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Licensing Sub Committee C - Tuesday, 19th November, 2024 7.00 pm
November 19, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing Sub Committee C met to discuss an application for a new premises licence for Marrable's Hotel, 86-88 Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1M 5RJ. The committee approved the application, subject to conditions, including that only hotel guests will be able to buy alcohol at the premises between 07:00 and 08:00.
Marrable's Hotel, 86-88 Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1M 5RJ
The committee considered an application for a new premises licence for Marrable's Hotel, 86-88 Clerkenwell Road. The application requested permission for:
- The sale of alcohol, which may be consumed on and off the premises from 07:00 – 00:00, Monday – Sunday
- Late Night Refreshment from 23:00 – 00:00, Monday – Sunday
- The provision of regulated entertainment for live music from 10:00 – 00:00, Monday – Sunday
- The provision of regulated entertainment for recorded music from 00:00 – 00:00, Monday – Sunday
- To allow the premises to remain open between the hours of 07:00 – 00:00, Monday – Sunday.
The applicant explained that he had applied for a new licence, rather than changing the Designated Premises Supervisor on the existing licence on the advice of a solicitor.
One representation was received from a local resident about the application but they did not attend the meeting. The applicant stated that he had offered to meet with the resident to discuss their concerns, but they had not responded.
The Sub-Committee was informed that the applicant had offered to meet with the resident to discuss concerns, but resident did not respond and wished to object to the application.
The resident's representation concerned the prominent display of the statutory notice about the application. The Licensing Officer advised the committee that she had enquired into this and confirmed that the requirements of the regulations had been met and the Sub-Committee could proceed to hear the application.
The Licensing Officer explained that she had enquired into this and officer informed her that further notices had been displayed around the building. The requirements of the regulations had been met and the Sub-Committee could proceed to hear the application.
The applicant told the committee that he operated the premises as a restaurant, that around 60% of revenue was generated through the sale of alcohol, and that the focus of the venue was drinking while dining rather than drinking and partying. He said that drinks were mostly served to seated customers.
In response to concerns about noise nuisance from the committee, the applicant stated that noise would be minimal, that the premises would display notices about quiet dispersal, and that the doors would be kept closed during the winter.
The committee queried the application to sell alcohol from 07:00.
The Sub-Committee raised concerns around noise nuisance and queried about sound proofing in the premises. The applicant stated that the noise would be at minimum as patrons would only be chatting while eating and there would be nothing more than the average noise of a restaurant. During the winter, the doors would be kept closed preventing noise nuisance to the public. The applicant added that the premises would display notices onsite to underline quiet dispersal.
The applicant responded that this was to allow hotel guests to have a drink with their breakfast and was not aimed at walk-in customers who wanted to purchase drinks only.
In order to ensure that alcohol sales between 07:00 and 08:00 were only made to hotel guests, the committee proposed an additional condition to this effect, to which the applicant agreed.
The committee granted the application subject to the conditions listed in the report, and the additional condition.
This is because these hours fall outside of the core hours, and Applicant stated that the hours applied for were for guests enjoying a drink with their breakfast. In order to ensure the licensable activity was for guests alone the condition was necessary.
The committee's decision notice stated that they were satisfied that the licence would not have an adverse cumulative impact on the area.
The Sub-Committee is satisfied that no adverse cumulative impact would arise at the Premises Licence if the conditions proposed in the operating schedule, agreed with the police and Noise Pollution Service, and additional condition added by the Sub-Committee are implemented.
Decisions to be made in this meeting
- Angelo Weekes
- Asima Shaikh
- Joseph Croft
- Phil Graham
- Jackie Tunstall