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Planning Sub Committee B - Tuesday, 11th February, 2025 7.30 pm

February 11, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee approved plans for a new community garden at Sunnyside Community Center, approved the installation of heat pumps at Archway Leisure Centre, and approved plans for the infilling of two roof terraces and the enlargement of another at a penthouse flat on 14-22 Coleman Fields. The committee also approved plans to demolish a house on 33-37 Corsica Street and build a new home, subject to the developer contributing £9,000 to the planting of three trees elsewhere in the borough.

Sunnyside Community Center

The committee approved plans to transform the disused former ballcourt at the Sunnyside Community Center into a landscaped community garden with accessible play equipment.

The ball court has been out of use for a number of years due to previous reports of anti-social behaviour at the site. It was noted that there are a number of alternative sports and play areas in the vicinity. The proposal was presented by Councillor Diarmaid Ward, who explained that the proposal would meet the commitments made by the Labour Party in its 2022 local election manifesto to [transform] this unloved patch into a community space at Sunnyside. The proposal was approved unanimously.

Archway Leisure Centre

The committee approved an application from Islington Council to install air source and water source heat pumps at Archway Leisure Centre.

The committee heard from Marissa Mark, an employee of Vital Energi, who is working on the project. Mark said the new heat pumps would lead to an 83% reduction in CO2 emissions at the leisure centre. The proposals attracted no objections and were approved unanimously. It was noted that the proposal represents a commitment to reducing the council's own carbon emissions, which is a stated aim of the council's Vision 2030 strategy document.

14-22 Coleman Fields

The committee approved an application to infill two courtyards and enlarge an existing roof terrace at a penthouse flat on 14-22 Coleman Fields.

The committee heard from a representative of Mutiny Architecture, who explained that the proposal would provide the flat with a larger and more functional roof terrace. The representative also explained that the infilled courtyards would result in a more cohesive curved roof form, which would improve the appearance of the building. The proposal attracted a number of objections from residents, who were concerned about its impact on their privacy and daylight/sunlight amenity. The representative explained that the design had taken account of these concerns and the extension to the terrace would be set back from the boundary of the development to minimise its impact on neighbours. The application was approved unanimously.

33-37 Corsica Street

The committee approved an application to demolish the existing house on 33-37 Corsica Street and erect a new home.

The proposal was considered by the committee in June 2024, where it was approved. However, the committee reconsidered the application after receiving an objection that argued the application should be refused due to the loss of trees in the garden. The committee heard that the application includes the removal of five trees; four in the back garden and a mature Indian bean tree in the front garden. The application proposes the planting of 12 new trees within the curtilage of the site, in accordance with Islington Council's policies on tree replacement, which are outlined in Policy G4 of its Local Plan.

The committee heard from George Mathers, of Difficult Architects, who said:

We find [the loss of the trees] unfortunate but we also know that they can't really remain and grow healthily in the long term.

The committee also heard from David Conn, of Difficult Architects, who said that the company had sought the advice of a landscape architect and that the proposal would result in an overall improvement to the canopy cover of the site. It was noted that the Indian bean tree would be very difficult to retain as it had been planted very close to the front of the existing building, which is due to be demolished. The council's tree officer, who had inspected the tree, confirmed that it was not considered to be a constraint to the development of the site and recommended a financial contribution be secured from the developer for the planting of three new trees elsewhere in the borough. The committee approved the application by a vote of two to one, with Councillor Penelope Hamdash voting against.