Hanworth Area Forum - Monday, 16 September 2024 7:30 pm

September 16, 2024 View on council website
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The Hanworth Area Forum meeting on 16 September 2024 will include a presentation about a consultation on the Council’s transport strategy, as well as an open forum where members of the public can ask questions about local issues. A “Community Spotlight” will showcase the work of the 7th Feltham Sea Scouts.

Traffic consultation information

A presentation from Finn Campbell, the Council’s Principal Strategic Transport Planner, will present information about the Council’s transport strategy consultation.

The report pack notes that the Council has a statutory duty to produce a new Local Implementation Plan (LIP), which “requires securing of TfL approval of next 3-year programme of works by March 2025 to ensure continuity of funding.”

It also explains that air quality is a major concern for the borough: “Transport accounts for 32% of total CO2 emissions in the borough – now the largest contributing sector.” As well as harming the environment, this also impacts on the health of residents: “Over 100 people die prematurely due to poor air quality in Hounslow each year.”

The report pack claims that:

71% of journeys in the borough [will be] walked, cycled or using public transport by 2041.

It explains that, in order to make this happen, the Council will have to:

be clear on what LBH is responsible for and what is the responsibility of partners (TfL, SWR, Network Rail, National Highways) and how we can influence them.

Area forum changes

Thomas Allan, the Council’s Community Development Manager, will provide a presentation on proposed changes to area forums.

Open Forum

Members of the public will have the opportunity to ask questions in the Open Forum.

The following guidelines will apply:

 Speakers will be allowed at the Chair’s discretion.  The Chair will normally only allow one contribution per person per item and one item per person per meeting.  Items on the main agenda should not be raised in the open forum.  Items where the debate cannot be contained within the public forum may be continued at a future forum or may be put on a future agenda with an Officer’s report.

Community Spotlight: 7th Feltham Sea Scouts

The work of the 7th Feltham Sea Scouts will be showcased in a Community Spotlight.

Informal market place

The meeting will be preceded by an informal “marketplace” from 6.30 to 7.30 pm. The report pack explains that this will be:

A collection of market stalls for residents to visit where Council services and community groups showcase their work, recruit support and distribute information.

Action Plan

The meeting will conclude with a discussion of the forum’s action plan. This is likely to cover any actions arising from the open forum, such as the issues raised at the previous meeting about fly-tipping on Forest Road, traffic congestion on Swan Road, and the condition of the 290 bus stop on Bear Road flyover.