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Budget Meeting, Council - Thursday, 27th February, 2025 7.15 pm

February 27, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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Islington Council agreed a balanced budget for 2025/26, set the level of council tax, and discussed the provision of public toilets in the borough.

Public Toilet Provision

Luz Business presented a petition seeking to improve public toilet provision in Islington. They said there is **broken and unhygienic toilet provision** in the borough, and that the council should engage with residents and businesses on how to improve it. They asked for a public toilet strategy, new public toilets, enhanced signage, and the publication of hard-copy maps showing toilet locations.

Councillor Rowena Champion, Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality and Transport, said:

This Labour Council absolutely recognises the importance of providing accessible public toilets. It's a public health issue, it's an equalities issue, and it's key to making sure that everyone can take full advantage of everything this borough has to offer.

Councillor Champion outlined a new public toilet strategy being developed, which includes:

  • Investment in seven new automated toilets. These will operate 24 hours a day and the council will be able to monitor whether they are working.
  • Funding for three changing places toilets1 for disabled people. These toilets will have hoists and adult-sized changing benches.
  • A business engagement campaign, aiming to increase the number of businesses that sign up to the Toilets for London app. This app allows businesses to show the public that they can use their toilets.

Councillor Gary Heather, who represents Finsbury Park Ward, highlighted the closure of public toilets in the Morrisons on Seven Sisters Road. He said the toilets had been popular with residents, and he encouraged businesses to consider the benefits of making their toilets public.

Budget Proposals 2025/26

Councillor Diarmaid Ward, Executive Member for Finance and Performance, said:

Despite 14 years of crippling Tory austerity, a national mess that the new Labour government has been left to clean up, our Labour council is still protecting Islington residents through good times and through bad.

Councillor Ward outlined some of the commitments in the Labour-run council's new budget:

  • £200 million will be spent over the next two years on homelessness support and prevention
  • 1,000 apprenticeships will be created and 5,000 people will be helped into work
  • 981 trees were planted last year and the council will continue to invest in recycling
  • The council has protected frontline services such as adult social care, special educational needs, and temporary accommodation

The Green-led opposition tabled 12 amendments to the budget. One amendment proposed a levy of £300 per year for cars weighing over two tonnes and £150 per year for cars weighing 1.5-2 tonnes, based on a similar levy that was recently introduced in Paris. The money raised would fund:

  • Five additional Special Educational Needs (SEN) Key Workers and one additional Principal SEN Key Worker to help reduce waiting lists for assessments for Education, Health and Care plans.
  • Two additional Blue Badge officers to help disabled residents apply for Low Traffic Neighbourhood exemptions.
  • Four Targeted Youth Support Workers and a team manager to work with young people who are not attending mainstream education.
  • A one-off study to explore the viability of the council moving to a four-day working week.

The Green Party also argued that the council should continue its investment in festive lighting and that parking charges on council estates should be increased.

Councillor Ward said the Green party’s amendments had been presented with only seven days notice and were “a back-of-the-envelope hodgepodge.” He said:

If these amendments are about putting on a show for full council, getting some text on a leaflet, or getting a quote in the press, by all means, carry on. If you actually want to work together for the people of this borough, you've got to talk to us.

The Green Party's amendments were voted down.

Youth Council

The Youth Council asked several questions to the council's Executive, including how the council plans to make Islington a greener place and how it will improve youth safety.

The Deputy Young Mayor, Thomas Brown, asked what the council was doing to create more opportunities for young people to enjoy green space and get involved in tree-planting.

Councillor Rowena Champion, Executive Member for Environment, Air Quality, and Transport, said:

In a borough like Islington where many people, children, young people don't have their own gardens, it's so important that we're given the opportunity not just to be in green space, not just to walk through, play as well but also to get involved I think as you say

Councillor Champion highlighted some of the council's work, including:

  • Partnering with local organizations to deliver environmental education and tree- planting programmes for children and young people.
  • Working with schools to improve the areas around school gates.
  • Encouraging residents to look after local green spaces, on estates and in parks.

The full transcript of this meeting can be found in the Public reports pack 27th-Feb-2025 19.15 Council.

  1. Changing places toilets are fully accessible toilets for people with a wide range of disabilities, typically located in public places such as shopping centres, parks and leisure centres. 


Councillor Sheila Chapman
Profile image for Councillor Tricia Clarke
Councillor Tricia Clarke  Chair of Environment, Climate Change & Transport Scrutiny Committee •  Labour Party •  Tufnell Park
Councillor Paul Convery
Councillor Fin Craig
Councillor Joseph Croft
Councillor Troy Gallagher
Councillor Mick Gilgunn
Councillor Phil Graham
Councillor Ruth Hayes
Councillor Gary Heather
Councillor Sara Hyde
Councillor Bashir Ibrahim
Councillor Jason Jackson
Profile image for Councillor Clare Jeapes
Councillor Clare Jeapes  Labour Party •  Canonbury
Councillor Jenny Kay
Councillor Anjna Khurana
Councillor Martin Klute
Councillor Ben Mackmurdie
Councillor Hannah McHugh
Councillor Shreya Nanda
Councillor Praful Nargund
Councillor Matt Nathan
Profile image for Councillor Michelline Safi-Ngongo
Councillor Michelline Safi-Ngongo  Executive Member for Children, Young People & Families •  Labour Party •  Hillrise
Councillor Toby North
Councillor Una O'Halloran
Councillor Gulcin Ozdemir
Profile image for Councillor Saiqa Pandor
Councillor Saiqa Pandor  Women and Girls Champion •  Labour Party •  St Mary's and St James'
Councillor James Potts
Profile image for Councillor Asima Shaikh
Councillor Asima Shaikh  Deputy Business Manager, Independent and Green Group •  Independent •  Finsbury Park
Councillor Marian Spall
Councillor Heather Staff
Councillor Nurullah Turan
Councillor Diarmaid Ward
Councillor Nick Wayne
Councillor Angelo Weekes
Councillor John Woolf
Councillor Claire Zammit