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Corporate Resources and Economy Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 11th March, 2025 7.30 pm

March 11, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting discussed a successful pilot of a new thermal imaging scheme that helps residents identify how to make their homes more energy-efficient, and plans to develop the Council's work with anchor institutions1 in the Borough. The Committee heard a presentation from Councillor Sheila Chapman on the work of her Equalities, Communities and Inclusion portfolio, and then a presentation from Council officers on the Council's work with anchor institutions.

Net Zero Carbon Accelerator Scheme

The Committee discussed a pilot of the Net Zero Carbon Accelerator Scheme, a scheme intended to help private residents decarbonise their homes. The scheme was inspired by a paper from the University of Plymouth, which showed that residents are five times more likely to invest in retrofitting their home if they are shown a thermal image of their home.

The pilot scheme involved working with the company Kestrix, who flew drones over a small number of homes in Nags Head to produce thermal images that showed where heat was escaping from the homes. The Council is also providing information to these residents about how they can apply for grants to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.

Councillor Matt West, Director of Housing and Property Services, said that

the traction we were getting on private stock, uptake of grants, people retrofitting, was slow.

Councillor West said that in previous scrutiny meetings residents had said that they

don't even know where to start.

The Committee discussed how to measure the success of the scheme, how the data gathered from the scheme could be used by the Council, and how local businesses could be supported to deliver retrofitting services to residents.

Annual Presentation - Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion

Councillor Sheila Chapman, Executive Member for Equalities, Communities and Inclusion, presented her annual report to the Committee. The report covered a wide range of topics, including the Access Islington Hubs, the Bright Lives programme, the Black Cultural Centre and the Council's work supporting refugees and migrants.

Access Islington Hubs

Councillor Chapman presented data showing that the Access Islington Hubs have dealt with a large number of enquiries from residents in the last year. The most common types of enquiry related to housing, council tax and parking. Councillor Chapman discussed the success of the Hubs' community connector service. She said that the connectors

use their professional curiosity

to identify and address the complex needs of residents. The report showed that resident satisfaction with the connector service is very high.

Councillor Chapman also discussed plans to introduce a new member referral process, which will allow Councillors to refer residents with complex needs to the Hubs.

Bright Lives

Councillor Chapman discussed the work of the Bright Lives Alliance, a partnership between the Council, the NHS and other organisations to provide seamless support to residents. She highlighted a test and learn project that is training staff and volunteers in food banks to have more relational conversations with people accessing food aid in order to identify their wider needs and provide them with more holistic support.

Black Cultural Centre

Councillor Chapman described the success of the Black Cultural Centre's pop-up model, which allows a range of organisations to use the centre to deliver services and events to the community. She said that the pop-up model had

generated a lot of buzz

and had been very successful at attracting visitors to the centre.

Councillor Chapman also discussed the Black Men's Mental Health Project, which provides one-to-one mentoring to students in schools, therapeutic sessions for young adults, and a project to train barbers to provide mental health support to their clients. She said the Council had received

more and more demand

for the project.

Supporting refugees and migrants

Councillor Chapman discussed the Council's Borough of Sanctuary work. She reported that the Council had received 96 applications for its Borough of Sanctuary grant, totalling £3.4 million. Councillor Chapman said she wanted to

go really large with comms

about the Council's work supporting refugees and migrants, and she was hoping to

have billboards on upper street

advertising Islington as a Borough of Sanctuary.

The Committee discussed how to ensure that the Access Islington Hubs are accessible to all communities in the Borough, the level of data that is captured by the community connector service, and the Council's guiding principles for promoting equality.

Anchor Institutions

Council officers presented an update on the Council's work with anchor institutions in the Borough. They highlighted the progress that has been made on developing a shared understanding of social value, and on sharing best practice between institutions on how to procure goods and services from local businesses.

Meet the Buyer

The officers described a 'meet the buyer' event that the Council held in May 2024, which brought together 43 local suppliers and 13 buyers from anchor institutions and their main contractors. The event provided an opportunity for local businesses to learn how to bid for contracts with large organisations, and for anchor institutions to learn about the goods and services that local businesses can offer.

Construction Directory

The officers described the Council's Construction Directory, which lists local businesses that offer a range of construction-related services. The directory is promoted to residents, developers and anchor institutions as a way of encouraging them to use local suppliers.


The officers acknowledged that the Council is at an early stage of collecting data on the impact of its work with anchor institutions. They said they were starting to collect data on the number of local businesses that are winning contracts with anchor institutions, and on the value of those contracts.

Procurement Act

The officers discussed the implications of the Procurement Act 2020 for the Council's work with anchor institutions. They said that the Act places a new emphasis on social value in procurement, and that it requires public sector bodies to set targets for the amount of goods and services that they procure from SMEs.

The Committee discussed how to measure the impact of the Council's work with anchor institutions, whether the Council has set targets for the amount of goods and services that it procures from SMEs, and how to ensure that anchor institutions are embedding good practice on social value throughout their supply chains.

Digital Social Value

Melanie Rose, Director of IT and Digital Services, explained how her department uses its procurement to deliver social value. She highlighted the department's work with Founders and Coders, a local organisation that provides training for software developers, and its commitment to using apprenticeships.

Ms Rose said she felt the Council

need[s] to make better connections across the council

in order to realise the full benefits of the social value clauses in its IT contracts.

Looking Ahead

Councillor Nick Wayne, Chair of the Committee, asked the officers to consider what questions the Committee could help them to answer as part of its scrutiny review of progressive procurement. Councillor Wayne said that

ultimately, there's no point in us coming up with a report if it doesn't help you to develop your thinking around what you want to achieve.

The Chair also said he would be circulating updates on actions arising from previous scrutiny reviews in the next 14 days.

  1. An anchor institution is a large organisation, like a university or hospital, that is rooted in a particular place.