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Audit and Risk Committee - Tuesday, 18th February, 2025 7.30 pm, NEW

February 18, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Committee approved the council's statement of accounts for 2023-24, as well as the Pension Fund accounts, and were satisfied with the Auditor's Annual Report and Value for Money conclusions. The Committee noted the decision to end the shared Internal Audit service with Camden, and discussed the future work plan for the Committee.

Statement of Accounts

The Committee received a presentation from officers about the Statement of Accounts for 2023-24. The auditors, KPMG, were largely satisfied with the accounts. They noted that a number of adjustments had been required and gave an unqualified audit opinion, but these did not affect the overall financial position of the council.

The good news is that the audit is substantially complete. There's some quality assurance review measures still to be undertaken, and that we are on track for production and submission by the due dates with what appears to be an unqualified audit opinion on both the main accounts and the pension fund. (Matt Hobson, page 7)

The auditors explained the audit process in some detail, and responded to questions from members about it. In particular, they noted the importance of data accuracy in ensuring the accuracy of the accounts. This included data used to assess the value of the council's housing stock. The council use a method called 'beacon valuation' to value its 25,000 homes. They do this by grouping properties into around 600 categories, or 'beacons', based on things like size, number of bedrooms, type of property and location. They then choose a representative property in each group, value that one, and apply that valuation to the rest of the properties in that group.

So, and I'm sure officers will step in if I get this wrong, but basically you've got 25,000 houses. You've broken them down into 600 categories, broadly 600 categories, isn't it, in terms of beacons. So maybe all that split on the size, number of bedrooms, the type of house, type of house or flat, the type of build, and also the geography of that because those are all unique parameters that we say. (Rashmol Powell, page 17)

Internal Audit Shared Service

The Committee discussed a report on the decision to end the shared internal audit service with Camden Council. This arrangement had been in place for 13 years, but the decision had been made to end it, with both Islington and Camden appointing their own, full time, Heads of Internal Audit and Risk Managers.

So the proposal talks about the opportunities of demerging essentially being able to focus more on the increased risk profile that local authority organisations experience now whilst also retaining the fact that the services will work very closely across London (Paul Convery, page 44).

Members raised concerns about the proposals, particularly around the need for the council to make efficiency savings and the additional cost of the new posts.

we're living in really difficult financial times particularly for local authorities and we're also facing you know kind of the bigger wider world events are looking really worrying and complex at the moment so my all my instincts say we should be listening to what the officers are saying (Councillor Caroline Russell, page 50)

They were also concerned about the timetable for recruiting to the new posts, with a start date of July 2025, and the potential risks of having a gap in this service while recruitment takes place. Officers explained that they believed the timescale was achievable, but that there were mitigation plans in place should this prove not to be the case.

if it was looking highly unlikely there would be I believe an open conversation to say can we extend the existing arrangements around the shared service I hope and don't expect to have to do that but that is a potential option around mitigating a gap in the post. (Paul Convery, page 45)

Forward Plan

The Committee discussed its future work plan, and agreed on three areas for future deep dive scrutiny:

  • A review of the risk register, including the risks associated with falling school rolls, recycling rates, progress towards Net Zero, and councillor involvement in senior staff appointments.
  • An update on the financial position of schools in the borough, and any financial risks to the council associated with school closures or schools becoming academies.
  • An update on the council's parking account.