Audit, Governance and Standards Committee - Thursday 5 September 2024 6.30 pm

September 5, 2024 View on council website
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The committee noted the external auditor's annual report for 2022-23, the progress made on implementing the recommendations from external audit, the progress made by internal audit and the draft statement of accounts for 2023/24. Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle MBE was appointed to the audit, governance and standards (standards) sub-committee and to the audit, governance and standards (civic awards) sub-committee.

Governance Issues

Toni Ainge, the interim strategic director of environment, neighbourhoods and growth, presented to the committee. The parking annual report had raised questions about the publication of results from parking reports. Officers undertook to ensure that the results from parking reports are published on the website by the statutory deadlines, and where possible, earlier.

The TfL delivery plan was discussed, and the committee requested information about consultations with area fora on the plan. Officers agreed to bring this information to a future meeting.

Auditor’s Annual Report 2022-23

Grant Thornton presented their annual report, which included their audit findings on the council's financial statements for 2022/23. A member of the public who had previously raised an issue with the 2021-22 accounts was thanked by the committee.

The committee noted that they had held “extensive conversations on community housing schemes and TMOs at previous committee meetings”, and that they appreciated the work put into this issue. The committee requested that information on the TMO liaison management committee be circulated to them. Officers agreed to this request.

Internal Audit Progress Report 2023-24

BDO presented their progress report on internal audit activity between April 2023 and March 2024.

The Cyber-security and IT hardware asset management reports had raised concerns about cyber security and asset management at the council. Officers undertook to bring a full report on these topics to a future meeting of the committee.

BDO also agreed to update some paragraphs in the report that had raised questions from the committee.

Draft 2023/24 Statement of Accounts

The draft statement of accounts for the 2023/24 financial year was presented to the committee. The committee requested an informal session be arranged with officers to discuss the accounts outside of the formal meeting. Officers agreed to arrange this.

The accounts referred to the Southwark360 programme, and the committee requested that a report on the risks and governance associated with this programme be brought to the February meeting of the committee.

The committee also requested confirmation that all questions and challenges to the accounts are confirmed before the November meeting, and that references to data within the accounts are confirmed before the same meeting.

Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

The Annual Governance Statement was presented to the committee for approval.

Housing Revenue Account Update

Officers presented an update on the Housing Revenue Account. The committee requested an update on resident engagement with the HRA, including in particular engagement on “the budgets for detailed issues such as cleaning, estate care, and damp and mould”.