening hours as 24 hours a day, with the sale of alcohol allowed between 12:00 and 22:00 Monday-Friday and 12:00 - 20:00 on weekends. The applicant stated that:

The operating hours state 24 hrs, this reflects the fact that the building is accessible to members 24 hours a day, because of the international timescales some of their members work to.

The report pack listed the application as subject to 26 representations from residents.

The meeting papers included comments from the council planning department on this application. They stated that the proposed activities were not consistent with the use class1 of the building, which is B1(a)2, and that:

The application is for a premises licence which relates to the internal areas of the first and 4th floor areas only....The licence is not for the general public to be allowed into the premises for the sale or consumption of alcohol for to view films.

Myddleton Arms, 52 Canonbury Road

The Myddleton Arms was applying for a variation to their existing licence to allow the first floor of the premises to be used as a private dining area for up to 30 people until 23:00. The application was subject to three representations from local residents concerned about the increase in noise the variation would allow.

The meeting papers included the applicants' responses to the representations, in which they stated that the first floor dining room would be:

an intimate dining room...for a limited number of guests and the environment would not be suitable for loud noise levels.

The papers also included suggested conditions agreed with the Metropolitan Police, Islington’s Noise Team and Trading Standards Team. These conditions included the requirement for an incident log, the implementation of Challenge 25 and CCTV requirements.

  1. Use Classes Order (UCO) defines which activities are allowed within each category of land use.  

  2. Use Class B1(a) - Offices (other than those that fall within A2 - Financial and Professional services.