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- Make council decisions easy to find and understand
- Provide regular updates about important local matters
- Help more residents engage with council decisions
Find Your Councillors
Councillors for Hertfordshire

Bob Deering
Executive Member, Resources & Performance — controls the council's budget and can allocate funds to support open council initiatives.

Richard Roberts
Leader of the Council — has the authority to influence council policy and could champion open governance initiatives.

Terry Douris
Chairman of the Council — can influence the council's agenda and promote transparency.

Caroline Clapper
Executive Member, Education, Libraries & Lifelong Learning — could see the value of open governance in promoting civic education and engagement.

David Andrews
Chairman Overview & Scrutiny Committee (OSC) — responsible for holding the council accountable and could support initiatives that increase transparency.

Lesley Greensmyth
Vice-Chairman of the Council — supports the Chairman and can advocate for open governance.

Stephen Boulton
Executive Member, Sustainable Economic Growth — may see the value of open governance in attracting investment and fostering community trust.

Adam Mitchell Hertfordshire County Council

Adrian England

Alastair Ward-Booth

Andrew Williams MBE

Anthony Rowlands

Asif Khan

Calvin Horner

Chris Lloyd

Christopher Alley

Chris White OBE Hertfordshire County Council

Colette Wyatt-Lowe

David Barnard

Dee Hart Hertfordshire County Council

Dr Allison Wren

Dr Ben Crystall

Ellie Plater

Eric Buckmaster

Fiona Guest

Fiona Hill

Fiona Thomson Hertfordshire County Council

Graham Lawrence

Graham McAndrew

Helen Campbell

Ian Albert

Jan Maddern

Jeff Jones

John Graham

John Hale

Jonathan Kaye

Keith Hoskins

Ken Crofton

Laurence Brass

Lewis Cocking

Marios Artemi

Mark Mills-Bishop

Mark Watkin

Michael Muir

Michelle Vince

Morris Bright MBE Hertfordshire County Council

Nigel Bell Hertfordshire County Council

Nigel Taylor

Paula Hiscocks

Paul de Kort

Paul Mason

Paul Zukowskyj

Peter Hebden

Phil Bibby

Phil Williams

Reena Ranger OBE

Richard Butler

Richard Thake

Robin Parker

Roni Hearn

Ron Tindall

Sally Symington

Sandy Walkington

Sara Bedford

Sarah Tallon

Seamus Quilty

Stella Nash

Stephen Cavinder

Stephen Giles-Medhurst

Steve Jarvis

Steve Wortley

Sunny Thusu

Teresa Heritage

Terry Hone

Tim Williams

Tina Bhartwas

Tony Kingsbury Hertfordshire County Council
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