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Planning Committee - Thursday, 12th September, 2024 7.00 pm
September 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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- Chris Lloyd
- Chris Mitchell
- Chris Whately-Smith
- Debbie Morris
- Elinor Gazzard
- Harry Davies
- Philip Hearn
- Sara Bedford
- Stephen King
- Aaron Roberts
- Adam Ralton
- Claire Westwood
- Clara Loveland
- David Heighton
- Katy Brackenboro
- Kimberley Rowley
- Lauren Edwards
- Matthew Barnes
- Matthew Roberts
- Suzanne O'Brien
- Tom Norris
- 241093PIP Permission in Principle Application Erection of a block of six apartments with associ other
- Photographs
- 241101FUL Construction of single storey front extension conversion of garage into habitable accom other
- 241101FUL - Alders 64 Grove Farm Park Site Photos.pdf other
- 241161FUL Change of use of land to residential use in association with Fortunes Farm including e other
- Fortunes Farm photos.pdf
- PRELIMINARY REPORT 240476OUT Outline Application Comprehensive development of the Site deliver other
- Green Street Pictures.pdf
- PRELIMINARY REPORT 240538OUT Outline Application Demolition of the existing farm building and c other
- Green Street Pictures.pdf
- Photographs
- 240518FUL - Change of use of land to horticulture grazing of Alpacas and for the keeping of horse other
- Photographs
- 240918FUL Construction of single storey front and rear extensions conversion of garage into hab other
- Agenda frontsheet 12th-Sep-2024 19.00 Planning Committee other
- Minutes 15082024 Planning Committee other
- Public reports pack 12th-Sep-2024 19.00 Planning Committee other
- 19 Ash Close Photos.pdf other
- 241018FUL - Construction of lower ground floor level and part single part two storey rear extens other
- Photographs
- 231795FUL - Demolition of existing building and erection of 6 no. two storey dwellings with associ